General Question

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Is it better to take a 2 week vacation or have 10 weeks of working only 4 days?

Asked by Captain_Fantasy (11452points) March 3rd, 2010 from iPhone

The latter is sounding pretty good right now.

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15 Answers

john65pennington's avatar

Two week vacation. this gives you something to look forward to and a time to relax and let it “all hang out”. give me two weeks anytime over your other suggestion. john

Cruiser's avatar

10 3 day weekends would be nice but for me it takes at least a week off to feel like I have had a decent break from work. 2 weeks in a row and I feel like never going back.

davidbetterman's avatar

4 day work weeks = 10 hours/day?

No way. That is completely insane. .

softtop67's avatar

In NYC where people have weekend houses for summers its very common to take off every Friday over the summer. For those who have companies that already are closed on Fridays or offer half days ( summer Fridays), I have seen them take every Monday off

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

David, the idea is to take your vacation time on Friday for 10 weeks instead of taking 10 consecutive work days off.

john65pennington's avatar

Cruiser…...i agree about not ever wanting to go back. i have tried the Friday, Saturday, Suday routine for one year. at first i liked it, then when everyone else was planning their two weeks vacation, i was stuck with my three day regime and honestly, it got old in a hurry. i was allowed to take the three day off situation because of my senority. give me two weeks anytime.

marinelife's avatar

A two-week vacation would be more restorative. It takes your systems nearly a week to unwind from all the job stress.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

A two week vacation is what I would do. :)

davidbetterman's avatar

@Captain_Fantasy Okay, then I opt for a month-long vacation.

Ivy's avatar

Why can’t you have both, one followed by the other?

hug_of_war's avatar

10 weeks of four days just wouldn’t feel like a break to me. Also I couldn’t really go on a destination vacation (at least not as far/long as I’d like to explore a new place). I think with two weeks you can truly disengage yourself from work and come back ready to re-commit to the job.

mattbrowne's avatar

Doctors will tell you: 2 week vacation – it takes the brain a while to switch from work mode to vacation mode

downtide's avatar

Do Americans really only get 2 weeks off in an entire year? 4 weeks is more normal in the UK. I usually take one 2-week break, and the rest as odd days I take as and when I want. So I do both.

YARNLADY's avatar

@downtide Most companies allow 2 weeks the first year or two, then add a week for every few years worked. My husband currently has over 25 years on the job, and 5 weeks vacation. The rub there is they won’t let him take one day a week off, it has to be a full week Monday – Friday. With the previous owner, there was a lot more flexibility.

downtide's avatar

@YARNLADY that’s good to know. :) Thanks.

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