Social Question

FutureMemory's avatar

(NSFW) How common is beastiality?

Asked by FutureMemory (24763points) March 11th, 2010

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I noticed a fair number of people mentioned they refuse to try this – does anyone have a friend or acquaintance that has? Just how common is this practice? Personally I can’t wrap my head around what could possibly be attractive about it, but I suspect it’s a lot more common than were led to believe. Thoughts?

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53 Answers

ucme's avatar

I would imagine, or is that hope, that it’s pretty fucking rare.I like doggy style with the wife but that’s as far as it would ever go.

wilma's avatar

I don’t even want to think about it.I agree with @ucme .

and also about the “doggy style” ;)

ucme's avatar

@wilma Grrrr woof woof!!

Berserker's avatar

I have no idea. But there are many weird things out there I just can’t wrap me noggin’ roon.

In any case, this is all I need to know about it haha.

iam2smart99037's avatar

Very rare… at least where I’m from :)

CMaz's avatar

A few years ago I was into Second Life. By the way. SL sucks!

It is a place where you (your avatar) can be free to do what you want. Build homes, fly, ski, skydive go to the beach and fuck.
With like minded others.

While traveling from place to place I came across one of the most bizarre things I have ever come across.

Your Avatar, representing you. Can fuck a horse and have it fuck you. Well your avatar, or kneel in a urinal to be peed on by others.
Talk about connecting the dots. I wonder how that designers meeting went? “Hey Steve. Don’t forget a fucking horse and a place to be pissed on”. “Wow Mike,Great idea!” lol

It’s like one moment you (your avatar) is walking through the woods and, BOOM! Freak show.

Talk about a need to feed a fetish.

simplicity's avatar

Very, it you are Welsh.

Grisaille's avatar

@ChazMaz To be fair, Second Life is user-supported content. That is the purpose. Without support of the audience’s fictive content, it wouldn’t really be a “second life” anymore than any other MMO; more importantly, it wouldn’t have succeeded much.

RE: Topic Question: I figure it’s just as developed a scene as any other kink, really. Also remember that the this stuff has become easier to stumble across because of the interwebs. It’s there for consumption and discussion now, whereas (I expect) it was a really shadowy thing.

CMaz's avatar

@Grisaille – Right. I get that. That only adding to my POV.

Mikelbf2000's avatar

I would think it is pretty rare.

deni's avatar

At what point do you get desperate enough that you have to resort to having sex with an animal? THE THOUGHT….IS REPULSIVE. That poor animal…Does not want your dick in it! Not saying that only men do this but I have to feel it’s a bit harder for a woman.

FutureMemory's avatar

@deni Ever heard of doggy-style?

Grisaille's avatar

@deni What? Crap.

Am I the only one that immediately thought “women doing horses” when I think of this question?


CMaz's avatar

What about the Donkey shows in Mexico? I hear they are rather popular.

deni's avatar

@Grisaille yes i thought of that too but then the more i thought of it i thought “what the hell, how? do you have to hang from the horse and swing in and out? i dont understand the mechanics of it lol.

@FutureMemory yes, good point. thanks much lol

Grisaille's avatar

@deni I’m sorry, I’m too busy laughing my ass off to respond

deni's avatar

@Grisaille im laughing loudly at the image too, but im serious, am i wrong? how else do you do F a horse!

CMaz's avatar

I think the horse fucks you.

Grisaille's avatar

I suppose you should do some investigative research, @deni.

Let us know how it goes; report the findings.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I probably should have chosen my words more carefully. I wasn’t even thinking about fucking an animal. That’s too disgusting to me. I was thinking of an extreme woman and a b+d session. If she were to tease me intensely and then tell me I could only lick her pussy after her pussy had a chance to lick me, I’d probably find out what a cat’s tongue feels like. That’s as far as I was going. Here goes

FutureMemory's avatar

@deni what the hell, how? do you have to hang from the horse and swing in and out?

The only problem with that is whether or not you have long enough arms.

FutureMemory's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I’d probably find out what a cat’s tonge feels like

Like sandpaper.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

On the balls if that was what she was demanding.

deni's avatar

I’m so sad I brought this up. I unfortunately chose to listen to @Grisaille and research, and I pray none of you will ever type in “horse sex” to any search engine. I am so disturbed. Also unfortunately none of the pictures were doing it justice so I watched a video and literally almost threw up, i’m sorry but nothing with a foot long dick can feel good. What is wrong with people!

ps you dont have to hang from the horse. horses, apparently can be trained to fuck a woman while she is underneath it or while she is on a bed on her knees and it is standing on the floor behind her.

i wish those things existed in real life like in Men in Black where you could clear a section of memory and it would be like it never happened. lol

Grisaille's avatar

You get a +GA for being a trooper.

