Social Question

What are your thoughts on the Conan O'Brien Jay Leno war?
As Jay Leno begins his new old time slot, I’m curious about what you jellies think about this late-night drama. For the record, I’m with Coco, but I don’t blame Jay Leno for everything. What do you think?

52 Answers

I can’t believe people treat this like it’s news. No offense meant, of course, just answering how I feel.

@laureth I understand what you mean. I just find it interesting, because personally, I like Conan O’Brien, and because it took Jay Leno a reported two years to regain the ratings from Johnny Carson, I find it a bit unfair that Conan was cut after seven months. Just curious about what other jellies think.

I’m still wondering; about those “The Tonight Show” coffee mugs. Do they actually have coffee in them? Everytime I watch it I never see neither Leno or the guests ever drinking from them.
Also, go Letterman.

@Pseudonym I’m seriously wondering about it though lol. There’s also no steam coming from the mugs, so maybe they just put water in?
I know I’m not answering your question here haha, but I really don’t watch much TV at all. I thought Leno was done. (Unless he got back in showbiz I guess.)

@Symbeline You’re probably right. They are probably just water…

Jay has way cooler cars but it’s not enough to hold my interest…time for Ellen to jump the shark “again” and save a network producer from making a meaningful programming decision.

I don’t really feel like Leno should be part of this. It’s CoCo versus NBC.
With that said: I love Conan. I have never liked Leno’s style.

Conan walked away with 40 million in his pocket. I don’t feel sorry for him at all.
I’d take that buyout any day. Source

@worriedguy 40m certainly is not chump change. But he already has a decent amount of money. Sure, he’s no action film superstar. But he’s hosted his show for many years. It’s not like he’d be cash strapped regardless.
and perhaps I misinterpreted him, but I never thought that doing Late Night/Tonight Show was one of those ”It’s just a job” things to him. Obviously anyone would take 40m to get out of a boring 9–5 job where you clock in and zone out.
But it seemed to me like it was a hobby of his. Like he had passion. Like he, dare I say it, enjoyed it.
Those two thoughts together really don’t make it seem so worth it. If more money has little value to you, and you like what you’re doing for a career, to leave it kinda sucks.

I don’t really know what’s going on between them, and I don’t really see any reason why I should care.
Jay Leno left a job to venture into an earlier time slot and Conan O’Brien was offered his job. Conan had been waiting 15 years for that slot and it was always his dream to be the host of the Tonight Show. Jay’s earlier time slot flopped and he wanted his old job back. NBC thinking that it was wiser to go with the host that they knew rather then the new one were happy to let Conan out of his multi million dollar contract by paying him off. Jay could have been gracious and just sat on his hundreds of millions for a while and allowed Conan a shot but was too insecure to admit he actually failed at something. If he was a stand up guy, which he’s not, he would have just taken a project elsewhere and proven himself. Jay’s a scumbag who sold out a long time ago. Here’s Bill Hicks a real comedian on Jay.
I have never liked Jay Leno. And even more so now. He’s not a natural comedian like Conan or Dave Letterman are, and his jokes almost always come from reading punch lines written by other people. And even when he reads “his” jokes, it never comes off as natural or spontaneous. You can tell because he often makes mistakes reading his punch lines, which in turn spoil the humor. With Leno going back into his late night, I don’t really care, because I was never a fan. The entire situation is awkward for him, and for Conan too. They should have just let Conan keep his late night show.

I don’t/didn’t see it so much as Jay vs. Conan war. Yes they competed for the same role but – given the network’s handling of things – each pretty much behaved as anyone would in the situation. Conan’s handling of the tougher situation was admirable (in addition to the genius of garnering a bit o cash for delaying things a few years). Leno could have been more gracious – just in talk/making reference though – not to the extreme of ‘bowing out’ entirely. . I actually thought Conan was better in his late show – can’t pinpoint why – but we went back to Letterman after a couple weeks (only often enough to remember why we’d turned him off way back). Did see Conan’s last show which was excellent. Of all of the late nighters, agree with @keybo – Craig Ferguson is by far the most entertaining, He would/will dominate the timeslot.

