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Just_Justine's avatar

Any ideas for a sagging chin aside from surgery?

Asked by Just_Justine (6511points) March 5th, 2010

Even when I was much younger and a heck of a lot thinner, I had a “double’ chin. I was just made that way. Of course it was smaller. As I grew older and more decrepit it has gotten worse. My question then is, are there technologies to minimise it? Does make up contouring really help? I will never have surgery as I feel it is traumatic for the body, besides I smoke. Has anyone else got one?. Or a part they hate that they have learned to ignore. I try to but my friends who are all younger and more gorgeous tease me about it. I guess its become pretty obvious is what I am saying. I asked my son if he thought it was bad and he just makes turkey noises!! Any advice, similar experience, help or other appreciated thanks!

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