Social Question

ucme's avatar

When you or your S/O locks up on a night before bed,do you have a checklist routine & what is the final thing you check on?

Asked by ucme (50052points) March 11th, 2010

Self explanatory, rather bland trivial question I know. It’s late, that’s my excuse anyway.

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10 Answers

shadowofdeath's avatar

i usually start with the locks then i end with the locks once more before i am able to go to bed. i think i may have a touch of ocd though

wilma's avatar

Locks, and turn the heat down, check on the kids, bed.

In summer I would add to check if windows are open or closed like they should be determined by temperature and likelihood of rain.

CMaz's avatar

My final thing is checking on the dog.

tedibear's avatar

Get my bedside water, turn off the TV, if the weather is nice make sure the downstairs windows are closed, lock the doors and try to get the cats upstairs to sleep with us. I guess this means the last thing that I check is the doors.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Make sure I have not hit bed without not having had some kind of cake, dessert, ice cream or anything containing sugar!

thriftymaid's avatar

Not really. When I get sleepiy I just go to bed. I never have a lot of lights on and I usually lock the front door when it gets dark.

LuckyGuy's avatar

The garage door has to be closed and the lights turned off. Also I look out to make sure the car dome lights are off. My kid leaves it on occasionally and I’m always the one who has to start him in the morinng.
I’m thinking of removing his dome light bulb.

MissAusten's avatar

We make sure lights are off and doors are locked, peek in on the kids and quietly giggle at how cute they are when they’re sleeping best part of my day and then crash.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I always go to bed last – so I check my oldest son and his heater settings, I check the stove, I check my youngest isn’t covered by his blanket and can breathe and I turn off all the lights. Then I lay on my back for a little bit, get up to go pee, repeat all of the above and finally fall asleep once I go on my tummy.

Coloma's avatar

I turn down the heat…call in the cat. lol
Never lock my house, car keys in the car at all times, windows and doors open all night in the summer. I would be lost living in a big city again where I had to go through the delta lock down everyday! I havn’t seen my housekeys since 2006!
Think they’re in my desk, not sure! hahahaha

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