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YARNLADY's avatar

What is the opposite of 'fail'?

Asked by YARNLADY (46773points) March 2nd, 2010

On the internet, when you make a mistake, it is called ‘fail’. What is the opposite called?

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29 Answers

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar


Win! is also acceptable.

DominicX's avatar

I am Teh WinRAR. :)

A “win” is the opposite of a “fail” and indicates something positive, successful, and well-received. A stronger degree of “win” is referred to as an “epic win”. :)

This reply is made of win.

MacBean's avatar

@DominicX: And you are made of awesome. :D

starshine's avatar

Opposite of fail: Victory! Triumph!
Other words for fail: folly, travesty
Other words for epic: herculean, gargantuan

some friends and I made a list of synonyms for these words because we were getting really annoyed with everyone saying ‘epic fail’ all the time.

tb1570's avatar


YARNLADY's avatar

@starshine Ah, that is the one I couldn’t remember – Victory

ucme's avatar

Canada’s hockey team?

Berserker's avatar

@ucme Hell yeah. :)

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline I’m English so have no particular affinity with Canada.I just love seeing the yanks getting beat.It’s good for the soul.

Berserker's avatar

@ucme That was my point too. XD

utzon's avatar

But @Symbeline got it right. In internet lingo OWN (or PWN) is the opposite of FAIL.

ucme's avatar

Ahh the wonderful language of Xbox live.Makes me feel right at home.

Berserker's avatar

@utzon Yeah. Win just means something is awesome, and that one approves.

OWN or PWN means just that, it’s been owned through sheer ass kicking, in its most literal sense.

Zen_Again's avatar

Fail is to succeed, as failure is to success.

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RandomMrdan's avatar

Succeed, pwnage, pwn, win, victory, success, accomplish. Some that came to mind.

bunnygrl's avatar

which perfectly describes Hugh Laurie suddenly glancing at the camera and you get a flash of those beautiful heartstopping “melt you where you stand” blue eyes or just like George Clooney in a tux with the bow tie undone, the top buttons of his shirt undone..and that “makes my heart race”, slightly sideways smile he does so well <turns into a puddle of gooey bunnygrl>
oooooooooooooooooo <falls over with a thud>

tragiclikebowie's avatar

The opposite of fail is not own, it is win. Epic fail or epic win. Own is used as like, “you got owned.” “We owned that guy”, etc. It is used to describe a win, but is not win.

Also, FTW, or for the win, is the opposite of FTL, or for the lose.

Berserker's avatar

For the longest time, I thought FTW was fuck the world.

I’m a sosiopath. :D

utzon's avatar

@Symbeline: Not to be confused with WTF.

Berserker's avatar

Oh I’m well versed with that one…I even use it for where the fuck, or change it to WTH for what the hell.

And then of course, the classic OMGWTFBBQ!!!111!1!!11onelulz

Pseudonym's avatar

@Symbeline That’s what I thought as well for a long time, until I finally got around to realizing that it wouldn’t make any sense and looking it up

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