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What kind of sports fan are you?
I’ve been thinking about this lately. I live in a metropolitan area where we have pro and college football, pro and college baseball, and…college basketball. We used to have an NBA team, not anymore. I listen to sports radio a lot, and I’ve found recently that when I hear people calling in to talk about the NBA, any discussion that centers on getting a team back to this area is interesting enough, but there are people who call in just to talk about professional baskeball. And I find myself not giving a crap about it.
So I got to wondering, how and why are people sports fans? There are obviously those out there who just love sports, and they’ll follow almost any sport even if they don’t have a team. There are those out there who have teams, who are rabid fans even if their team hasn’t been a contender for decades. I’m not looking for people to give me a hard time here, but although I’m a loyal baseball fan, for other sports I’m more of a fair weather fan, who has a MUCH greater interest when my teams are good…when they’re not, I focus on other things (like, my kids need their dad).
So, what kind of sports fan are YOU? And why?
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