Which is it for a suspected thief: truth or consequences?
During my 13 years as a police detective, i have arrested many thieves suspected of committing many crimes. after advising them of their Consitutional Rights, the first question i would ask them is this: “tell me the truth or suffer the consequences”. many people want to confess to the crime they are charged with and this saying has worked wonders for me. i think the truth behind this statement is that it allows the thief an opportunity to tell the truth upfront and maybe receive a lighter sentence for co-operating with the police. not all thieves do this and they subsequently suffer the consequences. you are arrested and charged with a crime. its your choice, which would you do? tell the truth or suffer the consequences?
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3 Answers
Any smart criminal lawyers up immediately. Fortunately for society most criminals are remarkably dumb.
I think I’d have the presence of mind to ask, “What consequences?”
I’d probably end up confessing and hope for a reduced sentence and some leniency on the part of the law. If I am guilty, it seems to be the most pragmatic thing to do.
I’m sure you’ve watched the show Cops! It certainly appears that it make makes no difference whether the perp fesses up or not. He’s going downtown. The officer says: “Just tell me the truth so we can figure out what is going on.” When the perp does confess, the officer says: “I appreciate your being honest with me.” But he still cuffs him and arrests the guy.
Or what about the traffic stops when the officer says: “Do you mind if I look in the car?” It makes no difference. If you say “yes” you have to lawyer up, and waste time and they eventually find it. If you say “no” they find it quicker. Either way you’re done.
Sadly it seems it is always in the perp’s best interest to make it difficult.
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