Social Question

Does my fiance have a drinking problem?
1. He’s 21 years old and began drinking as a young teenager.
2. He gets drunk 2–4 weekends every month, to the point of total inebriation.
3. Tonight, he drank so much in such a short amount of time, that he vomited all over the bathroom floor, passed out in bed for a couple hours, woke up vomiting and got it all over my blanket, his clothes, his self and myself, and passed out again after we forced him to shower.
4. Sometimes he drinks during the week as well, normally after we argue or he’s had a particularly stressful day.
5. He drinks to deal with stress, to wind down from the week and to have a good time. Normally when he wants to have a good time it means alcohol will be involved.
6. He spends more money on booze than he does on food. I buy the food.
7. Alcoholism runs in his family in a serious way. His father was an alcoholic until he “found god” 7 or 8 years ago.
8. He normally knows his limit but tonight he totally, totally crossed it. I’ve only had to clean up his vomit twice and tonight was the second time.
9. His drinking habits, so far, have not impacted his professional or academic life. He works 4 days a week and goes to school. He is very responsible and knows how to take care of himself.
Details to follow as needed.