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ucme's avatar

(NSFW) What's your opinion on Swedish penis enlargers? "It's not mine,honestly"!

Asked by ucme (50052points) March 5th, 2010

What is it with this reputation of the Swedish as being fucking sex maniacs.For as long as I can remember they’ve been a reference point for all things sexual.Yeah they have a wonderful relaxed nature but, where the hell did this all originate from?Humour as always is positively encouraged.

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22 Answers

TexasDude's avatar

Because… just because.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

We call them hammers here in the US ;)

ucme's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Ahh, that’s my six sorted. Should be enough to occupy me until morning.

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille OUCH!! got ya, that nailed it.

octopussy's avatar

Oh Behave!

Cruiser's avatar

Because we are dammit and don’t try and make me prove it…you are not my type!!

CMaz's avatar

All that free expression and junk.

bhec10's avatar

They live in a cold country, therefore they need to stay warmvery warm!

njnyjobs's avatar

uhmmm… they need it…????

wtfrickinfrack's avatar

Who couldn’t be a sex machine while living in the same country as this guy ??

jaytkay's avatar

Yeah, them Swedes are HAWT!!1!

bhec10's avatar

@wtfrickinfrack and @jaytkay I almost peed in my pants because of you 2!!

DominicX's avatar

Well, I just read “The Swedish-Made Penis Enlarger and Me: This Sort of Thing is My Bag, Baby” by Austin Powers and I found it to be very informative, but it didn’t explain the Swedish association with sex.

Violet's avatar

I’m sorry, but I have never heard of this Swedish reputation. Of the thousands of porn videos I’ve seen, none were tagged with Swedish. I have heard German, Asian, Latina, etc. But never Swedish.

ucme's avatar

@jaytkay For the love of god.So the swedish hills have eyes also.

ucme's avatar

@bvdshec17 Just checking the next flight to Stockholm.They are adorable!

ucme's avatar

@Cruiser My door swings one way…!

bhec10's avatar

@ucme Can i come with you? Pleeeeeeeeeeeease? :-)

ucme's avatar

@bvdshec17 Why not? More than enough totty to go around.I don’t want to appear greedy after all.

bhec10's avatar

@wtfrickinfrack That song is still in my head! “Ooohh, you touch my tralala… Mmmmm, My ding ding dong.” lol

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