What are some catchy words that could replace swearing words?
I’m trying really hard not to swear, but swearing words are usually really catchy and once you say it, you find yourself saying it again and again.
So I’m looking for a replacement, if any of you have a specific word that you use, or heard somebody use it, please share :)
and shorter ones would be better as well. It’s kind of hard to say a super long word all the time. THanks!
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53 Answers
Mother Loving, and Monkey Fighting!!
For fuck I use feck and fuckles.
Just saying them backwards is the easiest!
Kcuf off you racnaw!! Dog timad! You elohsa! Tihs! Tihs TIHS!! Kiss my Ssa!!
@Vunessuh Fuckles is still F*ck just with a little less. lol
@Shae But Motherfuckles sounds soooooo much cooler than motherfucker.
@Vunessuh ; that is true :) they sound better. but still, I’m trying not to swear.
“ooh eeh ooh ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang” if thats not catchy i dont know what is, probably a bit long.
on a side note, there is nothing wrong with swear words
“Oh, for crying out loud!”
“Gee whiz!”
Fudge you, go fudge yourself, what the fudge!
I’m a pretty big fan of “eff” and “effing”.
“Oh, eff him.”
“He’s so effing smart, omg.”
Yosemite Sam, watch him in action. He cusses until his face is blue without actually cursing. It’s funny.
I use “fnord” at every opportunity. I also say “dabbit,” “Gosh dang it to Heck!” and generics like “Maledictions!” “Imprecations!” “OOOOOAAATHS!” “Bad words!” and, when I drop something on my foot, I’ll grab a random vowel/consonant pair and repeat it a few times.
I am also fond of “Unholy Shiite!” but more for its potential to shock an audience than for any practical application.
Bloody L
You are a Plutoid (a planet that has been insulted)
Doen’t any word you use to swear become a swear?
Funny, My son and I were discussing what the grandaddy of all colorful euphemisms is. It used to be the F-bomb, but that is now so overused it hardly carries any weight anymore. I am not allowed to say C**T at home, but that is a noun and not necessarily appropriate to shout as an expletive.
I find I use ‘Nutz’ a lot now. and the classic ‘Doooh
I use mother smurpher to replace mother f&$@er
I got the phrase from robot chicken
In an odd occasion when I don’t want to say “fuck”, I say “duck” it sounds almost the same…but it’s not…
i use yikes a lot.. also, holy smokes…
I always say Jeeze Miss Christy :)
@Vunessuh Lol fuckles. XD
Well, I like some of the old pirate cussing…zounds! What in tarnations!? Ye GODS, or, Egags! Or maybe, what in the seven hells?! I’m also quite partial to both fiddlesticks and futtbuckers. Also, fat the wuck.
Denno if it’s catchy, but I find it quite flashy.
@Vunessuh You say ‘fuckles’ when you’re really mad? To me it sounds like a joke word, funny. Wouldn’t do if I was mad but I’ll sure use it now if I’m just astounded by something! I’ll give you the credit.
Dag nabbit, my old dad used to say in calm moments. But when he was incensed he said God ! Dammit!
This is the one thing he taught me that I’ve been able to pass on to his grandsons. I refuse to give it up, and I refuse to let them give it up either.
@FlyingElephantWithGiganticEars: I hate to tell you this, but
when someone annoys me I often use the epithet “Dumbo” on them.
lint licker
cootie queen
french toast
shut the front door
@faye No, when I’m angry I curse like shit. I use feck online sometimes and fuckles in a jokingly matter. I’ve never tried to stop cursing. It’s a waste of an effort.
When the kids are around, I usually manage to say “Sugar!” instead of “shit.” What’s funny is the kids will yell sugar when they stub a toe or drop something. It works because if you start to say shit, you can turn it into sugar before it gets all the way out.
After watching “Monsters vs. Aliens,” the phrase “What the flagnard?!” became standard around our house.
I use ‘fudging flamingoes’
Fook you and fook me
from Austin Powers
hahaha oh yeah lol and I like angry 1800’s gentlemen who say “Boulderdash!!”, and “Cobswallab!!!”
@Violet Lint licker !! hahahaha!! One of my favorites.
you could say ‘what the helicopter’ or ‘oh shitake mushrooms’. ‘what the feathers??’
Any word that you use to swear becomes a swear word. You still have same meaning behind it.
I just say Oh No in various ways and strengths.
Instead of saying sh!t, I’ve always had a habit of saying Sugar Honey Iced Tea. (See what I did there
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