Social Question

janbb's avatar

Who wants to join me in wishing Gemiwing a hearty Mazel Tov on reaching 10K?

Asked by janbb (63138points) March 8th, 2010

Based on the quality of her answers, Gemiwing should have been here long ago. She must have too many other valuable responsibilities in the RW. Welcome to the Mansion, Gemi!

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75 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar


Vunessuh's avatar

Damn girl.
Congratulations, yo.

Axemusica's avatar

way to go @gemiwing!!

HTDC's avatar

Congratulations indeed on this momentous occasion, that is, your 10k birthday!!!

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Way to go, way to go. Congrats! :D

augustlan's avatar

Dang it, @janbb… you beat me to it!

Congratulations! You have been a great addition to the collective. :D

CMaz's avatar

Rock N Roll!

jonsblond's avatar

Congrats to a very kind and helpful jelly! :D

shilolo's avatar

Woot! I always appreciate your thoughtful quips. Congrats.

wundayatta's avatar

Happy 10K! Always look forward to what you have to say. Keep it up!

Judi's avatar

YEAH!!!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!!!!! CELEBRATE!!!10K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IBERnineD's avatar

YAY Congrats!!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Are rookies allowed in these celebrations? I see a lot of points.

forestGeek's avatar

Wow, well done gemiwing…a big congratulations and cheers to you!!

janbb's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Sure you are but you’ll get more points if you actually say something congratulatory. :-)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Ok, I wasn’t sure if there were secret rules and traditions in the club. Hearty congrats and well done.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Congrats Gemiwing!

Likeradar's avatar


marinelife's avatar

Congratulations @gemiwing! Welcome to the mansion!

liminal's avatar

me, me!!! congratulations!

Pseudonym's avatar

Who’s carrying the chair?

aprilsimnel's avatar

Yay! Congrats to you, @gemiwing!

The all-you-can-eat-and-not-gain-weight buffet to the left! Hot stone massages out the door and in the garden.

tinyfaery's avatar

Woo hoo! Congrats.

wilma's avatar

Yay! congratulations!

nikipedia's avatar

You’re amazing. Congratulations!

syz's avatar


stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

Congratulations and welcome Gemiwing!!!

Jude's avatar

Woah, that was quick!


Dog's avatar


You suite has a gourmet kitchen and staff and has sunset bay bridge views!

You rock!

chyna's avatar

Congratulations! Cake for all.

loser's avatar

Congrats!!! We lurve you!!!

casheroo's avatar

yay! congrats!

Bluefreedom's avatar

Congratulations! Nice work!

pikipupiba's avatar


Hawaii_Jake's avatar

As we say in Hawaii: Ho’omaikai!

filmfann's avatar

Great googly woogly! You SO deserve this! Congrats and WTG!

MissAnthrope's avatar

I do, I do, I do! Congrats to a fantastic jelly! With your high caliber posts, I know you’ll be at 20k in no time. :)

Your_Majesty's avatar

(I’m a bit late) Congratulation for your effort!. Keep moving and reach the next challenge!(20K). I can’t wait to congratulate you again.

buckyboy28's avatar


bhec10's avatar

@MissAnthrope I think you’re the first person to actually answer the question. :)

dpworkin's avatar

Very well done, @Gemiwwing, and a blessing upon your little head.

what is it, all about you, @janbb ?

janbb's avatar

Aw, screw you, you grumpy old man, you’re just jealous cause it’s not about you.

Trillian's avatar

“A blessing on your house, Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov. Imagine such a…fluther, Mazel Tov Mazel Tov. A fine upstanding girl, a comfort and a twirl! The jelly jelly Gemiwing.” Ok, ok, I know it doesn’t rhyme. Look what the hell I had to work with! L’chaim!

MissAusten's avatar


holden's avatar


mcbealer's avatar

woo hoo! Happy 10K Day!

dpworkin's avatar

Even when it’s not about me, it’s about me. You know that.

janbb's avatar

Sure do, bubbeleh. MMWAHH!

Violet's avatar

Party Time! Excellent!
Party on Gemiwing!

TLRobinson's avatar

Congrats to you!!

arnbev959's avatar


Cupcake's avatar

Congrats @gemiwing! Cupcakes to you!

fireside's avatar


Haleth's avatar


Ansible1's avatar

Congrats! Keep on truckin’!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

definitely! congrats!

Jeruba's avatar

Well done! Thank you for your many well-thought-out comments.

AstroChuck's avatar

Mazel Tov and Congratulations!
I’ve decided to don my ass-less chaps in your honor. Happy 10K day. It’s an excuse to party, don’t y’know. So let the big ol’, bad ol’ cartoon begin!

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Happy Day! Congratulations on the new digs.

pikipupiba's avatar


gemiwing's avatar

Aww, thanks you guys- so very much. I will keep these warm fuzzies and love them, pet them and name them George.

Thank You!

rooeytoo's avatar

Good work gemi!

Val123's avatar

You have no idea what I went through to find this party! :) Congrats!
AND I’ll trade you three Nattie Lites for that BBC Nut Brown Ale. Deal?

gemiwing's avatar

@Val123 You can keep the Natty Lite- and I’ll give you half of my case of Nut Brown Ale. Joy is meant to be shared! :D

stranger_in_a_strange_land's avatar

@gemiwing And I’ll throw in a case of Bass IPA for you. Thanks for all your thoughful contributions to the community.

Val123's avatar

@gemiwing That works! (Feelin better today?:)

janbb's avatar

Anyone for some Shipyard Ale?

gemiwing's avatar

I’m always down for a good Shipyard or IPA (totally the best Bass). After we finish those off we should get started on the Boddingtons (my personal fave).

@Val123 I’m feeling great! Got a bowl of ice cream – the only surefire hangover cure I know :D

janbb's avatar

Had some Boddies in England a few weeks ago, and also a body – my grandson Jake!

gemiwing's avatar

Babies and beer- not much better, eh? Well, not the babies in the beer… or drinking the beer or… erm

janbb's avatar

I wa gonna say something about beer battered babies but that sounded too tasteless so I won’t say it…

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