Pregnancy question: when babies kick is it normally in the same spot?
I’m 18 weeks pregnant and having a hard time trying to distinguish this, I think I just felt my baby kick from the outside for the first time, I’ve felt him kick me from on the inside before but I was just rubbing my tummy and felt a nice kick and bump against my hand but it could of been something else.. It was 3 bumps, About 2 minutes apart, 2 were in the same spot, and the last was about an inch away from the original bump, and now its just stopped, Does it sound like my baby?
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9 Answers
A “kick” can also be an arm or a shoulder as well as a foot,so they can be felt across your bump,not necessarily in the same spot.It is the most extraordinary thing to feel something tangible of the baby.Happy days.
Unless you have swallowed a daddy long legs, it is, indeed, the baby. It initially feels like a butterfly touch. Babies have four appendages, 20 digits, a head and rear end..they all will bump you, poke you or jar you. Sometime you will see a lump show up; it is either the baby’s head or rear.
They flail around for a while and then sleep; the pattern is unpredictable. But that feeling of life growing inside of you will fill you with awe.
Odds are great that was your baby! Be prepared because you will begin to feel your baby in lots of unlikely places. I tell my oldest that during the last three months of my pregnancy with him he used my ribs as his own personal coffee table.
Yep thats him/her. Toward the end of the pregnacy, your baby will have a favoriet position to lie in, and tend to kick in the same place. My daughter liked sticking her little foot right under my rib cage.
How wonderful for you! Congratulations!
It most likely is your baby that you are feeling. Some babies are very active and move a lot, others not as much.
Get ready, you are starting on the ride of a lifetime!
hm the @ didnt work! sorry but Thank you all for those great answers!! I’m so excited (:
Not for the whole pregnancy. But the little one will find a favorite position and then you will feel the kicking in the same place a lot of the time.
they have arms and legs.. so you’ll feel like an octopus is in you at some points. congrats!
Congratulations to you! If yours is anything like my babies, he/she will have a new favorite place to kick or bump every few weeks. Happy pregnancy!
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