I’m a huge fan of Conan. I have been for over half my life. It’s weird not having him on TV and it’s sad that NBC is captained so poorly.
@OperativeQ I agree. In his attempt to be funny, Leno comes off as clumsy and goofy to me.

I’ve written on this before, but I’ll post my thoughts one more time. NBC was the problem, and even beyond NBC, the pursuit of the almighty dollar was really the issue. As many of us remember, once upon a time, NBC had the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, it lasted for 30 years, and for about the last 11 or 12 of those years, NBC had David Letterman in the time slot immediately following Carson, and it worked well. It worked because Carson was an extremely smart, funny, affable person who fit really well with the culture at the time, and because Dave was real, cutting edge, unpredictable, but also in possession of a strong sense of comedic timing. Dave was also extremely intelligent and had a natural affinity for a) interviewing people in an intelligent and interesting manner and b) managing chaos. Dave took risks that Carson never could have, he was edgy, he was for the younger generation, the generation which grew up to be me and my contemporaries. Carson was the accessible guy that anyone could get into….he used double entendre and would get racy from time to time, but he knew how to skirt the line between suggestiveness and blatant obscenity.
Dave and Johnny became great friends, and even though Johnny was Dave’s mentor, his idol, his whole reason for getting into late night comedy in the first place, for many, many years, Letterman joked about Carson getting hit by a bus so Dave could have the earlier time slot. Anyone who watched Late Night with David Letterman for more than about a week realized that Dave’s life long ambition was to take over for Johnny if and when he retired, and that he would have held on as long as necessary. Clearly, NBC wasn’t watching Dave’s show.
What NBC saw back in the early 90s was not this natural progression. They did not see how Dave could be successful in the 11:30 time slot…he was still too edgy, too unpredictable, but what Dave had done over his time at NBC was to really hone his skills. Dave KNEW how to put on the best damn talk show in the world, and had NBC hired him instead of Leno, he would have had a large audience follow him from Late Night to the Tonight Show, they would have kept both Dave and Johnny happy, and Leno would be just another has been stand up comedian today. CBS would not have created a late night talk show just for Leno, he wasn’t a proven commodity. But what he was to NBC was a safe bet. His humor was (and still is) very inoffensive, very whitebread, very non-controversial. Jay plays the game and does not ruffle feathers. He gives middle America the kind of safe, watered down comedy they look for while trying to get to sleep. Basically, Jay had the affability of Johnny, but not the comedic talent. Jay had the ability (and willingness) to deliver weak punch lines and cliched bits, and unlike Dave, he NEVER threatened to go outside the lines. Just try to imagine Jay donning a suit of Alka Seltzer and being dunked into a tank of water, or manning the drive through at a McDonald’s. These things are too off the wall, too dangerous, too much of a risk of offending someone for Jay to do them, he would never want to alienate his core audience. NBC could sense that Jay was basically like that corporate suck up who will take the job and say yes boss, no boss, whatever you say boss, and will never make waves or rock the boat. Jay is a stable, but predictable commodity, one which will never push an envelope…which is a double edged sword…on one side you run no risk of alienating your core audience, but on the other, you run no risk of innovation.
So, what happened? Well, for 17 years, Dave and Jay went head to head. Some times Dave won, some times Jay won. Overall, Jay got better ratings, which is what NBC knew would happen, because his humor is just more accessible to a larger audience. But all of the people who chose Dave, and a good share of the people who chose Jay would have become Dave watchers had he been given the tonight show. So instead of one show getting 2 million viewers and one getting 3 million, well Dave on the Tonight Show would have never gotten all 5 million, but he might have gotten 4. So actually, NBC shot itself in the foot big time with this one, and as a final fuck you to NBC, Johnny was feeding Dave jokes for the last several years of his life! There’s really never been a more clear case of poetic justice.
Now NBC, to their credit, has put forth some really cutting edge material. They hired Conan as a writer for SNL, and then they gave him Dave’s old job, and Conan was even more outside the box than Dave ever was. Conan clearly cut his teeth on Dave the way Dave cut his teeth on Johnny. His humor was anything but whitebread, middle American, safe, predictable tripe. But he was a product of his time. Look at what has happened in popular culture since Dave moved to CBS and Leno took over the Tonight Show. Could any of us have fathomed shows like South Park or Family Guy airing on network TV? Remember it was the late 80s when people were boycotting Married With Children because they made a reference to a dildo. Perhaps it was Clinton’s blow job being broadcast all of the news that made our culture a bit less prudish, but at some point in the 90s, the kind of outside the box comedy that Dave had pioneered and finessed to maturity during his Late Show years became more the societal norm than the play it safe, predictable inoffensive comedy.
