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What major to pick?
I am currently studying graphic design, and realised that I am falling through a different path, now the problem is I am in between two majors, in which i dont know what do decide. As a future career what i want to do is to work in the movie industry creating the visuals, the effects and the graphics that go in a movie, (for a now a day eample, alice and wonderland) one of the programs is called game art and progrmming, and the other is media arts and animation. what i was told at my school is that the game art programming major is focused more on the technical part, making the objects and characters moves, with coding and such, as to the media arts and animation is more the artistic side, actually doing the modelings and the animations and such. I need help in deciding which major is going to put me where i want to be after i graduate. what are your thoughts?
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