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Do you find supermarkets traumatic?
I thought it was because I was bipolar, but someone else mentioned how they despised going to the supermarket. I find the lights too bright, the music loud, the shelves and shelves of variations of the same products irritating. Then there are the queues, with annoying people in front of me. The loud beeping noises of the tills. It is not humane? Surely? If I could have my way I would go back to the days of streets lined with pleasant shops. With pretty front façades each selling their different wares. The butcher the baker the candle stick maker. That type of thing. Or I would launch a chain of supermarkets with soft lighting, smooth classical music, fountains everywhere, with occasional chairs. A play room for kids, and a rest room for the elderly. Does anyone agree with me on this? Or am I on my own trip? How would you change supermarkets? Do you think they ever will?
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