Now, Leno’s audience is skewing older and older, while Dave’s audience skews younger, and younger folks have grown up with 150 channels, multiple gaming systems, the internet and cell phones, they’re just not going to as a percentage of their population watch quite as much late night television as are older folks who grew up on late night programming. But what the younger audiences will tune in for is the cutting edge, different humor that doesn’t play it safe. That’s never been what the Tonight Show was about, but you have to realize the same guy had it from the early 1960s (when you couldn’t show Lucy and Ricky sleeping in the same bed, or Elvis’ gyrating hips) to the early 1990s, so it didn’t have a chance to evolve all that much and the first chance it really had to evolve rapidly by having Dave take over, they gave away. But what they did was to give a safe haven to those who still live with an old school mentality, who are still more comfortable with inoffensive, play it safe humor.
The problem is, that audience will die off, and it will be replaced by the Family Guy generation. To grab the audience of today, you need a masturbating bear, not someone asking people easy American history questions on the street and playing back the stupidest answers. Like Dave 17 years before him, Conan was the choice for the future. Conan was the guy who could have breathed new life into the franchise. It would be expected that Dave plays it safer than Conan these days and therefore a lot of the older folks would have migrated his way. Conan would not have succeeded by recapturing the audience that Dave would naturally cannibalize from him. Conan would have succeeded by bringing a younger audience to late night television, he would have ensured the future of the Tonight Show as a long lasting institution and built his audience from the ground up. Jay’s success depended on status quo.
But even Jay wasn’t a hit at first, it took some time for him to consistently beat Letterman in the ratings, which given how non status quo Letterman was and is was really surprising. And a lot of that came from bad PR. Letterman put in his time and had earned the Tonight Show….he knew it, Johnny Carson knew it, all of Dave’s viewers knew it, the only people who didn’t seem to know it was NBC. There was never any question in anyone’s mind that if Dave were ever to be passed up for the Tonight Show, he would not simply sit back in his 12:30 time slot and say, “well, maybe when Jay retires.”
But NBC didn’t realize that. They were short sighted. They thought “it’s just business,” they thought because they could essentially show on paper that Jay would probably bring in bigger numbers than Dave would off the bat that this was all they needed, a simple fact that they could point to and say, “well, it’s just business.” But it was myopic, it didn’t go into what ifs…they were paying Dave well, they had let him have creative freedom in his show, he had created something big, and they didn’t see him walking away form that, because from their perspective, the Tonight Show is a moneymaking venture, whereas to a comedian like David Letterman, the Tonight Show is a hallowed institution which represents the pinnacle of success if you are given the chance to host it.
But when Dave did leave and did set up a competing show, well, they realized that nearly half their audience was going bye bye, and that their calculations about Jay bringing in more money than Dave would have would only have worked IF Dave didn’t compete directly against Jay. But he did, and what Dave did was to build excitement. He brought his core audience to CBS, he won over some of he older folks with his charm and intelligence, and he brought new viewers to Late Night TV. Those were the keys to Dave’s success, but NBC only learned half of their lesson. They learned that the person on AFTER the Tonight Show expects to be next in line, and that if you piss him off, he’ll compete against you and your market share will drop. So, in turn, they realized that it might be better to put on someone who couldn’t pull in as big of ratings, than to keep the guy with the ratings and have the other guy pull some of those ratings away. Jay vs. Dave maybe meant Jay 3M viewers, Dave 2M, while Conan vs. Dave maybe meant Conan 2M, Dave 3M, but Jay vs. Dave vs. Conan probably meant Jay 1.8M, Dave 1.7M, Conan 1.5M.
So, NBC wanted to make sure Conan never entered that fray in a competing position. And as it happened, other networks realized that Conan was a bankable commodity, so when other networks started making offers to Conan, NBC took the wrong lesson from the Dave situation and panicked. What they didn’t consider was that certainly in the 80s, Dave had offers from competing networks, but why would he take them when the Tonight Show was his some day? Conan was in the same boat as Dave…he had offers, and he had time to bide, he would have been foolish to take another network’s offer, because even if Jay lasted 30 years, well, Conan would still be reasonably young and able to put in his own 30 at the Tonight Show, and what’s more, he knew NBC wouldn’t want to make the same mistake twice. He had a great show with a loyal and growing audience and complete creative freedom. And had NBC realized that to some people, there’s just more to life and success than money, they would have realized that even if another network would have paid Conan more, he would not have wanted to leave NBC…NBC gave him a chance, NBC was good to him, and NBC was where he knew he could make his legacy as the future host of the Tonight Show. He wouldn’t have given that up for a few million more bucks. He was already a millionaire, sure he would have loved to have had Jay Leno be a decade or two older, but he would have stuck it out, the same way Dave stuck it out until Johnny was ready to go, even though Johnny had “almost” retired several times by the time he actually pulled the plug.
