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Steve_A's avatar

Do musicians expect you to play or cover other bands?

Asked by Steve_A (5130points) March 10th, 2010

I have been looking for some people to get together with for some jams, writing and possibly a band. I don’t mind learning covers if need be but I seem to keep running into people who want to be just a cover band.

Like for example a bass play I knew cool guy….we would hang out and play….But he would insist on covering Motley crue and that was it like he would not do or try to play anything else, not even care to write his own material.

I got annoyed after a while….I looked on craigslist in the locals to find some people and I’m starting to think am I missing something here???

Are most musicians just into covering band/gigs , I guess I am more so looking for specifically to write music and I don’t care what type any is fine with me though I might like/prefer more than some…..

So what gives eh??

For people who are or have been do you find yourself in the same boat?

Am I just not finding the right people?

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11 Answers

CMaz's avatar

“keep running into people who want to be just a cover band.”

Many are just good musicians. Most are just that.

Only the few that can think and preform outside of the box are worthy of Rock Stardom.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

You are just not finding the right people.:)
Why don’t you place your own ad?

squidcake's avatar

I was in a “band” when I was in 9th grade, and at the time we weren’t exactly old and mature enough to write on our material, so we would play our favorite songs by other groups for kicks.

But once people get older and want to be serious musicians, then naturally they should want to write their own material. So, yeah, you’re just not finding the right people.

Trillian's avatar

We’re a “Tribute” band! (Rock Star)

lilikoi's avatar

There is probably more certainty of a decent income from being a cover band than from writing your own stuff. You haven’t found the right people yet. They’re out there.

CMaz's avatar

Or be a studio musician. I have a friend that makes good money at it.

Steve_A's avatar

@ChazMaz Ha, I ain’t that good and I am not looking to make money or try and be famous out of it, mostly for jamming, writing and for fun…

Axemusica's avatar

@ChazMaz I would love that job, lol. I just want to get paid to do what I love, :D.

@Steve_A I play covers often. I do it as practice and for my own enjoyment. Also, everyday that I play I not only play covers, but I get creative as well. In my last band we had a mostly original line of songs with a few covers we were going to do. I usually end up convincing people to think outside the box when I’m involved in the music. I too wouldn’t be able to take constant covers. I mean yea it’s fun to do, but not all the time. I need those creative juices flowing sometimes. I’ve literally many a times have gotten out of bed to record or write something down that came to me while laying there.

I don’t know maybe some people just would like to be creative, but aren’t and stick to what they know.

CMaz's avatar

“I would love that job, lol. I just want to get paid to do what I love, :D.”

The best of both worlds. :-)

wundayatta's avatar

Maybe you need to get into jazz or other improvisatory situations. I don’t know where you live, but I do know there is a community of improvisers all over the country. Check out Music for People. Of course, that may be a little too outside for you. But I think that some of the musicians there are into writing songs.

If you were in my area, I’d be happy to jam with you—maybe even write.

JeanPaulSartre's avatar

It’s very hard to find a crowd of song writers. I think it’s okay to hit a few covers to fill out a set with other musicians, but I’m definitely pro-original work as well. Sometimes it just takes someone in the group to write some stuff and bring it along to get the band moving in that direction… Figure that Ringo probably didn’t write any music for a long time – he was just a fine drummer… someone has to write the stuff- that could be you!

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