You know, Nullo, sometimes I get so tired of you and your sophistries. And that’s when I end up writing posts like this.
“Atheism is as much a religion as Catholicism. There isn’t enough evidence out there to objectively determine the existence or nonexistence of God; this means that atheism has a faith component as much as any other belief system.”
For one thing, this is irrelevant. Taking those words out would not be siding with the atheists, it would be siding with no one. Keeping them there would be siding with the Christians.
For another, this line of thought is dead wrong, and this has been explained so often now that you really have no excuse for not knowing better.
Credibility is not absolute, but relative. The absence of absolute certainty does not mean all hypotheses are equally probable. In the absence of definite evidence, you are not allowed to believe whatever you like.
There are definite probabilistic rules to determine how plausible an idea is, and thus even in uncertainty there are formally correct ways to judge whether something should be believed or not. Thus there are almost-certainly-true statements such as “taking an aspirin will help against this headache you’re giving me” and there are almost-certainly-false loads of drivel such as “there is a worldwide conspiracy to keep people from knowing the earth is a disk”. Even if you can’t claim complete certainty about the truth of either.
Understanding of probabilities makes all the difference between a reasonable assumption and blind faith. Please remember it this time.
“In the United States, secular humanism has been ruled a religion, in the Supreme Court case Torcaso v. Watkins.”
Secular Humanism is not atheism.
And even if it were, that would be moot, because taking those words out would not be siding with the atheists.
“That’s because kicking it into the same category as Islam, Animism, and Wicca goes a long way in smothering the guiding light of salvation.”
Give me one reason to think Christianity is anyting more than just another arbitrary memeplex like all the other religions. Just one. Then talk to me about it being the sole way to salvation.
“Add to that the fact that Christianity is the default religion around here and has been the default religion going back a few hundred years”
If there’s any such thing as a “default” religion anywhere, it’s agnosticism, the one people are born with.
But yes, okay, Christianity might have managed to conquer a dominant position for itself. So then what? Does that mean it deserves to be put above the other ones? What happened to the “melting pot” culture the Americans used to be so proud of? What happened to America being a place where everyone is equal regardless of their roots? If the Christians are in charge after all and everyone else can put up with them or take a hike, then our own Netherlands live up to the American dream more than America does.
“and it’s being pushed around by a very, very small percentage of the population. Seriously, atheists account for something like 2% of the world’s religious population.”
I doubt that, too. Do you have anything to back up those statistics?
I recall Bill Maher mentioning that the American population has an atheist minority of 10%, actually. Which is a larger group than several minorities that get their way significantly more often.
Furthermore, do you really think the atheists are the only ones who ever oppose you? Is this a binary war between the Hegemony of Christianity against the United Federation of Atheists? Don’t oversimplify. Your faith has as many opponents as there are competing religions, just as each of those is an opponent of the atheists.
Not to mention again that’s all moot, because taking those words out would not be siding with the atheists.
And now I wrote a wall of text. I don’t know why I even bother writing you walls of text. I feel like Don Quichotte riding out with a lance of rationalism against a windmill made of deaf ears and fallacies glued together with dogma.