So, NBC decided to lock in the future, and they told Conan that in 5 years, he could have the Tonight Show, figuring Jay would say, OK Boss, whatever you say Boss, but Jay wasn’t ready to leave. So they told Jay he’d always have a home at NBC, and figured they’d find that home when the time came. THAT was where NBC made its mistake. In their urge to play offense and not defense, they basically forced their cash cow out of where he wanted to be, and expected that it wasn’t a function of Jay’s personality PLUS the Tonight Show that made it a winning formula, but that Jay possessed some sort of mystical power that would have kept him from failure.
So now, you’re left with this new guy who is a little cutting edge for the Tonight Show, and he’s got this monumental task of competing against someone who’s now been on Late Night TV for as long as Johnny Carson was. He was bound to suffer in the ratings, but NBC figured they’d just make up for it by having their cake and eating it too, so they put Jay on at 10. Well, Jay didn’t work at 10, and just as he was no Johnny Carson, he was certainly no Ed Sullivan, and the days of a variety show are over 3 decades gone now, so his show had no chance of survival. But it made money for the network because of low production costs. Unfortunately it wasn’t what audiences have ALWAYS expected at 10pm, drama shows. Drama shows are costly to produce, but they draw audiences. And people are lazy, they’ll watch the news on whatever station they were watching at 10, and then watch whatever Late Night show is on. Now there are a LOT of people who don’t watch like that, but there are more than enough who do that the 10pm time slot is considered a strong factor in the success of what’s on at 11:30.
Now, in the ideal world, NBC would have never offered Conan the Tonight Show until Jay left, but that bridge was burned. So, when the affiliates said that the lack of drama shows at 10pm was killing their news ratings, rather than connecting the dots and realizing that hey, maybe that’s part of the reason Conan’s not doing better has something to do with this, again they only realized half of the lesson. They realized that Jay worked better at 11:30 than he did at 10, but that’s ALL they saw. That and the fact that they didn’t want to lose their corporate yes man cash cow. So, they knew that what was going to be important to Conan was keeping the Tonight Show, they learned that from the Dave fiasco, but what they didn’t learn was that just like Jay + 10pm does not equal the Tonight Show, neither does Conan + 12:05.
When you keep a show in one slot for 60 years, and when television history is littered with the corpses of TV shows that worked in one time slot, but were moved and then didn’t do as well and got canceled, it’s obvious that you don’t move a show from where it’s always been, because it’s no longer the same show. NBC has shown for 2 decades now this unbelievable ability to miss the big picture in favor of the short term gain. This year’s Olympics were a prime example…they bid big money for the games when the economy was good and ad rates were high, then lost money on the deal because the economy collapsed and ad rates collapsed as well. They were thinking about today, not about one step ahead. Basically, I’m betting NBC execs would be horrible chess players.
When 5 years before, they decided to lock in Conan, it was because they didn’t want to lose Conan, that was an in the now decision which didn’t consider other factors. When Jay failed at 10, they acted by trying to keep Jay, priority 1 and keep Conan priority 2 they panicked.
So, where does that leave us. Well, as much as I dislike Jay’s humor and don’t think he’s a good comedian, he never wanted to leave the gig, he never wanted the 10pm slot, and he of course was going to take the offer to go back to 11:30. And if they’d learned ALL the lessons they should have with Dave, they would have known that there was no way Conan was going to let them mess with the Tonight Show to accommodate one person (oh, and their own bottom line). What NBC SHOULD have done was to give Jay a choice between developing something new (like they’re doing with Seinfeld), or taking a payout to walk away. But they feared Jay would go to another network, but it’s hard to imagine someone going from the Tonight Show to competing against it from a competing network which never had a late night presence.
At the end of the day, Jay did exactly what everyone should have expected him to do. I mean, your boss demotes you and comes back to you and says, “I made a mistake, I want to promote you back where you were,” you don’t say no. And Conan did what anyone who has a deep reverence for the Tonight Show would have done….rather than participate in the destruction of a 60 year institution, and make NO mistake about it, moving a show after 60 years would have been a HUGE mistake, he stuck to his principals, and negotiated a good settlement for himself, but also for all his staffers. And he bowed out with grace and dignity and made an impassioned speech, not berating NBC for their current short sightedness, but praising them for giving him such a long career and so many opportunities.
So, for me, it’s not about Jay vs. Conan. If the two were on against each other, I’d watch Conan. I never watch Jay and the few times I have, he hasn’t made me laugh. He’s too vanilla for me. And he can probably be successful for several more years, but Jay’s at the top of the bell curve and has nowhere to go but down, Conan was at the bottom and had nowhere to go but up. It was poor long term planning on the part of a network known for poor long term planning.
And that’s why NBC was #1 forever and now is #4, behind a network that didn’t even exist 25 years ago.

