General Question

Brian1946's avatar

How is it that Jerry Brown can run for governor of California after having already served 2 full terms?

Asked by Brian1946 (32750points) March 5th, 2010

I thought that California had a limit of two full terms per person for gubernatorial office. Am I wrong?

If I’m not, could it be that Brown didn’t serve two full terms?
Is there some exception to this limit which qualifies Brown to run for an apparent third term?
Could it be that the limit only applies to consecutive terms?

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15 Answers

wundayatta's avatar

He’s grandfathered in. At the time he was governor, there were no term limits. So he can be elected again for two more terms, I believe.

Strauss's avatar

According to Wikipedia, the governors of California have a term limit of two terms, if served after November 6, 1990. Jerry Brown was governor from 1975 to 1983, so it does not apply to him.

Dr_Dredd's avatar

I wonder what Arnold’s going to do next…

Brian1946's avatar

@wundayatta @Yetanotheruser

Thanks for your answers.


Are you glad that Arnold can’t run for president?

Dr_Dredd's avatar

@Brian1946 I’m not sure. I think he’s less crazy than many of the other candidates…

Strauss's avatar

I’m not a big fan of “Ahnold” as an actor, and even less as a politician, but I think he has been able to do more for California than Jesse “The Body” Ventura ever did for Minnesota.

Jewel's avatar

Jerry Brown is still alive?

filmfann's avatar

Governor Moonbeam is alive and well. He spent the last 12 years as Oakland’s Mayor, and as the state Attorney General. I don’t believe he has dated Linda Ronstad in many years, tho.

tinyfaery's avatar

Arnie has done nothing for California. I can’t wait to vote for Jerry Brown. How exciting.

Brian1946's avatar


If I vote for Brown (if I don’t, I’ll probably vote Green and not Whitless or Poisoner), it’ll be my third time.

filmfann's avatar

Meg Whitman is my favorite kind of Republican.
The kind that doesn’t vote.

Brian1946's avatar


Good one and I agree.
I’m also very fond of Republicans that don’t run for office either. ;-)

Judi's avatar

I have 2 son in laws that work for the state of California. Any Arnie movies are now banned from their homes. They hate the guy.

davidbetterman's avatar

Meg Whitman nearly ruined EbAY. She will finish the horrific job Arnold started.

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