I am curious about droopy pants.
Asked by
YoH (
March 5th, 2010
Back in the day, droopy pants were viewed as sloppy. Today they are everywhere and I do not understand the appeal. Any thoughts on this?
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44 Answers
What are ‘droopy pants’? Is it sagging pants? If so, yes it’s ridiculous and it’s a part of the culture, people usually grow out of it once they leave high school.
Indeed droopy pants are sagging pants or pants on the ground.
This is a fashion that was started in prisons where they do not take too much care to fit you properly, and they do not allow you a belt.
Much against their own best interests, inner-city young people tended to idolize convicts, and began to imitate the convict look.
The original reason has become obscure since every suburban white kid started to emulate the “Gangstah” look, and it no longer has much emotional resonance,
It’s just yet another way of exhibiting your stupidity. I appreciate people who sag their pants because I instantly know to avoid them. As if they’re carrying signs that say “I’m a loser, don’t bother associating with me.”
Droopy pants are cool. They are also a way of rebelling against the parents who don’t like them.
The style of droopy pants started when prison inmates had belts confiscated. At that time it was a badge of honor among gang members, since they had served time “for the cause”. This style was adapted by “gangsta rap” and related genres.
I was typing this at the same time as @dpworkin was posting.
@bvdshec17 how do you resist the temptation to pants people like that?
Funniest thing I ever saw was a boy running from the police while trying to hold his pants up. The style is definitely not conduscive to running from the police. Might make a good place to hide stuff like weapons maybe.
@Val123 We all know the song, unfortunately. That was not necessary lol.
One should stop wearing them after junior high school, but I know a 32 year old man who wears them. I think they look stupid, and they force one to walk like a penguin. I always want to run up behind the person wearing them and yank them the rest of the way down.
@Trillian Agreed. Totally tacky! And stupit lookin’.
I would like to yank their pants down and push them over and then stand there like the tuff guy from Back To The Future and point and laugh.
Ye know what? I’m haaaappy! I love Droopy.Tex Avery, take a bow.
It holds no appeal for me.A man in a well-tailored suit is a beautiful sight to behold.:)
And what’s the deal with those oversized t-shirts?
Those of you who are relying on the somewhat thoughtless epithet “stupid” when talking about a style that has had deep significance for the future of the social contract in the US are not thinking things through very well.
How will these culturally and economically deprived children ever have a chance to make good and become important contributors?
@bvdshec17, I have suspected some of those getups to be one-piece garments actually sewn with the boxers on top and the jeans stitched on some inches lower. Any chance that is true?
@dpworkin, didn’t people ask the same thing about the hippies? How can anyone who’s barefoot and wearing flowers and beads ever become a useful member of society? I am wondering now if ‘useful member of society” was a synonym for “conservative, just like us.”
It’s part of the “gangsta” look. Personally I don’t understand the type where you have to constantly grab your crotch in order to walk around. This or this type, in other words.
I don’t wear baggy jeans, I never have. I don’t wear skinny jeans, but I’ve always worn “slim fit”. I sag sometimes and I have all throughout high school. The difference is that I only sag a little in the back, which is the cool white way to do it. The only time it ever backfired on me were those times when the side of my butt was showing in Economics class and it happened twice. And I still have no idea how many times it happened without me even noticing it…
No picture of “sagging” I could find on the internet seems to match what I did, but I assure you it wasn’t much as far as how low it was.
It’s fun to judge people by their clothing without knowing anything about them. :)
@Jeruba I am talking about kids with no ideology who worship convicted criminals. I fail to see the connection with quotidian rebellion.
Well, on the bright side….they can’t run from the cops so good!
@Jeruba “I am wondering now if ‘useful member of society” was a synonym for “conservative, just like us.””
100% correct.
I figured we would all be wearing streamlined jump suits by now.
Not pants down to our knees with our under ware hanging out.
Very not Logan’s Run.
@dpworkin My response was directed other than your way. That you take things so personally when you are not even involved actually tells me volumes about you and your ideas.
You quoted a remark directly addressed to me by name. Go look.
LOL…As if you owned that remark. Why are you in such a nasty mood today?
No one is going to respond to my sarcastic response. Oh well. Guess it really is okay to judge people by their clothing sometimes. Would explain why I hate emo guys so much…
At least they are wearing pretty boxers. That look is much preferable to old men who wear their trousers under their bulging bellies and show their saggy old man bottom cleavage. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
Take a look at these pix of droopy drawers.
I’m glad our schools don’t allow such.
Fact from fiction, truth from diction. As I was told by a member of ETGC (eight trey gangster Crips) that is was a way for them to tell who was a Crip and who was a civilian. This was back in the early 80s when the Crips where really trying to flex their muscle and more so against their arch nemesis the Pyroos (Bloods). To could not go around wearing Crip jackets like the Mongols, Hells Angels, and the Outlaw bikers and fly under the radar of law enforcement. Saggy jeans were a way everyone in the “hood” knew your affiliation but you did not broadcast it to those who didn’t know, like the cops and other people from outside the area. Then a cache of these gangbangers figured out they can tell their stories in rap music and after they somehow got exposure (a tone deaf music exec no doubt) and got videos out the youth culture embraced the look as “cool”, and since “Thug Life” portrayed money, limos, and hos, many in the inner city looked up to these clowns. The trouble is they never grew out of the silliness and generations behind them picked up on it not knowing where the trend started.
@Yetanotheruser Har har har Yeah he looks like a catoon character Har har Heaven forbid some dog chases him me wold never be able to get away, he might even trip himself when his saggy jeans fall around his ankles har har!.
Stupid is what stupid does.
It DOES look stupid. 100% agreement with @ChazMaz.
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