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Facade's avatar

(NSFW) How do you feel about swinging?

Asked by Facade (22937points) March 11th, 2010

Would you switch partners with another couple for sex?
How bout have sex with another couple in the room doing the same?

Why or why not?

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74 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

If the right couple comes along, you bet your ass we’d be into it.

ucme's avatar

I’ll stick to good old monogomy thanks.Less complicated.Besides, if I want to go swinging i’ll take the kids to the park.

SamIAm's avatar

depends on how i feel about my man…. i’ve suggested it before, because i wasn’t in a relationship that would make me jealous. as for having sex with another couple in the room… sure! i think it’d be fun.

marinelife's avatar

I do not get the whole swinging thing.

If you want multiple partners why even call yourselves a couple?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@marinelife because swinging isn’t something you do all the live long day and because being a couple isn’t all about sex.

FutureMemory's avatar

what @marinelife said, verbatim.

That’s the 2nd time someone stole my answer this morning…grrr.

dpworkin's avatar

Svinging? People are still svingehs? That’s just so… 1970s!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@dpworkin I think it’s done in a more organized fashion these days, lol

KatawaGrey's avatar

My stance on swinging is the same as my stance on any other sexual thing: if it’s all consensual and no one gets hurt, I don’t really care if anybody does it. Personally, it’s not my cup of tea but, who knows?

TheLoneMonk's avatar

I only do it in my head. I could see Ms Monk with another guy or girl in a fantasy way, but never in real life. well maybe with another girl….

dpworkin's avatar

What can be more organized than Plato’s Retreat?

ucme's avatar

Yeah I really must think of wearing underwear,but they’re so restrictive.Swing low sweet chariot.

AstroChuck's avatar

I prefer the see-saw.

nikipedia's avatar

I’m down.

I don’t see why adding one or more parties to a couple (romantically, sexually, or otherwise) decreases the value of what that couple shares.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

For the right people doing it for the same reasons it’s fine. I didn’t want to use the word right, but I couldn’t come up with a better way to phrase it. If everybody is not on the same page about swinging, no way.

Jude's avatar

@Chuck made me chuckle.

CMaz's avatar

Swinging is just a covert way for a “couple” to get laid more often.

stump's avatar

I would be open to it, but I am single. And from the research I have done, there are few opportunites for single guys to get in on the action.

CMaz's avatar

@stump – Get yourself a horny girl. Masquerade as a couple. BINGO! Swinger.
And, then you can get in the swinger clubs on the cheep.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Meh, I don’t really see the appeal to swinging. As to sex with another couple in the room doing the same: they were out of sight, but not out of earshot. No big deal.

CMaz's avatar

I share my woman with no man.

MissAnthrope's avatar

When I’m in a relationship, I just can’t even bear the thought of my beloved being with anyone else, sharing that part of her with someone else, etc. Alternately, I don’t have a cheating bone in my body and when I’m monogamous, I have like zero sexual desire for anyone else. The only exception to that is when I’ve been at the end of a really terrible relationship (like my last one), but even though I checked out other people, I never came even close to cheating or kissing someone else.

dpworkin's avatar

@ChazMaz Except the occasional beautiful transsexual person?

CMaz's avatar

@dpworkin – Very true!

If she wanted to experience it with another man (person) at the same time, that would be the only possible option I would entertain the thought of.

Other person meaning transsexual. She is welcome to all the Ladies she wants.

Not to say they are not ladies. But the ones without a penis.

stump's avatar

@ChazMaz I have thought of that. I guess I am not that into it to go to any trouble. When I happen upon a horny girl that is as far as I need to go. But if I met one who wanted to make the arrangements…

kevbo's avatar

In a heavenly world of 72 virgins I’m for it, but on earth 1 in 6 Americans has herpes. Ick.

syzygy2600's avatar

Personally not my cup of tea. I won’t share my woman with anyone, male or female. I’m probably one of the few straight men who would refuse a MFF threesome. Just not something I find appealing.

syz's avatar

Meh, not my thing.

