Social Question
Can you name someone, or a group of people, who don't get the recognition and/or respect they deserve?
I’ll provide two of my own:
Billy Mitchell. In 1999, this man completed a perfect game of Pac Man. That means playing through 255 levels, never dieing once, never missing a single dot, energizer, ghost, or fruit. That’s six hours of concentration and making all the right hand movements – a feat that has been compared to surgery. In my eyes that’s a lot more dedication and skill than shown by sports people who make millions for throwing a few balls through a hoop or net.
Professional wrestlers. Everyone decries it as being idiotic and “fake”. While it may be scripted, it’s harder than any sport. There is no way to fall and have it not hurt. Many MMA fighters have tried to get into wrestling because they think it will be an easy way to make extra cash and end up dropping out because they can’t handle the pain. Rey Mysterio is 33 years old and has had six knee operations and yet continues to perform. Jimmy Snuka is 65, can barley walk, and yet sucks it up enough to still dive from the top rope on occasion. In my opinion these men and women deserve far more respect and credit than they are given by the general public.
Who do you think deserves more respect?