Is it really helpful or productive to openly call a question a lie?
There are times I’ve witnessed a question regarded openly with hostile accusations it is a lie.
Even if the problem is a legitimate one that many people might face, such as cancer, cheating spouses, finding birth records, bullying at school, sexual dysfunction… I have seen some questions elicit a slew of comments that basically say “bullshit, we don’t believe you. This can’t be real.” I’ve seen it a lot. I wonder what exactly the point is.
If the questioner is telling the truth, then the cynical person is being unkind and unhelpful. If the questioner is lying, someone “out there” just might have cancer or sexual dysfunction or a bully they are dealing with, that might get helped by the post. In my opinion offering an an honest real answer would be more helpful.
However some people may think they are protecting other jellies from becoming emotionally sucked into a lie and wasting their time, or upholding standards of credibility on this site.
So I ask you, is it productive to call questioners liars, even if they may possibly be? Does it create a hostile atmosphere? Does it conflict or go along with the culture of this particular community. What are your thoughts? When is this appropriate? Should people do it? It is your community, so I’d like your thoughts.
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50 Answers
I don’t believe it is helpful at all. I always thought we were here to help, not judge.
Even if the question is a lie, but one person learns something from the answers we provide, isn’t that enough?
just my opinion
If the question includes an untrue assumption or conclusion, yes.
This is the second question in as many minutes that seeks to strip people of the right to draw their own conclusion and express it the way they see fit. There are moderation guidelines. I don’t know of any that restrict my right to call something a lie or a fake if I believe it to be untrue or disingenuous. Who the fuck are you to instruct people on what opinion they may or may not express?
I think it is very unhelpful. Relatively often, I have noticed that someone has given a real, well thought-out answer and then responded nastily after someone else calls the asker a liar. I’m not saying it should be banned or anything but I think, at times, it is wholly unnecessary to be so rude.
@dpworking I never told you what to do. I said, this is “your community”, and asked what you thought. I still want to know what you think.
Response moderated
No it’s not. I’ve read some things here that were completely unbelievable. Way over the top melodrama and I’ve also seen a few who rush in and call the author a liar. I think both are symptoms of overacting. Mugging and hamming for the audience.
I don’t consider myself a member of your community but an outsider. I recognize there is a culture here, made up of people like you @dpworkin, and you have some established ettiquette or standards. I am simply enquiring, not asking your to change your culture or site. I am not staying long, trust me. But if I am going to be here at all, understanding such cultural norms would be probably helpful.
I think it’s an insult. If you don’t like a question then you can just leave it without have to put your hostility in it.
@dpworkin: Hm, the question asked my opinion and I gave it. I’m just curious, why did you choose me to attack me when another user answered in a similar fashion? Read my answer again. I said I think it is unhelpful and not that it should be banned.
Oh yes I’ve been a pain in the ass recently, which is why I won’t be here long. I don’t always believe everything I read either. But still, understanding the unique culture that is fluther should be taken into consideration. This site is unique, not at all like Yahoo Answers and others. There is a culture here that has evolved.
@SophiscatedLady You just said what you think. Am I required to agree? I think you are dead wrong, and that it is insulting to be instructed that one may not call a liar a liar if one pleases. Now what? You want to make a rule about that? What would you propose? When does your desire to have an air of politesse on Fluther conflict with my right to express myself in a public forum in any way I wish?
I think the answerer needs to be on VERY firm ground before they label a question a lie, ot state that the answerer does not believe the question is legitimate. Same goes for comments on answers. But there are statements that are clearly lies, and I do not think they should be left to stand as if they are true. If someone were to ask why the US Government is arresting and executing everyone who owns a cat, I would not just let that stand lest someone with little knowledge of the USA read it, se no information countering it, and form a very wrong and unfair impression about how barbaric my beloved country must be.
There are, it seems to me, a bunch of people who think they have good noses for troll meat. Personally, I think they way over-estimate both the intelligence of people and the ability of trolls to appear to be something they are not. Most of the people they identify as trolls are pretty much lost people who really don’t have a clue. And that’s why they are here.
But you know, that’s par for the course. Someone can sit around yelling “troll” and I can still answer the question seriously if I want. I don’t feel a need to argue with the person who thinks they smell a troll. I’ll do it if I feel like it, or if I think that the questioner is being treated unfairly as a result of the accusation, but I have generally found that there are about ten people willing to take someone seriously for every person who smells a troll.
You know, some people feel a need to defend a particular view of the world, and others don’t. I don’t have to argue with everyone who disagrees with me. Often, I won’t bother. That’s not what I’m here for.
Some people will sit on a discussion and answer every post made. That’s cool if that’s what you want to do. Me, I’d rather go find another question that’ s just as interesting.
@dp breathe. If you notice, calm down, in the question I even mentioned it might protect other jellies from wasting their time or getting sucked into a question that isn’t real, or uphold the credibility of the site. In otherwords sweet grumpy man, I even was open to the idea there is a reason for it. You seem angry. Breathe. Nobody is attacking you. It’s ok.
If I am going to be on fluther, I need to learn fluther culture.
