Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

Would you believe a recent survey states that 67% of Americans believe illegal immigrants are ruining America?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) March 10th, 2010

Heading the list of complaints are: job takeovers, “using” the system to obtain free everything including healthcare, not paying taxes and not boosting Americas economy by sending money back across the border. this survey concerns me as the percentage keeps rising. Question: how high does this percentage have to go before our legislative leaders take action?

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20 Answers

dpworkin's avatar

I think the power elite has sufficiently distracted most people from what their real ills are that they are liable to believe almost anything that’s not in their own best interests.

lilikoi's avatar

No one I know in this country gets free health care.

If we didn’t make them illegal, we could tax them.

Maybe if we accepted them, they would assimilate into our culture and not view their stay so temporary, thus keeping more money in the country, and if not, we certainly don’t have any problem sending our money across the border into China and other countries that manufacture stuff that we buy back.

The 67% of Americans have it completely backwards.

nikipedia's avatar

Why do you care so much about illegal aliens? If we had reasonable immigration laws they wouldn’t even be an issue.

My own experience has been that people trying to come into this country by any means (legal or illegal) suffer a great deal more than we suffer because of them.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Care to share a source for this survey? I’m skeptical.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

I wouldn’t believe it for a second without evidence to support it.

Would you believe that 137% of all Internet stats are made up?

jrpowell's avatar

Link please.

And what nikipedia said.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Link or it’s BS

john65pennington's avatar

Hold on i am attempting to find it.

lillycoyote's avatar

I would want to be sure about the numbers too, but your question, in the end, is: “How high does this percentage have to go before our legislative leaders take action?” Do you mean that our legislators should take action base on how people feel? What their perceptions are? Even if 90% of Americans believe illegal immigrants are ruining America, are they? What proof, what real evidence do the people who believe this have that it is the truth?

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Lost interest
I already know how this story ends.

Ron_C's avatar

Survey’s depend more on how the question is asked and the personal opinion of those writing the question than the actual opinion of the polled.

noyesa's avatar

Is sending money back home a crime? Just sayin’. If I had moved to a country where I could quickly earn the money my family needs so desperately, that’s what I would be doing.

laureth's avatar

How high should the percentage of people that think something be before I think legislators should take action?

It depends. If as many as 100% of people are utterly mistaken about something, I hope the legislators would prefer to overlook a bunch of paranoid people and base their decisions on facts and figures.

This is not to say I think illegal immigration isn’t a problem. It is a problem, But I, for one, prefer the leaders to act on more than opinion polls.

john65pennington's avatar

Okay, i give up. it was just a question and an honest one. i am still looking. surveys can be biased and i realize this.

JTSTs2003's avatar

That’s hilarious I love it.

By any chance were most of those polled older/upperclass/northern caucasian citizens??!!!!

I think our US budget strain is caused by good old fashioned American greed. The end.

Ron_C's avatar

@JTSTs2003 I agree, you have that completely right. As a matter of fact, I believe that most undocumented workers contribute more to the economy than they should. Being undocumented in this country is a license, to the employer for slavery.

lilikoi's avatar

@Supacase But that’s an article; where’s their study

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