General Question

Brian1946's avatar

Do you have any idea why some Black people don't like the movie, "Monster's Ball"?

Asked by Brian1946 (32775points) March 12th, 2010

According to , “Halle Berry took the little gold man home as Best Actress in Monster’s Ball, a movie widely despised by every Black person I know who have seen it.”

Although I’m familiar the movie’s storyline and I don’t think that anyone is obligated to like it regardless of their ethnicity, I haven’t seen it, so I’m wondering.

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12 Answers

Ivan's avatar

I thought this was the set up for a joke.

lilikoi's avatar

Reply hazy, try again later.

syzygy2600's avatar

Maybe they were mislead by the title. I thought it was going to be a light hearted romp about monsters having a party and picked up a copy on the way to a child’s birthday party. That was awkward.

chamelopotamus's avatar

Black guys want her, white guy got her. Voila!

aprilsimnel's avatar

A lot of black people objected to the perceived degradation of Halle’s character’s sleeping with the loathesome white prison warden character portrayed by Billy Bob Thornton. Angela Bassett, in particular, feels that Halle took a role that demeaned black women and was rewarded for it with an Oscar™.

Unfortunately, many black people in the US don’t feel that narrative portrayals characterize us as individuals the way white people are. When a white person plays someone “bad”, it’s just that character and not their entire race, but when a POC plays a “bad” person, the whole race will look bad and white people will use such a portrayal against us in real life, is the concern. I personally will be glad when that is no longer the case and when black people and other people of colour no longer worry about what whites think of them.

Vunessuh's avatar

Perhaps because the film doesn’t do anything for black women nor black people in general. The film doesn’t really depict the image of a strong black woman.
Also, Peter Boyle and Billy Bob Thornton both play racist bigots. More so Peter does though.
But Halle Berry’s character sleeps with a white man. Nuff’ said.
@aprilsimnel hit the nail on the head.

Personally, I think black people took that movie too personally. There are plenty of films where white actors play similar roles. Look at Charlize Theron in Monster. She won an Oscar too.
It’s just a movie with a story it’s trying to tell. It wasn’t done on purpose to degrade a particular race.

cockswain's avatar

If it helps, I’m white and didn’t think much of the movie.

Brian1946's avatar

@Vunessuh @aprilsimnel

Thank you for your excellent answers! :-0

chamelopotamus's avatar

wow that’s an amazing answer @aprilsimnel, I never would have guessed that, which you can tell by my answer lol thank you for providing me with that insight, it’s very interesting to see through the eyes of others.

judochop's avatar

Jungle fever is not exactly a fever that some people like to feel.

tinyfaery's avatar

This is interesting.

thriftymaid's avatar

Same reason some whites don’t.

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