Can I wallpaper a bathroom?
I’m redecorating a bathroom (including toilet/sink/bath/shower and vented laundry) which is currently an awful hospital green. Is it possible to use wallpaper in a bathroom, or will steam from the bath and shower cause it to peel? Personal experience or alternatives, tips and tricks all welcome.
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21 Answers
Unless it’s special made for bathrooms I’d guess no. Hopefully a better answer will come along :)
If it’s a bathroom that people shower/bathe in regularly, I wouldn’t. Even if it’s vinyl wallpaper, I would think it would eventually peel.
I wouldn’t suggest it. I helped my sisters husband redo their bathroom and I suggested wallpaper since I hate painting. He looked at me like I was stupid. And he is a electrician that can pretty much build a house from scratch.
I’ll throw my 2 cents in here. Although I loathe wallpaper, my sister has a bathroom that was wallpapered over 15 years ago, and the wallpaper has held up extremely well. In fact, even after all that time, only the tiniest corners are peeling up at this point, and they can paste them down, periodically.
That said, if you DO decide to wallpaper your bathroom, make SURE you follow all instructions, including making sure the surfaces are prepared in an immaculate fashion. I can’t imagine a bathroom as an ideal setting for any glued-down wall covering. :)
I moved into a house that had wallpaper on every wall (even the closets) and most of the cielings. It was a total pain to remove, and the bathroom was just as hard to remove as any place else.
I would suggest using paste instead of self adhesive wall paper, but I don’t see why you couldn’t. (I personally hate wall paper though, especially after removing it!)
Can you? Yes… Should you? NO…
Steam will just fuck it up.
As long as you use decent quality vinyl
paper and good paste, you will have absolutely no issues whatsoever.
My parents have had their bathroom wallpapered for about 13 years now, and they have no problems with it. Mom also put a wallpaper border in the other bathroom that probably lasted about 10 years before she decided to redecorate it. At that point, it was still firmly attached and took several hours to get it to come off. For her, it didn’t matter what kind of paper she used. The stuff in her bathroom is standard wallpaper, and the stuff she put in the other bathroom was self-adhesive.
It depends on the bathroom. What size is it, how good is the ventilation, how hot and long are the usual showers…
For larger (think bedroom size) bathrooms it’s usually fine as long as you use the right paper and paste. I’ve seen some small-ish bathrooms where the wallpaper peels within a few years.
Perhaps do a sponge or rag roll technique if you are looking for something other than just a coat of paint.
There are wallpapers out there that one could use for a bathroom.
There are wallpapers made for high-moisture environments. My bathroom at my parents’ house has been wallpapered for 15+ years with no peeling at all.
The Answer:
Yes. You can paint it and you can wallpaper it (only with correct wallpaper/paste/ventilation).
The Disclaimer:
The perfect bathroom wall-surface is tile. Nothing is as durable or as timeless. Just don’t pick a date-sensitive theme or pattern and your tile-job may outlive you.
We used stencilling rather than wallpaper in the bathroom of one of our guest cottages. It’s in perfect condition after 12 years. Wallpaper is a royal pain in the arse, IMHO.
yes, just use the right kind and prep it right.
I’ve hung a lot of wallpaper. Yes, you can use paper in a bathroom. You should use a vinyl or vinyl coated paper. When you hang the paper, have spare paste to use at the seams and cut edges. Some prepasted paper doesn’t have enough paste. In bathrooms where it’s humid, if the edges are not pasted and sealed well they will start to curl after coming in contact with warm humid air.
Have fun. I think wallpapering is fun.
@thriftymaid You really think it’s fun? I’ve only wallpapered once in my life (two different rooms at the same time), and that was enough to turn me off for good! :)
Of course you can. There are wallpapers that are made specifically for bathrooms. Just make sure you follow the instructions, use the proper adhesive. In the first house I bought, brand new, never lived in, the bathrooms were the prettiest rooms in the house, with beautiful designer wallpaper. We never had a problem with it.
@augustlan Yeah, I do think it’s fun. It’s like wrapping a weird gift box on the inside. And, it’s not messy like painting.
@augustlan @thriftymaid: I don’t think it is fun. Maybe for an hour then it is about as fun as working on an assembly line. thriftymaid can come paper my walls any day.
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