Obama Year #2 better than Year#1?
Was he so low that he can only get better?
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Don’t think so. I read that the Intl Olympic Committee announced Monday that it has taken back the Gold Medal previously awarded to Lindsey Vonn and given it to President Obama. Olympic officials said that Obama deserved the medal more than Vonn, because no one has ever gone downhill faster than he has. Just what I heard….:)
I’ve been on software project teams that couldn’t get some little product out in a year or even two. Why would anybody think that one guy, no matter what kind of team he had, could fix in a year the mess that this one inherited? He told us right up front it was going to take longer than that.
Can someone explain why his first year was so bad?
Serious question. It is OK, I can read. Use your words and explain what has been so bad.
I’m sorry but a lot of people minds are to clouded. People think Obama can fix things in a blink of a eye, and since he didn’t. Everybody is hating on him now.
Like what @Jeruba said, its going to take a while to get everything start running. (And it is, but slowly) Hopefully it will be better in year #2. Plus with all this pressure on him. It’s probably even harder!
Obama and his administration help prevent total economic collapse, wins the Nobel Peace prize, cuts taxes, repairs America’s international reputation, makes major progress against the Taliban, begins withdrawal from Iraq. I’d say that’s pretty successful, unless you listen to faux news, in which case you’re probably stupid enough to believe the crap they pump out.
Those already complaining about Obama’s second year are the very same people who, when asked if they like sex, are already standing in the doorway with their pants around their ankles saying, “You wanna?”
Can you say the word ‘premature’? I knew you could.
Well, he’s reversing course on civilian trials, so on the human rights front it looks like it will be no better, and maybe worse.
@Snarp :: I’m pissed about that too. I’m not sure how you see it as being worse.
Well in year one it seemed that he was going to try Khalid Sheik Mohammed in a civilian court, and now it appears that he will not be tried in a civilian court. Civilian courts are the basic right of anyone accused of a crime in the United States, they ensure transparency and due process and help to prevent indefinite detention and torture (since evidence gained through torture cannot be used). Trying Khalid Sheik Mohammed in civilian courts would have made a strong statement about the administrations commitment to human rights and due process under the law. Changing his mind and trying Khalid Sheik Mohammed in some other ad hoc system is worse for human rights.
@Snarp :: I totally agree. It is just that Bush would have done the same so I don’t see how it is worse. Maybe I am just being tedious.
@johnpowell My point is that in year one Obama was set to try Khalid Sheik Mohammed in civilian court. In year two it appears he will not have a civilian trial. Therefore year two worse than year one. It’s a comparison of Obama year two with Obama year one, not with Bush.
Guantanamo still open.
Afghanistan war going on.
Still in Iraq.
Health care reform in limbo.
Jobless and foreclosure figures terrific.
Shameless banks and criminal financial firms bailed out.
Iran going nuclear.
Venezuela going terrorist.
China dictatorship in full throttle.
Supporting a corrupt and broken Argentinian government against UK.
Nobel Peace Prize anyone.
Oh, did I tell you? Those were just faux news.
@ChazMaz so many things, so small space…
Wow, people told us to be patient with Bush and those same people want Obama’s head on a pike because he has yet to solve all of the problems Bush created in 8 years. Awesome logic.
Forget your partisanship and stop treating Glenn Beck’s rants as news and get that your personal problems in life are your doing not the President’s.
@Captain_Fantasy – You do have a point. It is duly noted.
The first couple of years of a new president and what goes on is not necessary THEIR fault. But the previous Presidents work.
Sort of a slowing down the momentum of a train first in order to change direction.
But, (I feel) Obama is switching the tracks while the train is on the switch.
@Captain_Fantasy I criticize Obama for things he could change immediately, that don’t require time, congress, or the vagaries of the market to help. I think he’s doing as well as could be expected on the economy and health care, Afghanistan and Iraq have been handled exactly as he promised to handle them.
I am disappointed at the handling of Guantanamo Bay detainees, the abandoning of civilian trials, and don’t ask don’t tell, among other things, all of which are within his purview as Commander in Chief and head of the executive branch. Permanent repeal of don’t ask don’t tell requires Congressional action, but Obama has the power to wipe it out for the next 3 to 7 years at the stroke of a pen. The success of a military in which homosexuals can openly serve will do much to encourage Congress to act. Guantanamo detainees can be transferred to any federal prison facility immediately and civilian trials scheduled. Any detainee that we don’t have enough evidence to try in civilian court should be released immediately. If we can’t find a country to take them, we’ll have to release them into the U.S. That’s our fault for bringing them from overseas into U.S. custody in the first place. It may in some cases be dangerous, but that’s the nature of freedom.
Here’s a yardstick of how Obama has done in terms of what he said he would do.
The last president to take office in the midst of a comparable mess was FDR. FDR had enormous majorities in Congress and was able to take control quickly. Obama has gotten nothing but obstructionist grief from the Republicans, and his own party has let him down on health care, banking reform, and energy.
His much-maligned stimulus package kept the economy from going over a cliff. Every sector including unemployment is in recovery, even if the recovery isn’t brisk. If unemployment is still high, it would be much higher without the boost it’s gotten. Look at how many times unemployment and COBRA benefits have been extended. Look at the money the states have gotten to keep teachers and cops working. Nobody can force private industry to hire people. But he’s probably kept a lot of workers from being shitcanned, particularly in public service jobs.
Obama came into office facing impossibly high expectations and an opposition party that was determined to destroy him before he ever took the oath of office. I think he’s done great in year one, and I think he’ll be even better this year.
@IchtheosaurusRex “Obama came into office facing impossibly high expectations…” True, but he created most of them and set timelines that raised people hopes of a swift and quick change.
I think he made the error of assuming the Republicans actually cared about fixing America’s problems more than looking good to other conservatives.
@gorillapaws Reps and Dems alike only care about one thing: to be re-elected. And, believe it or not, this is the greatness of democracy because the voters have an enormous power over politicians: their terror to be sent home to their dull lives.
Obama promised changed and people voted him overwhelmingly. What’s the problem? He’s not delivering the change he promised and the citizens want: Washington politics.
Oh please….. Khalid Sheik Mohammed committed an act of war on American soil. He does not deserve a civilian common criminal trial. Entirely different set of standards. And for the bleeding hearts for this poor man, think first of the 3000+ of NUMEROUS nationalities, mostly US, he purposefully killed. Screw him!!!
@Maldadpermanente Thank you….I figure some of the bleeding hearts that show up here on topics like this will be cursing me…..so thanks for the encouragement.
Some of us bleeding hearts feel the same way. You shouldn’t rely on unreliable stereotypes to define your imagined opposition.
@Maldadpermanente , Obama heads the executive branch. He does not have the authority to enact legislation or spend money. He’s done his damnedest to get the change he promised through Congress – is still doing it – and has been stymied at nearly every turn. His administration has been the most open and transparent we have had in my memory, and that goes back to Ike.
Put the blame where it’s due.
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