TheLoneMonk's avatar

h-o-r-s-e s-e-x Oh dear god. I had to type it didn’t I…oh….god that’s sick.

wilma's avatar

@deni learned a valuable lesson here.
Some things you just can’t “unsee”.

Arisztid's avatar

Man dies in bizarre case of bestiality is about a guy who belonged to a society of guys who liked to be fucked by horses.

His stallion, shall we say, was a bit much for him. He died from massive internal injuries.

“Investigators believe this farm may have become a hot spot for sex with animals, with people learning about it through Internet chat rooms. They don’t know how long it’s been going on, although the man at the center has rented the farm for about six years.” (from the article)

The following is revolting:

However, having sex with animals is not against the law in Washington State. he Humane Society of the U.S. says it should be and talks about other cases.

“Smaller animals have been seriously injured and/or killed,” says Regional Director Bob Reder. “Or, after the act, disposed of by horrible means.” (from the article again)

@deni… I am not typing that into my search engine.

Ok, on topic. I suspect that it is more common than we would like to think about.

Sarcasm's avatar

I got curious. So I googled horse sex.
Well. Not really googled. rather, trends.googled. Apparently it’s a REALLY popular search term in Pakistan and Delhi, India. Weird.

deni's avatar

MASSIVE INTERNAL INJURIES?? i want to throw up all of my insides. who..why…..what i dont get it asdfffffffflkjglhjnkjlksjgf

Arisztid's avatar

@Sarcasm That is very odd.

@deni At least the guy got what he deserved in the end.

Sarcasm's avatar

@Arisztid He deserved death?
I lol’d at “in the end” to be honest.

Arisztid's avatar

@Sarcasm Eh I could not care less if he died (his cause of death should be “stupidity”), I was just making a funny.

deni's avatar

in the end ROFL

thriftymaid's avatar

I’ve only heard of one person admitting it, and she favored a goat named Bob.

FutureMemory's avatar

What idiot even asked this question, sheesh.

Capt_Bloth's avatar

When I was growing up, one of our neighbors sons screwed their dog. I also went to high school with a kid who got caught screwing one of my friends dog. I never asked these individuals what their motivations were. I always assumed that they just really liked dogs.

Vunessuh's avatar

@thriftymaid lawls! I didn’t force him! He consented.

thriftymaid's avatar

@Vunessuh Why wouldn’t he? He probably read the post about the babies.

Vunessuh's avatar

@thriftymaid Probably. Bob is a baby goat, so I’m sure he was scared.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Pretty common. Look how many women sleep with pigs.

Sophief's avatar

What is beastiality?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Dibley Sexual acts involving animals.

Sophief's avatar

Oh my god. No no no. I would not do that.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Dibley There is a series of videos called Down on the Farm. Use your imagination, or rather don’t.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Dibley I’ve never watched the video, just saw the titles in a mailer, but that was bad enough.

syzygy2600's avatar

a girl from my hometown was caught having sex with her friends dog. Thank fuck I don’t live in that messed up shithole anymore.

CMaz's avatar

That girl is a FREAK!

augustlan's avatar

In the town I used to live in, I heard of a girl who used to crack eggs on her… bits, and have her dog lick off the mess. Also, it was a big farming community, and I heard that the 4H boys got busy with their sheep during the fair. Apparently, they stay overnight in the fairgrounds with their animals all week and tend to drink quite a bit after hours.

CMaz's avatar

I have done work in the Equestrian and stadium jumping industry.

All I can say is, you need to spend a great deal of time with your horse and those girls loved spending time with their horses.
Just like children spending a great time with one another will have a “show me yours I’ll show you mine” experience. Such behavior goes on with their equine friends.

Ajulutsikael's avatar

I would like to say it’s pretty rare, but there are lots of sites dedicated to it. It’s something that isn’t talked about a lot and well not everyone is into it for obvious reasons.

I’ve known people who have had pets abused by neighbors, or by farm hands. I even heard a story about a guy who went to the ER because he was stuck with his dog after a situation like this.

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