Why do the questions dealing with sex seem to elicit the most answers and liveliest discussions?
Based on causal observation only, not upon statistical research, I’ve noticed in the short time I’ve been participating in the Fluther community, Flutherites seem to congregate more frequently in the realm of sexually-related questions.
By sexually-related, I mean everything and anything related to sex – from stereotypes, to relationships; from debating which type of news person is more appealing, to giving one’s entire energy to his/her S/O.
What is it about sex that keenly draws our interests, snarky comments, jokes, sharing of experiences, and quirky thoughts?
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33 Answers
we are all sex starved apparently?
I think because those discussions are generally inhibited in most public situations. Family meetings etc. So people have a lot to say, and are curious about things they never got to discuss.
‘Cause that’s what it’s all about, Alfie, I mean, @prolificus! I’m not kidding.
That’s mostly all people think and care about unfortunately. Great question, I was thinking of this the other day.
It’s sex…...everyone loves it under the surface and we can’t talk about it at work or at home…...so the internet is a good outlet.
Who doesn’t like talking about sex? I mean, come on. ;)
I think it is one commonality all humans share. We are not all vegetarians, we are not all republicans, we are not all athiests, we are not all divorced. Questions about divorce will probably be answered by people who have experienced it. That leaves out a fair number of people who don’t know what that is like yet.
Sexual feelings, frustrations, urges… are something common to almost every human being here. Also these are the things we are embarrassed to bring up at dinner conversation, ask a pastor or neighbor about. We carry around all these feelings and thoughts but in the typical life situation it would be awkward or not an appropriate time to discuss them. Sex is not really an appropriate subject for around the water cooler. Here people are semi-anonymous, and it is kind of a safe place to talk about it.
I think its our hormones working, because me I really like reading, watching anything with sex in it and maybe books of teens loosing their virginity and becoming pregnant.
the anonymity of this forum allows posters to freely spill out their inner-most thoughts on various subjects including sex and related topics, that may be difficult to express in a live face-to-face discussion.
We’re all really, really horny.
@escapedone7 great answer maybe not the last sentence though! ;)
Sex or food are hot topics here. or sex with food
notice it is usually the same people that answer the sex questions. horny bunch they are. ;)
If I was actually having sex, I probably wouldn’t have the time to be on Fluther to talk about it. Haha.
Oh, I simply love to talk about sex. It may have something to do with the fact that there’s no action on that score in my life as of late
because it’s something we can all relate to.. something we all [or will] have in common…
Not all. I hate when people generalize. There are millions of asexuals in the world you know.
Them that can, do. Them that can’t just like to talk about it.
Sex is great!GREAT !GREAT !GREAT!YAAAAAYY SEX! that’s why
I’ll have what ^ she’s ^ having. :)
I don’t agree with the basic premise. Look around at the questions about disciplining children, or dealing with most politics, or ‘alternative’ life styles (which may be in the ‘sex’ category, I guess), or pancakes or frizzers.
Animal Kingdom Desires… Alert – click here for discussion about _Man & Woman, Sex, Toys and Water!
there, got everyone’s attention…We all like to talk and share _everything SEX and then perhaps go find our S/O to practice…
They don’t
The religion questions seem to garner the most interest.
It’s because sex is common amongst everyone. Not everyone is going to reply to the “Mac” thread or the “lose weight” thread “or the waaaaah, my SO hurt my feelings thread” because not everyone has an experience with those topics to relate.
But everyone (or almost everyone) has a sex experience to share, or base an opinion on.
Note that this is a question pertaining to the discussion of sex, and therefore is a discussion about sex. Also note that this is a “very lively” discussion. Nice job, @prolificus, you’ve proved your own point!
Issues of where we fit within the universe and our relation to some notion of G_d are issues we all deal with in some way.
The same is true for anything to do with sexuality and relationships. These are as close to universal issues as we can identify.
We all have experience with sexual urges, romantic attraction and we all make multiple decisions about how to proceed in intimate relationships.
In most cases, we can only speculate about these things as it applies to people we know or who want to know about us.
Within the Fluther community, we feel so much more free to discuss our experiences, our questions and our fantasies about our own and other’s love and sex lives.
It is exciting and fun to discuss all such matters with the security that partial anonymity provides.
What we learn here is much more real than what we see in XXX movies and TV programs or were taught by our parents, teachers and religious traditions.
1. I think it because it’s simply a more amusing topic.
2. If your not getting any, you hope to pick up tips on why.
3. If your getting some you try to compare.
4. If you think its the best thing since chocolate, you want to share your obsession with others of the same mind.
5. And lastly there usually isn’t anything too controversial about it since everyone is either doing it, done it or wants to do it.
Most likely, about 99% of people on fluther have had sex. The same can not be said said about repairing a car engine.
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