Likeradar's avatar

It’s not something that appeals to me as of now, nor has it in my past. Who knows how I’ll feel about it later though…

@marinelife and @FutureMemory My understanding of it is that swinging is about the sex. The relationship between the couple is about the sex, plus a mental and emotional connection, shared goals for the future, and all those other wonderful things that come with couplehood.

softtop67's avatar

I have never given it much of a thought as I have never been with a woman who I thought it would appeal to. I dont think I would have an issue with it if all involved were “willing participants”. It would appeal to me as one of those what happens in Vegas weekends moreso than the thought of having it be a “lifestyle”

faye's avatar

I like some mental connection and I’d be too embarrassed to appear in a place for that. And I’d be jealous even if I had fun!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Nuff said!!!!

wundayatta's avatar

Call me old-fashioned, but I have this thing about love. It seems to me that sex without love just isn’t worth the trouble. If everyone loved each other, then it would be different, but swinging is just so casual. Doesn’t interest me.

deni's avatar

I can’t see me ever having sex while another couple is having sex right beside me. It’s not something that I can 100% say that I would never, under any circumstance do, but I don’t see why I would.

As far as switching partners, no, no, no, and no again. No thank you. Never. No. I don’t want to see my boyfriend or the person I’m in love with fucking someone else. UGH.

Grisaille's avatar

I’m down for it. But please understand: I haven’t been in a committed relationship (not to mention love) in quite a long time. I suppose I’m not one that should be answering this question.

On another note, I’m perhaps the least jealous or defensive person on the planet. So there’s that.

deni's avatar

@Grisaille thats something to consider. if i wasn’t in love with the person and didn’t really care very much, i guess then i wouldn’t have a problem with it. but in a long term relationship with someone, fo sho no.

chyna's avatar

I’ve been asked, my answer was no at the time, my answer would be no now. It’s just something I’m not into.

phillis's avatar

It looks fun, but it’s not for me. Hubby and I think our marriage is worth the extra effort it takes to keep things exciting. When we work as partners toward the same goals, it bonds us. After awhile, our relationship took on a nice, golden glow that is irreplaceable. I worked really hard to feel that, so I really enjoy it. That happens to be what I prefer.

thriftymaid's avatar

I thought I was going to be divorced once for agreeing to it; I thought it was a dance. No, there was no swinging.

pearls's avatar

I’m a one man woman and I certainly wouldn’t want to share him with another woman and I would hope he would feel the same.

filmfann's avatar

My wife tried to get me to help a couple friends of hers, who were sexually frustraited. I turned her down flat, even though I had a thing for one of those women.
My marriage vows bind.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Nah, not my thing. When I’m in a relationship I’m very rarely attracted to anyone else, so going by that alone, I don’t think I could do it. And I’m kind of old fashioned – if there’s no love involved with whoever I’m sleeping with, I don’t get turned on at all. I’m not one of the people that can separate love from sex. Not by choice, it’s just how I am. I don’t think anything is wrong with it, if it’s what both couples want, but I just couldn’t ever participate in something like that.

Violet's avatar

As long as it is safe and legal, I have no problem with it.
Would you switch partners with another couple for sex? Who knows.. maybe some day
How bout have sex with another couple in the room doing the same? I did this back in high school, and maybe some day I’ll do it again

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Nope. What’s his is MINE & what’s mine is HIS. Period.

faye's avatar

I’ve been thinking and it would be cheating and would spoil the special love a good relationship has.

FutureMemory's avatar

@ChazMaz I share my woman with no man.

Damn straight.

Violet's avatar

Why are some people judging swingers? Are some people “better” or “right” because they are in a monogamous relationship? No.

Ltryptophan's avatar

I think it is opening pandora’s box. Say you’re in the middle of this swinging session, and the new chick your banging and you are like on a whole ‘nother plain of existence compared to where you and your wife have ever been. Before you loved your wife and had no qualm, now you might be really rethinking the whole thing. Then the woman you find yourself enamored with might only want to bang you that one time. She might stick with her husband who has lots more perks than you. You might get a nice view of the greener grass, and ruin your life trying to get to it and never succeed. That’s not healthy if you started out happy and just a tad horny.

Coloma's avatar

I think swinging is just another manifestation of the pervasive boredom and overall dissatisfaction so many people feel on a deep internal level. MORE of anything, sex, drugs, food, booze can’t fill up the God hole.

