How is it that some people constantly find new romantic partners so quickly?
I was reading a bit of blind item gossip on Gawker today about how this (former) Hollywood couple made nicey-nice while sitting together at the Oscars. However, in real life they can’t stand each other and had actually broken up a little while ago, though the public thinks they’re still an item. The gossiper added that they each found new boyfriends very quickly after their breakup a few months back.
How does that work? It takes a lot (and some time) for me to deign a man my boyfriend. Otherwise, we’re just dating/hanging out, you know? I have known people who’ve broken up with “Mike”/“Tracy” on Monday and introduce “Sheila”/“Phil” on Wednesday. To me, finding a sexual partner, or a dozen, even, that I can understand; just troll a bar tonight and ask, “Yo, who’s up for it?” But a boyfriend? Or girlfriend, if that’s your flavour? How does one get into a new emotionally intimate relationship just like ::SNAP!:: that?
Or am I not understanding something important about such relationships?
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34 Answers
I demand STD results before humping. It usually takes me a while before humping.
I suppose these ‘relationships’ are just casual sex. Nothing more, nothing less, but certainly not a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.
that’s all they think about…
I am assuming the relationship wasn’t SERIOUS, as in people are just “dating.” Hopping from one person to another to see if anything sparks or is there. As for me, I am extremely picky and not into that type of dating. I don’t have time for that, nor am I interested. I am into serious relationships while others could just be in it for fun or to see what happens.
Because it has nothing to do with romance. Or love.
What do reporters know? ;)
I suspect that @ChazMaz is right. This has nothing to do with finding a compatible partner who you want to date long term. This is simply about getting a quick shag.
Many Gawker commenters guessed the people in the blind item to be a still-married couple: Generation X’s favourite high schooler and a certain star who’s had a hit HBO show become a popular film franchise.
I guess I’m just confused by people who jump from one relationship straight into another without a breather or time off to reflect. People who have to be in a relationship all the time. It just doesn’t seem healthy.
@aprilsimnel It isn’t healthy. But I have a theory. I believe that people who are famous are generally driven to do things that make them famous because they need love, and they can never get enough love. They perform to get the adulation, and they convince themselves they are doing something good for others (which they are), and that their reward will be love. People will love them just for who they think they are.
You know the common thinking about male rock stars—that they are in it for the chicks? Well, I think that’s what most famous people are doing. Even powerful people. They are in it to become attractive material for passing on genes. In large part, our bodies drive us to do this, and for some of us, the urge is tremendous.
People like this have difficulty with true intimacy. They need love because love provides a huge high. They often turn to drugs because that’s another way of getting that high. They need the high in order to feel good about themselves. If someone loves them, it makes them feel good—for a moment or so. People addicted to sex tend to have shorter relationships. People addicted to sex and love (for sex is the expression of love) need the emotional connection as well as the physical one. But they also need drama, which requires that the relationship go up and down very quickly.
It’s easy to find someone new because they are so charismatic. They might even have a line of people waiting in the wings. Or they might be with several people at once.
Some celebrities manage to get past this and get into more stable relationships. They have learned to love themselves and to achieve true intimacy. But so many don’t. And since they are celebrities, the whole world finds out about it because the whole world loves gossip. Tiger Woods is the current poster child for the problem.
Because you read it on a gossip rag.
You are the norm, not Hollywood types.
My ex husband is like that. He is never alone. I don’t ever recall him having a space between girlfriends. Plus they were all long term. Perhaps it is the being alone thing, I think he finds life incomplete without a partner. A lot of his choices have been bad ones. That led eventually to bad breakups. In this type of pattern I sense a more open person to accept what comes along as opposed to anything deep. What comes thereafter must take a lot of work and compromise. He seems happy enough. He also had loads of kids with all of these women. So he has a busy “filled” life. I on the other hand do not fall in love easily I am less accommodating. I find most people annoying and I put it down to my own issues. So I don’t welcome new lovers into my life easily.l
I have a friend that’s always in a relationship. She’s open about the fact that it’s out of neediness and she’s uncomfortable alone/single. It could simply be a case of needy people clutching onto each other.
It could also be as simple as a casual romance.
Some people are just not designed for singleness.
I think I got a lot of raised eyebrows for getting involved with my current husband so soon after my first husband died. (20 years ago.)
different people mourn the loss of relationship differently, regardless of the cause of the loss.
Some people enter relationships cautiously and some enter with wreckless abandon.
I tend to respect differences rather than judge them.
Science has an answer for you!
When it comes to personalities, one of the best-regarded is OCEAN, which stands for:
Openness to Experience
People who are high in Openness and Extroversion tend to be around people a lot, and enjoy new experiences. That might include new lovers or sex partners (this doesn’t define behaviors, just tendencies). These folks also tend to be noticed a lot by other people because of their personalities, which a lot of people find attractive.
Short answer: people look for different things and call it different things. That means that some people are inclined to jump straight into a new relationship and truly believe it’s love, and some call that “low standards.” We’re all different, but that’s what makes it interesting, right?
Some people just have a really low bar.
It’s different for every person. Personally I can’t imagine ever having another relationship. That part of my psychological makeup is dead. Meghans death ripped that out of me. Others just seem to flit from lover to lover like bees and flowers, a foreign concept to me.
I agree. Low standards. No expectations of anything serious coming of it. Low self esteem?! The need to have someone immediately regardless of if they care about you or not? I dunno. I don’t get it either.
All you people who “Don’t get it,” are pretty quick to judge it as some sort of standards deficency. If you don’t get it, that’s fine, but to judge something simply because you don’t understand it?
I get it. It’s clear that the selection process was extremely short and uncomplicated.
They are just bitches and hoes.
@Trillian That’s not necessarily true. The selection process could be long and extremely complicated, but it was passed on the first try.
Even so, long and complicated doesn’t mean better. It just means long and complicated. Look at how the Victorians courted. They had tons of happy marriages, didn’t they?
bitches and hoes HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
I guess it all depends on what people define is an ‘intimate’ relationship for themselves. A lot of times, people are doing only what I would consider is dating which is going out to eat, watching movies and then occasionaly getting it on. They don’t need or want the levels of complexity – or in many cases, don’t even recognize what they are. They don’t understand emotional intimacy or are simply just trying to meet other, superficial needs. This is why it ends so quickly…I guess I see these as junk food relationships. The packaging looks pretty and makes cool crinkly noises, and it tastes great for about 12 minutes, then you stop and realize you’ve inhaled a shitload of calories with no nutritional value, your stomach hurts and the bag doesn’t look so good after it’s been opened and crumpled a little.
I’m often amazed, saddened and fascinated by what some people actually consider a relationship…
Just to clarify, when I wrote “low standards” I was talking about Jessica Simpson.
You leave Jessica out of this!
Without reading the post, people who set their standards impossibly low. People who’ll take anything.
well if were talkin about celebrities then it’s prolly cause theyre famous. :P
People like that seem to be a different species.
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