Self image is not often correlated with the way others see you. I never felt like I was good looking, but when I look back at pictures of me then, I think, damn! If only I knew what I know now, I could have really taken advantage of it!
But now I’m 30 years older, and going gray and plump, and so I feel about the same about myself. In another 30 years, I’ll probably be looking back and saying the same thing that I now say about my twenty year old self.
Anyway, I can’t tell you what it feels like to know you are good looking because I never felt that way. A few years ago, someone told me I had a cute butt, but I was kind of insulted. First of all, I don’t believe it, and even if I did, it’s not exactly the feature I want people coming onto me for.
Now, while I’ve felt like I look good, I have felt like I am good. There are moments when I have confidence and I know I can persuade everyone in the room to do whatever I want them to do. That happened once or twice in my life. There are other times when I have had everyone’s attention and I knew I should have it.
But mostly I am oblivious to people who are attracted to me, for whatever reason. I never know they admired me for something or another until way after the fact. I wonder why they didn’t tell me back then, when I could have done something about it. Such is life. I don’t think very many of us know why others are attracted to us, or even if we are attractive.
The ones who say they are attractive or confident often seem like unpleasant people to me. I guess I prefer people who either don’t brag or don’t feel they have anything to brag about. Bragging is unbecoming. Being overt about your happy opinion of yourself is a major turnoff for me, too. I assume it is for other people too. Unfortunately, in my case, since I never say or think anything good about myself, I start to feel like I’m no good. That’s not healthy. But I don’t want to be one of those people I can’t stand, and I don’t want to feel bad. I can’t find the territory in between—not right now, anyway.