I can email you a link to a very informative site on all things Catholic written by a former nun who has done excellent research if you’re that interested.
Historically, the celibacy rule was instituted for financial reasons, but not exactly the theory you proposed.
Back in the Middle ages the priesthood was much more a power position than necessarily primarily a spiritual one. The sons of nobleman, the ones with the education to be able to read and write were the ones who entered the priesthood.
These were also the ones who would be inheriting their father’s lands. So if the priest was married, all that valuable property went to his sons instead of the church.
But if they had to be celibate, all that land was eventually inherited by the church.
This is also why history is rife with priests (and even Popes) having mistresses and fathering tons of kids apparently with little consequences imposed by the church.
Since any children born were illegitimate, they had no inheritance rights since the father (priest or Pope) was officially “celibate”.
If they tossed out those who violated celibacy that would also mean giving up the land.
So everyone got what they wanted and it was all cloaked in lovely high-falutin spiritual sounding language. Everybody was happy. Except for the women and kids.
Obviously that’s no longer the case in modern times but after all this spiritual sounding justification ( for what amounts to a glorified land and power grab) there just isn’t a graceful way to back out of it. That’s why it makes no LOGICAL sense now. It’s original reason detre no longer exists.
But to be completely fair, I should also add that there were then and there are now exceptions to this.
There were and are those who have been absolutely faithful to their vows of celibacy. They bought into the supposed spiritual basis and for them it became real.
Unfortunately there were and are too few of them. But they do exist.
There is also a HUGE difference between someone voluntarily CHOOSING celibacy for spiritual reasons and having it IMPOSED UPON them as the Catholic church does with gay people. A HUGE difference.