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ru2bz46's avatar

Know any good backpacking software?

Asked by ru2bz46 (6748points) March 14th, 2010

Does anyone know of a good application in which I can mark campsites, add personal notes, and set waypoints on USGS topo maps, and then have the software calculate route length, vertical feet gain/loss, etc. and print out my personalized maps with the routes highlighted?

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5 Answers

malevolentbutticklish's avatar

Trimble Outdoors for Andriod based phones***

***I have never used this software personally.

jaytkay's avatar

National Geographic Topo

There are two desktop programs, State Series and Weekend Explorer, and a wev version.

Desktop software


Rarebear's avatar

I’ve used Google Earth for exactly this.

YARNLADY's avatar

Try the Sierra Club website, or Rei You can also find the best backbacking at camper community

zenvelo's avatar

I like TOPO also.

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