Violet's avatar

I think talking shit about swinging is just another manifestation of the pervasive boredom and overall dissatisfaction so many people feel on a deep internal level.
Who are you to judge?

FutureMemory's avatar

@Coloma What’s a “God hole”?

ucme's avatar

Isn’t the god hole somewhere in the bible belt?

Violet's avatar

@FutureMemory I think it’s the vagina. Because if you’re not getting any dick, you gotta fill it with god
@ucme- good one! hee hee hee

JeffVader's avatar

The only swinging I intend doing is from a tree with a rope….. & I’ve just noticed how much that sounds like a good ol fashioned hanging.

Sophief's avatar

No, I’m too jealous.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

I think its just nasty!!!!!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Ltryptophan If sex with another makes you rethink the happiness in your coupledom/marriage, you’ve got another thing coming and it wasn’t the sex that was the problem.

Coloma's avatar

:God hole’ is just a term for the emptiness of connection to spirit, true self, that is behind much of mans never ending pursuit of ‘more’ be it cookies or cocaine or kinky sex.

No judgement at all, just sayin’

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Coloma Well, that’s not very open-minded, is it? I’ll tell you I feel no emptiness within me and I enjoy ‘kinky’ sex (there is no such thing, after all, because people’s preferences are different and what’s weird to you isn’t weird to me). then again, I consistenly get all my god holes filled up…ahem

Coloma's avatar

If your choices are conscious then thats a different story.

I am simply saying that MUCH of sexuality is used compulsively by many in the same way any other thing or substance can be.

Also, it has been studied that very few ‘open’ relationships work well in the longterm as the propensity for one or both parties to have issues arise is pretty commonplace.

Hey, I’m a 70’s gal…no stranger to sex, drugs & rock-n-roll, just tossing some new veggies into the salad, feel free to pick out what you don’t like and toss ‘em. lol

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Coloma Yes, some people use sexual activities in a manner that hurts them and others in the long run – that’s neither here nor there because people have all sorts of issues and for many, filling their holes with God won’t help, so to speak. And yes, open relationships are difficult to work out – it works for my husband and I because we communicate well and believe in the principle of it but I wouldn’t recommend to many others as I think people can’t even get monogamy right.

Coloma's avatar

You have a point, sort of like saying that gay people should not be allowed to be parents when a boatload of ‘traditional’ parents screw up.

However, for me, I don’t put sexuality on the same recreational continuem as say, eating pizza. lol

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Coloma And I don’t connect emptiness to needing religion – so it goes.

Coloma's avatar

I am not speaking of fundementalist concepts or organized religion either.

I am speaking of conscious choice, self examination and exploring the POSSIBILITY that much high risk behavior often has an underlying componant of being disconnected from ones true nature/ call it ‘God’, ‘Buddha mind’ whatever works for you.

Most deeply connected people are not seeking sexual encounters with random strangers or advertising for such.

Just like most marathon runners are not keeping company with 2 pack a day smokers.

I am just looking at the high risk vs. healthy side of sexuality.

Okay…this horse is quite dead, putting down my stick. lol

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Coloma I hear you – I am a huge fan of self-examination and deep connection and I. enjoy. random. encounters. for. sex. To assume that a person comfortable with seeking pleasure is somehow incomplete isn’t right.

Coloma's avatar


Violet's avatar

@Thesexier you’re user name is the ‘Thesexier’, and you are judging people who swing, by saying “I think its just nasty!!!!!” ?

Silhouette's avatar

Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt. My man and I married when we were kids and it sounded like the thing to do at one point in our lives so we gave it a whirl. Turns out we were too straight laced to pull it off. We made complete asses of our selves. It was hard to be friends with that couple after the deed was done. We didn’t want a repeat performance and they were insulted by that. It ended the friendship.

Violet's avatar

@Silhouette bought the T-shirt, hee hee hee. Did it create any awkwardness or problems in your relationship?

Silhouette's avatar

—@Violet No, well we did share a few uncomfortable laughs or two. We embarrassed ourselves in front of each other and it took a few good laughs to get over the slightly cheesy feelings. Ahh youth!—

sleepdoc's avatar

Would you switch partners with another couple for sex? I can’t see this happening right now.

How bout have sex with another couple in the room doing the same? I think that although I might be a willing party here I doubt my partner would be up for it.

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