Social Question

ucme's avatar

Have you ever encountered anyone who changed their demeanour by allowing a position of relative power go to their heads?

Asked by ucme (50052points) March 11th, 2010

Maybe at work a friend or a colleague or something else.Someone who changed for the worse.

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16 Answers

lilikoi's avatar

Oh, boy, yes. It made my life hell. I will never forget it – the experience has been branded on to my brain. Unfortunately.

holden's avatar

I think this happens to a lot of people once they become parents, unfortunately.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I work in 2 hospitals with many chief and regular physicians – so the answer is ‘of course I’ve encountered power tripping behavior’

marinelife's avatar

I have never personally encountered it, but I see it all the time with people who get fame.

bummer's avatar

455 politicians come to mind…no make that 456 including 1 president.

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

I’ve known a few people who abused their power but I didn’t know them before they came into power. I imagine they sucked then too.

Shae's avatar

Yes my best friend got on TV and lost his morals.

faye's avatar

Nurses who take management or non floor nurse positions forget within seconds what floor nurses do.

Cruiser's avatar

I watched my boss go from a warm, overly trusting individual to becoming calloused, jaded guarded all because people expect him to loan them and give them money once he made his small fortune.

Trillian's avatar

God yes, I’ve seen it countless times. I think it has to do with a lower than average IQ. I could be mistaken.

Chongalicious's avatar

Well, not a position of power, but a good friend of mine suddenly inherited a pretty big sum of money and now..he’s so…UGH. He’s become conceited, kind of stuck up and completely overrun by obsessioin with designer labels…someone could be carrying the most hideous bag and he’ll see that it’s Fendi, Gucci, or whatever and suddenly be in love with it. He barely talks to me anymore because I can’t go out and buy the labels he “loves”. It’s depressing to see such a good person ruined by money :(

phillis's avatar

I have seen this too many times to count. The sense of entitlement drives me crazy.

filmfann's avatar

Jack’s 3rd rule of Management: 45 days after being promoted, you will think all the people who report to you are fucking off, and taking advantage of you.

Val123's avatar

Yes. Totally ruined what could have been a wonderful family relationship. The person gradually began to feel they were too Important to talk to the Little People, which anyone who’s gross income was below $100,000 fell into that category, no matter who they were. Too personal to discuss here.

Juvie's avatar

Several times. Usually men after they think they’ve gotten a woman who trusts them into a position of dependence of some sort, although I’ve seen women try this too.

ChocolateReigns's avatar

Not exactly…but I know this one boy (I call him a boy because he’s in 7th grade – everybody else I call guys) that pronounced a few words right and now he goes “Oooh give it to me! I can pronounce it! I’m smart!” whenever somebody says they don’t know what a word is. He gets on my nerves, and for more reasons than that.

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