Social Question

Will the racial profiling enthusiast on the right learn anything from Jihad Jane?
<sarcasm>Brilliant Republican Senator James Inhofe said, “I Believe In Racial And Ethnic Profiling. I think if you’re looking at people getting on an airplane and you have X amount of resources to get into it, you need to get at the targets, not my wife.” Now we all know that right wing conservatives are the smartest people on earth. Maybe if it was them, and they wanted to sneak somebody by a checkpoint that relied on profiling, they would be smart enough to pick somebody that didn’t fit the profile. But everybody that isn’t a RWNJ is real dumb. Al Qaida would never think of recruiting somebody that looks like a Western Woman.
What’s that? What about Jihad Jane you say? Don’t be silly. Nothing to see here. Move along.
Racial and ethnic profiling is so FUN we RWNJs really don’t care whether it works or not. At least it helps keep them uppity minority types in their proper, subservient place under us white masters. Right?</sarcasm>