@dalepetrie are there cliff notes for that post? The font is too small!

OK, here are the Cliff Notes:
Jay is lame but not evil
Conan is funny, but was placed in an impossible situation
NBC is run by morons who brought the network from #1 to #4.

Please note that I thought Leno was a douche before all this, too. I don’t think he’s totally to blame for the “war.”

@dalepetrie that was awesome. Thank you.
@MacBean he didn’t start it. But he perpetuated it. Still a douche.

I had no idea about any of this. I don’t have a television, as backwards as that sounds. I hate , no I loathe television. Still I am semi aware of the names and personalities mentioned. I know Conan is not a barbarian but a skinny redhead, and that Jay looks like Mister Potato Head.
I suggest they put on thongs and wrestle in jello to settle this incredibly serious problem like real men. Now that, I might buy a television for.

Believe it or not, there is actually one other thing I meant to say but didn’t.
I thought it was really classless of NBC to start out by praising Conan and making him an offer to keep him, and then when he said no, they blamed the whole thing on his poor ratings. Well it’s been mentioned that it was only 7 months, not enough time…I mean most managers are going to want to see how you do for a normal year before they can you. But those 7 months were anything but a normal year. First Michael Jackson, the biggest celebrity in the Universe dies, then Dave mocks Sarah Palin’s daughter and she accuses him of all sorts of vile shit, then turns out this guy who’s been in the spotlight for 30 years has been having these affairs. All that boded well for anyone BUT Conan…people like to look at a train wreck, and when some went to Dave from Conan, people being creatures of habit, some just never came back. All it would have taken was one big thing to happen in Conan’s life and he’d have been ratings king (as evidenced by his last two weeks on the air, when he achieved ratings the likes of which even Leno never saw).

