Can we all gather round the campfire, and bid congratulations to our newest 20K member?
Asked by
filmfann (
March 3rd, 2010
It’s dpworkin, and he has been workin it hard to hit 20K so fast!
Show some lurve, and give it up for the man!
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95 Answers
I stayed up way past my bedtime for this, young man!
Mazel Tov!!
I said it once, and I’ll say it again:
@dpworkin gets lurve so fast he makes Speedy Gonzalez look like Regular Gonzalez.
Woo-Hoo!!! Congratulations dpworkin. It looks like you’ve been workin quite a bit.
It is an amazing tribute to your skills at answering peoples questions! Congrats!
I truly am a fan of yours.
Wow, that’s quite a feat! Congrats, buddy!
Congrats, PD. (You will always be pd to me.)
With 20K, you get the all Cognitive Therapy referrals to supplement your income… Congrats!
Fastly, indeed.
Congrats, man!
CONGRATS, PD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥
I’m delighted to welcome you through the portal. You’ve shared your journey with us as well as your ample knowledge and your bountiful opinions. You’re not afraid of a little sparring, but you have a generous sense of humor and plenty of heart. Congratulations, PD.
Damn, son. Congratulations.
Whooooo! Definitely well deserved! Fluther on, good sir!
Hot damn!
congratulations, you ornery old man.
I’m very impressed. That’s a lot of K
DAMN! Not even here a YEAR and already at 20k. I bow to you and aspire to be ½ the Flutherer you are.
Congrats dude. Keep this up.
Hoodle Hoo Way to go congrats!
you really deserve the hot-tub you’re getting, you’re own personal master bedroom!!(no more dorms!!) you’re own master restroom and your refrigerator full of cookies and milk. THE 20K MANSION!!!
WOOHOOO. you’re a great jelly, pdworkin. One of THE BEST!!
I want to be just like you when i grow up, except, the female version!
@cyndihugs You deserve 20K for that awesome picture! :)
And the uber creative jelly award goes to @cyndihugs. :)
Fantastic! Congratulations. :)
Oh my god! Happy 20k!! Have fun bouncing around up there with the other 20k’s! :)
::slow clap:: Congrats @dpworkin! You’re not afraid to call it as you see it!
So I’ll, uh, I’ll just hang outside here… for a bit. You know, just… canItakeaquickpeekinsideHEY! Darn. Door’s shut.
@aprilsimnel, stay under the portico, darlin’, it won’t be long.
Great work dp! Enjoy the 20k, and thanks for all your down to earth, sensible answers.
Congratulations, @dpworkin! I suspect, however, that you only abducted @pdworkin and/or his ~20K lurve.
How fantastic!! Congrats!!!
Damn, that was quick. Congrats, PD! I’m with petey on that, though I could just as well rename you mr-grumpy-that-I-love-anyway. :D
THAT’S AWESOME!!!! Much lurve to you and many more!!!
I am truly impressed. It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating your 10K. Damn that was fast.
You are really awesome !
We’ve had some differences, but the big difference now is about 17,000!
Way to go you master debater!
To 20k and beyond! Congratulations!
Well done! Quips or serious answers- your input is golden.
I am EVER so proud!!!!!!!!! :)
Great workin dp, awesome job :-)
Ooh campfire…let’s make smores! Congrats!
I love large numbers. Well done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Big numbers for a guy who boasts about being a “Grumpy old man, know-it-all.”
Congrats are definitely in order.
Way to go, dude! Congratulations!
Congratulations! I promise to stay off your lawn, yessir!
I hope he doesn’t mind but I would like to share the PMs I traded @dpworkin just yesterday…..well, actually on July 29, 2009, but it seems like it was just yesterday:
wtf to dp: Welcome to fluther & to my fluther, as well. See you around….Gary (aka wtf)
dp to wtf: Thanks, how nice, I hardly know anyone around here.
wtf to dp: Stick around….you will not only know many people but will count them as friends in short order. You’ve been here but two days and I quickly picked up on your insightful posts. I predict you will be very popular here, very soon, and that’s from the tone and wisdom in your posts, not necessarily a specific position or opinion (the political and religion discussions can get quite heated but in the end we almost always part friends). See ya….Gary (aka wtf)
What can I say, but…....right again! Congratulations @dpworkin and stick around…’ll be at 30K before you know it (and to me, I guess it will seem like just tomorrow).
See ya…..Gary/wtf
Congratulations! Quite a feat in less than a year. :~)
Mazel Tov™ Mazel Tov™ Mazel Tov™ Mazel Tov™
Mazel Tov™ Mazel Tov™ Mazel Tov™ Mazel Tov™
Mazel Tov™ Mazel Tov™ Mazel Tov™ Mazel Tov™
Back atjew, zisskeit!!
Congrats @dp! Your 20k is well deserved and your participation on fluther is well appreciated.
Cupcakes to you.
Finally, someone to keep all the 20k+ people in line!
Oh, this DOES call for a party! Congratulations, my friend. It’s been fun knowing you & talking to you. You keep things interesting around here. :-)
You shoot from the hip. Hitting the target. I like that!
Congratulations and pass the marshmallows.
(You are one of the posters who I always read.) Cheers.
Congratulations! You contribute so much to Fluther and truly deserve all this recognition!
I was working and hence late to the party but DANG!!! I will miss you in the mansion pd!
I offer a breakfast of mimosas and crepes to all!
@dpworkin joined Fluther on the same day as me and I don’t even have half the amount of lurve that he does! That is amazing. Keep on lurvin’ dp!
Congrats on reaching 20K!!!
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :)
Thank you all so very much. You are, after all, the little people who made all of this possible.
I received a letter from Andrew, Ben, Tim and Auggie today, by Certified Mail, (Return Receipt Requested) stating that from this day forward I am exempt from any and all moderation! So watch your asses, you bastards.
we love u dp ( I used to think it was Pd haha)
@Dog Notice he didn’t put your name on the letter so you can still mod him!
Dawgie is under orders to leave my ass alone.
Is that what you write your posts with? (Sorry, pd, you left me no option here.)
So you picked the wrong one? Sorry.
Wow! Party time!Congrats to a very deserving jelly!!
@dpworkin Exempt from moderation? I don’t bloody think so!!!
Talk to Ben, Andrew, Tim and Auggie. It was their idea.
Dang @dpworkin, well done on the 20K! Congratulations and cheers!!!
I’m so EXCITED!!!!!!!!! :)
I’m late to the party. Congratulations!
So late to the party….Congrats! Amazing accomplishment!
What the heck? Wasn’t it just the other day I was congratulating you on 10K?!?
you’re a coralreef star for sure now!! and your wisdom has never wavered- thanks!
:::modest bow:::
(where the fuck is Andrew? You’d think he’d have come crawling in here on his knees.)
I’m late! Congratulations! It seems like you just hit 10K. You are a wonderful contributor that I always look forward to reading. Glad WTF (Gary) was there to welcome you in the beginning.
Well, shit. Here it is.
Congrats you know I hate lurve you!
@tinyfaery The longer I know you, the higher my regard for you.
Oh man I missed it! Congratulations, you deserve all 20K lurve and more. :)
Finally I found this!
I’m always impressed when someone reaches 20K, excellent job!
Whoa, I’m very late in getting here. Sorry. CONGRATULATIONS on 20k! Most excellent, sir! Way to go!
@J0E Auggie posts a link to the 20K party in the user’s PM when they hit it….
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