The Promised One you refer to is what Christians call the Holy Spirit. It is not considered a different entity from God. It is an expression of the triune God. As ice and steam are different manifestations of water, so be the Christ and Holy Spirit as different manifestations of God, the same God.
When Jesus reminds us in Luke 17:21 “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.”, it’s easy to assume that we will be naturally justified in all our actions. But I don’t believe that’s what it intends to mean. The kingdom of God is not the same as God. The kingdom of God, I believe, is our unique ability to be authors, creators, by using code, language, to express our non physical thoughts into an actual physical manifestation.
Just as God spoke, and ”...said, let there be…”, so we also are created in the same image to have our own ability to speak physical reality into existence. But that is not God within us. That is the kingdom of God within us.
Our God like ability to speak physicality into existence also gives us authority to speak deception, and to create evil manifestation. If God actually “lived” within us, then there would be no possibility for humans to become David Koresh, Jim Jones, Marshall Applewhite… Hitler. These fellows also believed that the answers were within them. They thought themselves to be in union with God, or as @ChazMaz claims, to actually be God themselves.
This Word Principle is also described in the Sphota Theory of Language presented by Bhartrihari, specifically noting God as a separate agent from man, but that through language, and the words we use to form our thoughts, we are actually inviting Brahman into our physical plane of existence.
John opens by explaining to us “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… And the Word became flesh…”
God uses the Word to create, just as we do. Look at the things around you created by mankind. Everyone of them has a set of plans or instructions that stand as their Word of creation. First the thought, then the word, then the creation. Nothing created can be created in any other way. And this is “The Way” depicted by Taoism. The Dao, The Way, the Way it is to be. If we don’t acknowledge the specific Way, then none of the creation lying before you would be The Way it is.
In this Way, Christ claims with authority, “I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life”.
Accept The Way of Truth and Live.