@dalepetrie Your fucking post made my computer crash.
Still, it was fun and informative. GA dude.
Well that was comprehensive (Holy Shit Dude) and I basically agree except Jay Leno will do anything for money. I think he was just further peeved that his position went from 20 million to 30 million when it was passed to Conan. And then Jay talks like he’s an every day guy and he lives off his stand up income alone and it’s just unfortunate that him and his comrade Conan got mixed up in some awkward negotiations. Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s nauseating.
The truth of the matter is that without the show he’s lost and he doesn’t have any relevance and he knows it. Whether he has to piss on Conan or anyone else to get back to his previously lofty position he cares not. The denial of the fact that his sucess was due to the time slot alone is too much for him to bear because then he would have to address his comedy itself which he seems unwilling to do as long as he can get some canned laughs and a big meal ticket. Many people wouldn’t blame him and many of his detractors are no better, but make no mistake, he sold his ass to the highest bidder and along with it his dignity.

Fox is the only major network that doesn’t blow.
The other networks won’t have funny, intelligent or edgy programming until all the Carson era fogies die off.

@PacificRimjob hey hey hey! Who are you calling a fogie? I loved Johnny Carson, and David Letterman. Once when JC came out as Karnak the Magnificent and tripped and exploded his desk I laughed so hard that I peed. I “got” adult humor for the first time watching Carol Burnett. I don’t like Family Guy because of the way they treat the daughter, but when I see bits of it I laugh in spite of myself.
I watch Conan sometimes and would watch him more but his hair makes me insane.
I forget where I was headed with this….maybe I am a fogie.
Where’s my tapioca?

@SeventhSense – I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment of Jay, and I even pointed out how he was the corporate suck up who’d do anything for the glory and paycheck. But I do have to temper that with the fact that even if Jay weren’t basically a douche as many have pointed out, in this situation he acted how most would act given the same set of circumstances. Like I said, your boss demotes you and you do a crummy job at the new position, you expect the next step is being fired, but if they instead offer to re-promote you to your old job, who wouldn’t take that, especially if they loved that job to begin with and never had any intention of leaving it?
I do however have to say that were I in Jay’s shoes, I’d say to myself, OK, you’ve had 17 years doing this gig, maybe you wanted to do it longer, but really, haven’t you done everything you really needed and wanted to do? Haven’t you already said goodbye and made your peace with it? And do you need the money? Is there anything to be gained by taking this job back other than stroking my own ego? And I’d say to myself, you know what? It’s really time to let someone else have a shot at it, I had a good run, time to share the wealth, anything else is greed. So yeah, I get your point, but I also don’t think Jay was the villain here…worst I can say about him is he’s not funny and he’s opportunistic. And hey, doesn’t that about describe at least half of the population?
Pacific Rimjob is right. Fox news is hilarious. The thing with that network is that they’re just so committed to the issues and entertaining their audience. And man those puppets on the couch are so lifelike. It’s amazing.~
He could have waited a year and still been offered something. There’s just no excuse for his behavior other than really deep seated insecurity. Take a trip around the world. Rebuild a village in Haiti or Africa. Reflect on your life and then come back but give him a chance. And what does he do last night but he puts another nail into the coffin of the show. He has Sarah Palin do stand up. Are you fucking kidding me? The Tonight Show stage was historically The Stage for a comedian. The best of the best got their break from Dangerfield to Seinfeld and it was an important venue. Jay has denigrated it and brought it down to the level of America’s Funniest Videos only assuring that there will be a huge whiplash effect with this one. I think Howard is eventually going to enter the fray and then we’ll have a talk show. He’s a great interviewer and at least he admits he’s a narcissist.

Hello, this is me, Jay Leno.
Please stop hating on me. I’m just a nice guy, I like to tell jokes and , most of all, I love cheese.
I even have a car made of cheese.
About, the tonight show controversy, well… It wasn’t my fault. And it wasn’t Conan’s fault as well.
I just did what NBC told me to do. I mean, afterall, everybody got screwed:
Conan got screwed because he was forced to go back to midnight and than he rejected and leaved the network.
I got screwed because my show got cancelled and I had to go back to 11.30 and have the tonight show back.
Letterman got screwed because, with my return to the 11.30 time slot he got his ass kicked again in ratings.
Kim Kardashian got screwed… OH BOY! SHE DID GET SCREWED! You know in that video tape.

