Would it be a problem if a woman(in emergency) run into men restroom?
If somehow the line in women restroom so long and there’s no one/few people in men restroom and a woman who cannot ‘hold’ it anymore run into men restroom and do her business there. What do you think about that?. Would it bother you?. Can she really be arrested by the authorities?. Will you allow someone from the opposite gender get into the wrong restroom if you’re there?.
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58 Answers
I think it’d be a bigger problem if a man ran into the women’s restroom!
I second @Master lol. I wouldn’t care, but the other way around might be a big deal.
I do it all the time. All dicks look the same to me ;)
I’ve done it. The looks of annoyance on the men’s faces as I went in were no match for my need to go. And the bathroom was empty. I don’t see the problem if the WC is empty. And vice versa, if the women’s WC is empty.
I’ve done it before because I could not wait, and because there was a bunch of us ladies all waiting out in the hall. We guarded the door to the men’s room and just went.
In an auto shop, the mechanics just use which ever bathroom is available, never mind the sign on the door. After I had waited 5 minutes to get into the ladies’ room (it was a one-holer), out strolled a man.
I was not expecting that, at all.
Aside from some pretty serious awkwardness, probably not.
Every time I go to a concert there’s always women in line at the mens room.
In that sort of situation, women are at risk because men in the mens room in large numbers aren’t exactly gentlemen.
Men if you go in the women’s room then you risk conviction of a sex crime.
Double standard? Maybe, but that’s not something you want to have to explain to any authority figure.
Women, be fare warned. Most male public restrooms are absolutely disgusting; I avoid them like the plague. It might be worth the wait in the women’s restroom line to not see some of the things I’ve seen in the past.
I did that at a Rolling Stones concert.Wild horses couldn’t drag me away from that potty.
I’ve gotten used to that kind of thing now that I live in a co-ed suite. I share the bathroom with my roommate (a guy) and two girls. The other day I was in the bathroom and the girls came in talking and laughing and it was awkward, but it’s just the way it is. :)
I’m pretty sure something like that can be excused in an emergency.
@lucillelucillelucille “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might get what you need.”
I’ve peed in woman’s rest rooms before in similar emergencies and even left the seat up!
@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities Word. I have used men’s RR before (never when men I don’t know were in there) and have seen lots of men’s RR since I used to do plumbing work, and they are disgusting.
I think it is fine, especially if the bathroom is vacant.
@All,excellent point!. But I need to know will you feel ashamed when people look at you in that room?. What will you do if they don’t let you to get in?.
No problem… no clue why women don’t even in non-emergencies.
janbb -Not true for I can’t get no…satisfaction <small>or brown sugar on my oatmeal this morning.!
I wouldn’t see it as a problem and it’s not illegal. I (perceived as a woman) do it all the time instead of waiting for an hour.
No, why should I be ashamed? If I really have to go, then I have to go. I’d be more embarrassed if the dam burst in public!
Let the gender-role confused women of fluther try to use the urinal.
Not an issue i’d help with the tissue.She’d probably help make it smell nicer too.
I’ve had to do this before, but announced myself first. Always say “Female on board!” @jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities I know that the men’s room can be hideous, but considering the horrible things I’ve seen in the women’s. I can’t believe by any steretch that men have a monopoly on disgusting behaviour. I once actually chased a woman down and made her come back and clean up after herself. What the hell could she have been doing to leave that particular mess? I won’t horrify you with the details.As long as I can hover, I’ll be ok. ;-)
As long as she stays out of my stall I’m not going to care.
< Does not use urinals
This never happened on L.A. Law.
I’ve done recon work to ensure that the men’s room is unoccupied and then stood guard at the door for a particularly squeamish woman once. But normally I wouldn’t even give it a thought. In Europe it’s not uncommon to see female attendants in public men’s rooms (such as train stations) continuously cleaning (and collecting tips).
Always seems to happen at Rock concerts. And ball games.
