Social Question

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Will the first gay President be a republican?

Asked by Captain_Fantasy (11452points) March 8th, 2010

We tend to think of the gay community as liberal but it seems like a high number of republicans are turning out gay. Who’d have thunk it?

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18 Answers

CyanoticWasp's avatar

How do you know we haven’t already had that?

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I’m not suprised and you can’t make me be! :)

ucme's avatar

Maybe who knows? It may be Camp David.

wundayatta's avatar

Will the first gay president be a man or a woman?

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

If we get a gay female minority we’ll have the hat trick.

Hmm… Could we have had a gay President already? Maybe it was Reagan…

janbb's avatar

Isn’t Obama a gay Republican?

aprilsimnel's avatar

From what I understand, James Buchanan was supposed to be gay; his VP was the rather open for the time Rufus King. Their respective nieces burned their correspondence to each other once both were dead.

If you mean openly gay? Yeah, I reckon it’ll be a Log Cabin person. Probably a woman.

ucme's avatar

Jimmy Carter & his knowing smile as he romped amongst his peanuts.Hello, just sayin.

Dr_Dredd's avatar

I actually hope so. Maybe it would send the religious right into a permanent catatonic state, once and for all.

davidbetterman's avatar

Yes, He was a Republican. It was Gerald Ford.

thriftymaid's avatar

My guess is that we’ve already had a gay president.

Parrappa's avatar

I’m not sure, but one thing I do know, it won’t be in my lifetime.

talljasperman's avatar

I guess the question should be “Openly gay president”

lilikoi's avatar

I hope so.

Arisztid's avatar

@Dr_Dredd That would be entertaining.

loser's avatar

This question gave me the best laugh! Thank you!!!

filmfann's avatar

@aprilsimnel has the correct answer. James Buchanon was gay.

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