So tell me, you got real coffee in the mugs you give to your guests? I never see anybody drinking out of them. Ever. Only once some guy took this type of weird sip, like as if he wasn’t sure about it…

Hey guys! It’s Jay here.
I would like to show an Idea that my writers had last year when we had that controversy around the Tonight Show.
It’s something that never got to be done because it was too edgy and, you know, I’m not secure with edgy humor so I just rejected this. But although, I thought this was quite funny.
It’s an Idea for a musical featuring me and Conan O’brien singing a version of a song from ABBA.
That’s right, they had to copy one of the ABBA songs because they can’t do anything original.
The song is called Gimmie gimmie gimmie (A show before midnight)
[Jay’s part] Eleven thirty
And I’m watching the Tonight Show in my house all alone
How I hate to spend the Late Night on my own
Comercial break
And the Tonight Show Band plays the host off
And it makes me so depressed to realize I’m home
There’s not a network executive out there
No one to ear my wish
Gimmie gimmie gimmie a show before midnight!
[Jay’s quote] But not at ten o’clock because it’s gonna be a failure.
Gimmie gimmie gimmie a show before midnight!
[Conan’s quote] Don’t send me to twelve o’five because that’s already a new day
[Conan’s part]Movie stars.
Scientists and comedians they all sit next to me
In the couch that was made specifically for them
Tired of hosting Late Night
I always dreamed of hosting this
The greatest franchise on the history of TV
There’s not a network executive out there
No one to ear my wish
Gimmie gimmie gimmie a show before midnight!
[Jay’s quote] But not at ten o’clock because it’s gonna be a failure.
Gimmie gimmie gimmie a show before midnight!
[Conan’s quote] Don’t send me to twelve o’five because that’s already a new day
Gimmie gimmie gimmie a show before midnight!
Gimmie gimmie gimmie a show before midnight!
There’s not a network executive out there
No one to ear my wish
Gimmie gimmie gimmie a show before midnight!
[Jay’s quote] But not at ten o’clock because it’s gonna be a failure.
Gimmie gimmie gimmie a show before midnight!
[Conan’s quote] Don’t send me to twelve o’five because that’s already a new day

To celebrate all the fighting around the Tonight Show I would like to make a music clip alongside with David Letterman and Conan O’brien. It would be a version of the spice girls “Wanna Be”.
Check it out
(Dave) Yo, I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want
(Conan) So tell me what you want, what you really really want
(D) I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want
(C) So tell me what you want, what you really really want
(David and Conan together) I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna
I wanna really, really really be the host of the “Tonight Show”
(Jay) If you want the “Tonight Show”, you’re gonna have to fight
Beacuse I have NBC with me, they’re on my side.
So don’t go wasting your precious time
Go to another network and you will do just fine.
(C) I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want
(D) So tell me what you want, what you really really want
(C and D) I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna
I wanna really, really really be the host of the “Tonight Show”
(C & D) If you wanna host the “Tonight Show”
You have to take down Jay Leno
(To take down Jay Leno)
You may not last forever but that show never ends
If you wanna host the “Tonight Show”, you must have to be
funny as Johnny Carson and not have a big chin
(NBC executive) So, what what are you thinking now, that you know our point of view?
Say you can handle this, is that for real?
We won’t be patient, We want results now!
And if you don’t get big ratings than you can say Goodbye!
(D) I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want
(C) So tell me what you want, what you really really want
(C & D) I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna
I wanna really, really really be the host of the “Tonight Show”
If you wanna host the “Tonight Show”, you have to take down Jay Leno
You may not last forever but that show never ends
If you wanna host the “Tonight Show”, you must have to be
funny as Johnny Carson and not have a big chin
If you wanna host the “Tonight Show”, you have to take down Jay Leno
You may not last forever but that show never ends
If you wanna host the “Tonight Show”, you must have to be
funny as Johnny Carson and not have a big chin