Can I still eat my food after it's walked over by ants?
I’ve noticed that ants were invading my pizza today and they walk on it when I left it for awhile. I drove them away(every piece of them) but I’m not sure if it’s okay to eat my pizza. We know studies has shown that ant is a clean creature(they often clean themselves),but I’m not sure if I think about what they’ve been going through,since they live underground they’ll carry microscopic organism along with them(worm eggs,bacteria,virus,etc) and I’m not sure if the way they clean their body part is really that effective toward all those dangerous microorganism,plus we can’t tell whether or not they have cleaned themselves before they walks on our food. So,can I really eat this food?.
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45 Answers
In all likelihood they are cleaner than the average kitchen counter. I say this based on personal experience in microbiology class.
I have. I didnt know there were aints in the cereal so I ate the ants as well. They had a strong citrus like taste to them.
You could, but should you?
You could eat the ants, too. I wouldn’t do it, but you can.
I’ve eaten ants. They’re spicy. Go for it.
@all,thanks for your opinion.
@marinelife I hope I don’t have to. But it’s new and I don’t like to waste food.
@Doctor_D Your eating whatever they walked thru, hope there isn’t any bird crap, etc where it was setting, I’m assuming you were outside.
I’d eat it – if it’s pepperoni.
Let us know what happens.
Into evey life a little germ must fall. If the thought of it doesn’t gross you out, eat it and be healthy.
I have. I lived.
I’ve also eaten microwaved ants before. They are bitter. Not recommended.
You might be eating some ant poop if you eat it, but for sure, your food has been contaminated, and who knows if ant poop morphs into a living organism that invades your intestines?
Hmmmm….did they take their shoes off first?
I would not eat that Sam I Am
Gross. I’d rather they left their shoes on. Dirty smelly ant feet.
As has been mentioned, ants are edible. I didn’t know that about them being relatively clean, which is interesting. I will say, though, that they give off a certain odor (squish one and smell your fingers, you’ll see what I’m talking about), which you might be able to detect in your food.
I had ants in a bag of Honey Smacks years ago. For some unfathomable reason, I decided to eat the cereal anyway, sans ants. There was a weird flavor, not to mention I ended up being a little skeeved out about the ants crawling in the bag, which has ever since completely put me off puffed rice cereal.
If you have to ask the question, you should play it safe.
Honestly, that’s pretty disgusting.
If you can stomach it, I say do it. <<chants>> Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.
Not only can you eat the food they’ve walked on, you can eat THEM too! Um… as long as they’re not fire ants.
Totally, they love to be clean, even cleaner than your dirty, dirty hands.
You really want that pizza, huh.
Sure. You can eat the ants, too.
@MissAnthrope your story reminded me once of the time I was eating a bag of potato chips as a kid… until I noticed some of the “salt crystals” walking on one of the chips.
I never did find out what those were.
I say go for it.
I personally rather like chocolate-covered ants. I haven’t had the chance to eat insects in any form other than candy, but many peoples all over the world use them as a major source of protein.
Honestly, it’s not gonna kill you.
With the sort of jungle warfare training and survival training I had in the Army, I suppose I’ve eaten just about everything anyone could think of as being even marginally “edible!” LOL! Rat, rabbit, fox, eel, insects… the list is long, but not very appetizing! Heh!
Fun Fact: Ants have alcohol in their bodies to keep them from freezing in sub-freezing weather.
Ah HA! So THAT expalins why I was feeling no pain after that last training exercise! : D
o man i feel like pizza now.
Would you like that with or without ants?
Yes you can. My friend Don is a treecutter and accidentally eats ants all the time. He says they taste like salt. He’s never suffered for it. So it would be logical to assume that their footprints are fairly safe on your food.
I would if I could get past the mental picture of bugs all over my food.
Would you like ants with that? : )
Does this mean that Fire Ants would be good on tacos?
@Trillian That’s what was kickin’ it up a notch last night!
Well I don’t think so, but I have seen some winning recipes for chilli which include fire ants!
I ate that pizza. Well,nothing is wrong but I feel a bit gross about that.
This happened to me last year at a Jazz picnic. I tossed it.
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