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Sharp stabbing pain in top of left thigh at least once a day. What is this?
Have a slipped vertebrae [spondylolisthesis] for a long time, possibly secondary to an accident resulting in a complete sacral fracture, all the way through horizontally, i.e., 2 pieces. I was younger and it healed. Slippage is seen both on x-ray & MRI at L-5, S-1.
3 years after this accident I was dx with InterCostal chondritis – awful pain to touch in my sternum area, 10 years later in the 80’s it was called “fibrositis” and in the 90’s it became a dx of Fibromyalgia with all 18 points painful.
12 years ago my low back was in acute pain, had a cane and had to get rid of my beloved dream car – too low, agony getting in and out. Finally 3 yrs later I started Pilates and within 4 months my back was almost normal. I’ve continued weekly Pilates, walking and working out in warm water, weekly massages, 75mg. Zoloft for 13 years – helped the pain. I could even occasionally play a little tennis.
I live in Florida during the winter to get out of the cold damp Wisconsin winter. This flare up of leg pain began January 26th and continues to this day, 3/8/10. Urgent care docs gave me medrol pack and said stop the Pilates. No back pain at that time. Just the knife like random pain. Referred to MD Orthopod who took x-ray and it didn’t look a whole lot different than 12 years ago but I didn’t go to med school! Said call to do an MRI if pain was still there after finishing Prednisone. It was, I did and the MRI report didn’t specifiy any nerve impingement merely reiterated the spondylolisthesis info. Referred for PT. Went 5 times, heat, massage, electric stim, etc. PT felt my Psoas muscle was tight and possible pressing on my Femoral nerve. [ask 10 docs, get 10 different answers – who’s a cynic?]
Low back pain worsening, buttocks muscles very sore. Last Thursday I found an Acupuncture doc in FL & went 3 times, and finally had some relief from the back pain. Still no Pilates – even though I totally believe the low back pain began AFTER I stopped the Pilates, the sharp shooting pains continue.
I am back in WI for a week and don’t know what to do next? I initially called my cardiologist thinking it could be from Crestor, he didn’t think so. Any ideas? A neurologist, rheumatologist, pain management specialist, ?????
Thanks for your patience with this patient patient.
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