How do you decide that the today's day is good or bad to you?
if you wake up early in the morning & see the beautiful rising sun,chirping of birds,taking the cool breeze.
By feeling all these things ,Do yo think that, Is this a same day that i have been waiting for?
Is it good to me? All of my wishes will complete today..?
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Not really. Unfortunately, I decide these things after the day is over, however useless that may be at the time.
Any day I wake up alive is a good day. It either goes up or down from there.
It’s a good day, when my coffee tastes perfect, I don’t get in an argument, and hit a ton of green lights
Now is the only moment there is, so if I’m sufficiently aware (at any particular moment) I acknowledge the absurdity of waiting for that which is already here.
Whether now is “good“or “bad” is merely, then, a reflection of my ever delusional state of mind and has nothing to do with whatever environment or circumstance I may…or may not be experiencing.
It doesn’t take much to make me happy any more. I was happy yesterday because I didn’t have to go anywhere and because it was pouring rain. Today I did have to go somewhere, and that was fine too. There was sunshine and there was rain, and I liked them both. I think what it takes to make a good day is me.
Every day when I wake up I ask myself how I can make this the best day of my life, and then I get up and make it happen.
I decide what kind of day I’m having the moment I wake up. It’s usually the mindset I adopt in the first few minutes of waking that determines and sets off the mood for the day.
It’s always a good day sometimes at the beggining, but maybe later that night something bad happens ;(
I like to think that no major crisises are building up I can hardly be blamed if I haven’t heard of them yet I feel secure in my relationships Aahh! it hurts so good “Mellencamp” I’m able to move around freely and the night before I sleept like the dead. It sounds like a lot to ask for. Maybe I should be more frugal. Anyways I must have those elements to feel well.
If I can put both feet on the floor, that’s a good day. : ))
Rain or shine if I wake up again it is always a great day!!
Until I’ve had my espresso fix, all days are bad days. Right now, if we can get the daily work schedule completed without anyone getting hurt, it’s a good day. Having ten pretty girls working for me makes the day at least visually pleasant.
I got two simple rules that keep me from being too depressed (or too elated):
1. Any day that I can wake up and get out of bed is a great day!
2. Any day that I have to get out of bed, well… how good can that day be, really?
Traffic lights.
I find if I hit all or most of the lights going to work. The day will play out in the same fashion.
I make sure I have a good day if I have to kick someone’s @$$ to do!
It is a good day if I sleep well the night before. I didn’t sleep well, and woke up to a rude comment. not a good day so far
I hired someone to let me know. If it wasn’t for her I’d never know whether to laugh or cry.
Every day is a good day. Even on the days when things seem to consistently go awry, I just deal with it and move on… I’m not gonna let one or one hundred crappy annoyances ruin my day. The only bad days I could imagine are those when one loses a loved one.
As I write this, it blows my mind that a few short years ago I was chronically depressed, and I’d have told you that every day is a bad day. These reminders of the progress I’ve made really help me feel even better about myself and life in general!
I’m alive and I woke up in America, so it’s a good day, compared to almost everyone else in the world.
But if you want a specific “thing,” when I step on the scale in the morning and I weigh a little less than the day before, it’s going to be a good day! (Unless someone brings me brownies at work, LOL
I consider all of them good unless something happens to change my mind.
Matters how I wake. If I wake and feel good Unless something horrible happens I will probably have a good day. If I am in a bad mood when I wake lookout. Everything will be taken personally.
Well, I suppose I could learn to MAKE them, if that’s what you mean, but if you’re talking about actually walking around in SNOW with them on, include me OUT! LOL!
I went through the Army’s Winter Operations Instructor course back many years ago, and learned to ski, use snowshoes, tow an akkio, and other obscenities. After that, I vowed never to allow myself to be snookered into COLD weather again, much less anything close to the – 42 degree abominations perpetrated upon innocent human beings in Minnisota! : )
the dreams I’ve had
the mood the day before
the feeling in my tummy
the atmosphere leaking in through the windows
the schedule
but mostly…
what the scales say
When I wake up and realize that I am still here, it’s a good day. Even the crappy stuff doesn’t seem to shake me anymore.
I think hearing those sounds and waking up to chirping birds doesn’t necessarily determine whether or not my day is good or bad, it just puts me in a good mood, which I can then say that I started off this day on a good note. But the events happening throughout the course of the day really depends on how my day is going when there are more hits than misses, or the other way around. I guess though, I really see if a day is good or bad by the end of the day.
My job and its stresses are unpredictable that I never know, on a weekday, what the day will be like. However, once we’re in the weekend I know I’ll love the days with my kids and husband.
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