@ETpro Why must I be on any firmer ground than I am on when I express any other opinion? Because it is an assault on the OP’s amour propre? Who cares? I don’t think the guidelines provide a metric on how firm my ground must be. If I think it is so, I am entitled to say it, and you can kiss my old Jewish ass.
@dpworkin No. You have your right to do that,and I too have my own right to say anything I like. Just for your information,I never force you to believe me or to suggest you to do what I said.
@dp do you need a hug? I’m not mad at you. You seem upset today.
@dpworkin: Is there a particular reason why you are so threatened about other people having different opinions than yours?
@KatawaGrey He knows I really want that monitor badge. I think he purposely didn’t include my name because he knew I would feel left out.~
I am threatened by pompous narcissists who think that they have a say in how I should express myself on Fluther. I have never mentioned an objection to being disagreed with.
@jonsblond: Naturally. Maybe shared custody? ;)
@dpworkin: The question was asking on opinion. The opinion desired happened to be about how other users reacted in a certain situation. Do you expect us to keep our mouths shut because it might piss you off? Though you are doing a fine job of just that.
I am not telling you how to express yourself dp. You are doing a fine job. But you do need a hug. I’ve often thought your posts were helpful and insightful. I am not bashing dp today. Do you need to talk in PM? Sometimes I don’t believe things I read either. I rarely call them out. I am openly considering the benefits or detriments of doing so, and this particular culture and community that has evolved here.
To the contrary, I am glad that this is an open discussion, and that there are differing opinions. The OP seems to state that some opinions may not be expressed, such as that some troll is a liar.
@ETpro and @thriftymaid made some very good points about preventing the dissimination of misinformation.
@dpworkin do the moderators really get to wear a badge? A uniform and hat, too? Maybe a sash?
Where do I apply?
@CyanoticWasp Maybe a sash. From what I’ve heard they all sit around naked. a badge might hurt.
lol @CyanoticWasp I have already been told I need to learn how to “disagree without being disagreeable”. I’ve had my warnings. I don’t expect to be here long. LOL. The mods do a good job though, and they do give fair warning. I don’t know if they have badges but they do seem to have some standards. As I mentioned, I may not be here long.
@dpworkin I really get your side of the story. Free speech and you don’t want nazi’s telling you what to say. Please don’t scare the bejeezus out of other people who might want to share their opinion though ok? You seem so angry. I didn’t mean to make you angry. The other thread you mentioned inspired this one. I asked it there initially but realized it was hijacking his topic. I’d like answers from all across the fluther community so try not to scare people to death ok? You’re triggering my PTSD damnit.
@dpworkin LOL…look at who’s the troll here. Why are you so grumpy? And calling the people such names. Oh my.
I never got a badge. @Augustlan wont let me have a gun either.~ ;)
Seriously though- the flag system is awesome if you suspect a troll. No need to confront- just flag and move on to a question that does not feel trollish. The flag keeps a record and notifies the entire mod staff. The same goes for a question you suspect to be homework or that has spelling errors. Flag and forget it!
~Why not let us to the menial labor? Relax on the deck as you all add beneficial contributions. We will even supply you with drinks that have pretty paper umbrellas.. :)
I basically don’t think that it’s helpful.
In that regard, how would you answer the following question if I asked it: how can I get my wife- Angelina Jolie- to have sex with me in one of those transparent elevators? :-p
I’d probably make a very tasteless joke that would get me moderated. I’m trying to be good though.
As a mod, I agree with @Dog.
As a jelly, I personally go on the assumption that any question that isn’t completely ludicrous is a sincere one. Even on the completely ludicrous ones, I tend to take a wait and see approach. I would hate to think that I may incorrectly label someone a liar, only to end up adding to their very real pain.
I haven’t the patience of either of you saintly darlings. This is a fact about me which has not gone unobserved.
@Dog but, but…...I asked for a mai tai, and they brought me a pina colada, and I said no salt, NO salt for the margarita, but it had salt on it, big grains of salt, floating in the glass… I could shut this whole site down. I’ll take my contributions to a competing Q&A site. I could write a letter to Ben and Andrew and I could have this place condemned. I could put… I could put… strychnine in the guacamole. There was salt on the glass, BIG grains of salt.
@jonsblond Flag your waiter- we will make him vanish….:)
Yes, it’s unhelpful. And those who feel the need to go out of their way to condescend to these people practice their own special type of douchebaggery. Yes, yes, we all know how special you are for seeing what the rest of us idiots are so ignorantly blind to.
Get over yourselves.
@tinyfaery You just did it yourself, but from the other point of view. Who’s the douchebag? Who needs to get over herself?
and quit looking like me. It freaks me out.
We’re all a little freaked out.
Ah – you all look like a bunch of douchebags right now! (Sorry, Chuckie.)
I’m scared to ask anything else!
Giggles at the irony that I’m being called a liar. Actually it’s true. I’m not coming back without a priest, a crucifix, garlic and a restraining order.
@escapedone7 You’re doing fine. Just hang in here a while and you’ll toughen up like an old – err, bird!
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