It’s particularly funny when a woman uses the urinal because all of the stalls in the men’s room are taken too lol.
I don’t think it’s a big deal if it really is an emergency, but it wouldn’t be acceptable due purely to impatience…there needs to be serious cause.
I’ve guarded while my wife did it. I even provided an ass gasket ..erm.. seat cover.
I have used the men’s restroom countless times in various businesses. One beer equals three trips, guaranteed. But being a female paramedic stationed in an all men’s fire station does present it’s problems. Even sleeping quarters are uncomfortable for everyone, at first. You can’t piss off people your spend one third of your life with, neither can you ignore bodily functions. New rules had to be written for those occasions.
It’s not a problem with me. Women are always welcome into any restroom in which I am residing.
@malevolentbutticklish there are gender role confused women on fluther? didn’t know…maybe there are women that confuse you on fluther – that seems more likely.
I can’t imagine too much ado over such a thing.
It’s not like guys are in there displaying their junk.
@malevolentbutticklish It seems to me that the women of fluther are quite clear in their preferences. I have yet to see any one of them display any confusion at all.
would it be a problem if a man ran into a womans restroom in an emergency?
@babaji When you gotta go, you gotta go.
It is not for me and I even have some confidence that I can handle a urinal.
@liminal plenty of the boy bathrooms have stalls for pooping…or is the male asshole somehow better equipped to poop into the urinal?
@Simone_De_Beauvoir the male asshole may be considered by some to be a deep dark mystery… but probably not by a human waste receptacle
@Simone_De_Beauvoir at a concert, sporting event or crowded bar (the kinds of scenarios where a woman might run into the men’s room), often the stalls are occupied too, which is why a girl might use the urinal (I’ve seen it happen a couple times).
@Simone_De_Beauvoir wait, I am confused, were you thinking I thought a vagina can’t use an urinal? Cause, I don’t even need funnel.
It becomes a question of aim.. Wait Nobody aims anyway.. never mind..
In North America, I doubt you would be arrested. I’m not so sure one should ever do so in Indonesia.
In Cambodia, I personally watched a woman urinate in the street just rearranging her trousers and with the practiced aim of years peed right out the pants leg. Didn’t get her feet either. Cant testify to the trousers. Didn’t want to gawk that much.
@mrentropy: Thank you for the link. I am happy Cecil pointed out women’s urinals are not the same as men’s.
@liminal oh of course plenty of women can do it and others can use the device.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir okay, I just thought that maybe you were under the impression I had a problem with mixed bathroom use when I don’t.
@liminal I have other impressions of you, lol..don’t worry
@davidbetterman You live in a restroom? That must be an interesting life….
In answer to the original question, I’ve seen women do that in an emergency, like in the Wal-Mart. But usually she’d have another man (i.e. her husband) scout the bathroom to make sure no one else was in there to be bothered by her presence.
I guess that would be up to who ever was in the men’s room. Back in the day, at concerts, we always barged into the men’s because it was never a standing line. It seemed ok back then.
I would assume and I think most others would that it was a cross dresser. If you want to get there attention go peek at the guys using the urinal, and laugh loudly on your way out. Otherwise I think no one would really know for sure if you were a women or not.
I just did yesterday. It seems that lots of women love to spray stinky crap in the ladies’ restroom. When they do that, I can’t use it. It makes me sick. The men mostly don’t seem to care. Fortunately, the restrooms in that particular building are just rooms with a lock on the door, so I just slipped into the men’s room, cleaned up the toilet a bit, and did my business.
I was almost disappointed nobody noticed I was in there, because I really wanted to let someone know just how NOT OK it is to spray nasty perfumed deodorizer in a bathroom.
Seriously, I’d rather smell urine. If you want to remove odors, there is the simple concept of an exhaust fan, or leave the door open. Or you could always clean it yourself, but without toxic chemicals to sicken the next customer.
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