Meta Question

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

What's your opinion on nonsensical, joking questions on Fluther?

Asked by Captain_Fantasy (11452points) March 10th, 2010

Are they a waste of time or is there a place for shenanigans here?

For example if I ask “Do vegan vampires eat blood oranges?” is that sort of thing discouraged?

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57 Answers

Val123's avatar

I would hope it would be discouraged. What prompted this?

YARNLADY's avatar

I don’t like it.

Vunessuh's avatar

I love them. Too bad Fluther doesn’t…

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Just seeing what is acceptable.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I love them more than cookies and rhinos.

noyesa's avatar

Um, I don’t see what’s wrong with them, personally. We don’t have to be discussing abortion/same sex marriage/political agenda to be doing something productive, and they are interesting questions that end up showcasing the wit and clever personalities of fellow jellies in a very interesting kind of way.

lillycoyote's avatar

It’s certainly o.k. with me. What’s wrong with having a little fun? If you don’t want to waste your time with them, then don’t. Move on to something else.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Without laughter, life is not only dull and boring, but pointless as well.

Val123's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille More than cookies and rhino’s? Whut is WRONG with you?!

DeanV's avatar

They’re not acceptable. The internet is serious business. All of it.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

And really, aren’t we paying too little attention to the dietary habits of today’s more ethically minded vampires?

loser's avatar

I like them!

snowberry's avatar

You mean like this one??? Go read the answers, and see what we said.

Val123's avatar

@dverhey That made me laugh!
I don’t mind some, but some are just dumb. I feel like Dr. Suess. I think that “Do vegan vampires eat blood oranges?” would be dumb.

Vunessuh's avatar

Ahhhh! You scared me.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Aw, now this question has been moved to the meta category, thus ensuring than no living soul ever sees it again.
This must be the Fluther version of limbo.
I think this category is where those missing socks from my laundry have been going.

Cruiser's avatar

Vampires??? What about all the Warewolves and Mummies out there?? They have feelings too! There should be a tab just for Creature Feature questions.

tinyfaery's avatar

I enjoy them in moderation, but I would not appreciate them so much if they were all over fluther, all of the time.

Val123's avatar

@Captain_Fantasy I don’t understand the moving thing. Do you?

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

I gather the meta category is for questions about fluther, but I feel more like an orphan now.

Val123's avatar

@Captain_Fantasy When I had a question moved there the first time I felt the same way, I felt like I’d been orphaned, but they seemed to continue coming up like always, when someone responds. I think it’s OK. I wish I knew the reasoning behind it tho. Maybe for people who are looking in?

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Yeah I feel like my parents just got a note from the principal telling them I need to ride on the short bus from now on.

Vunessuh's avatar

Now, now. There’s nothing wrong with the short bus.
Other than it’s short.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

That’s not what the other kids say.
Good thing I don’t care what the other kids say

Trillian's avatar

@Captain_Fantasy I just ate a blood orange a few hours ago. They’re at the end of the season too. Bummer. I thought I heard a hiss when I took a bite…...

Dr_C's avatar

If Janets has taught us anything it’s that nonsensical questions can be beloved.

loser's avatar

We’re now in limbo? Oooo, this feels so creepy…

Val123's avatar

I accidentally put my BRAND NEW BOSS OF THREE DAYS in a position to buy half a crate of the most awesome oranges yesterday. They are all drippy (bloody) firm and seedless. I’ve never had anything like them And it was all my fault. And then she found out she was pregnant after three years of trying. This is a true story. I’ve had the most amazing first three days of work ever.

Dr_C's avatar

Might as well enjoy limbo while we’re here.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Hereby, I declare “meta” as the awesome crowd.
And blood oranges are indeed tasty even if you’re not a vegan vampire.

loser's avatar

Here! Here!

Val123's avatar

@Captain_Fantasy See! That wasn’t so bad!!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Eh, it depends on my mood.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

I respect that.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

You’ll be hearing from PETO one of these days.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

PETO? Vas is das?

jrpowell's avatar

If crap like that was allowed I would delete my account and bookmark.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

We’d miss you, @johnpowell.

P eople for the
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Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Fuck oranges!

Dr_C's avatar

@Captain_Fantasy that’s illegal in some states.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Captain_Fantasy Aren’t they too small for that? I would think Melons would work better.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Obviously you’ve never tried.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Captain_Fantasy Hmmmmm, sucking, maybe.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

Alright I guess that counts a little.

syz's avatar

If you type “zombies” into the search bar, you’ll see that quite a few humorous questions stick around on Fluther. Humor is acceptable, especially when it’s a thoughtful, clever design (hmmm, maybe “zombies” wasn’t the best example). But one-liners and puns just aren’t that interesting and so usually get moderated.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

@syz so now I can’t wait to search for “Zombie Moderators” and see what comes up… already you’re raising questions in my mind. Or what passes for that.

syz's avatar

And there’s always this

CyanoticWasp's avatar

My honest opinion is that most questions on Fluther are of that ilk, in one way or another.

Berserker's avatar

Not a prob.

I don’t actually see stuff like that on here often though.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Val123 -Not a fucking thing.Those are just a few of my favorite things..

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Personally, I don’t care for those. With all the crap we get if we miss spell a word or use words in the topics line some don’t care for I’m surprised they let these other questions go through.

Val123's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille What? For the life of me I couldn’t figure out what I said that you might be responding to!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Did you see my post about starting a Chipotle group on facebook? I’m rather proud right now.

XoXoMEXoXo's avatar

I LOVE answering those, sometimes you gotta losen up.

YARNLADY's avatar

I don’t understand why people don’t just join the sites that are for “jokers” instead of trying to change the Question and Answer into their private ‘funny farms’.

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