Aren't we due for another Star Trek series? Who should play the lead roles?
Face it – life sucks without at least one Star Trek series on the air. The new film was okay I guess. Just as Star Wars had to appeal to a younger (and apparently retarded – Jar Jar Binks???!!!) generation, so did ST the movie. I get it.
But what about a real series, And I don’t mean Enterprise. I mean a real one.
And who should play the lead roles?
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55 Answers
I vote Neil Patrick Harris for Captain.
Oh, please no.
I can’t deal with another Voyager.
I want Howie Long to play Captain
@Zen_Again: Funnily enough, that’s probably all I would watch at this point.
I grew up on Star Trek, and I will say Voyager was the only one on other than DS9 reruns when I was younger. And that did pull me in. But then Enterprise came back on the air and I learned the error of my ways. But if there was a fabulously fierce captain having some super adventures… I might be amused.
I just think it’s kind of over at this point.
@Zen_Again NPH plays straight pretty well. He’s got the right level of cockiness though.
Let’s write some numbers for it.
Though, I just might watch a musical…
Phasers on stun
It’s that time again
Phasers on stun
It’ll never end
Cloak me buddy cuz I got your back
Phasers on stun… Phasers on stun…
It’s the fabulous, Star tabulous Treeeeeeeeeek
I vote for Sandra Bullock she can boldly go where no man has gone before! WOOF!
From the looks of things today, I should.
Play all the roles, that is.
I vote NEIL PATRICK HARRIS for captain!!!!!!!
I think we’re done with the Star Trek series.
“Enterprise” was boring beyond belief.
I could go for some more of that new Star Trek film.
I vote for one of the following:
Star Trek: Temporal Corps – Takes place in the 25th century. We get glimpses of the past and the future, would be nice if Patrick Stewart as Piccard and others coupld play guest roles.
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy – A cross between a Star Trek and a college movie (Animal House in space?)
Star Trek: We are Borg – Star Trek from the point of view of the Borg – each race presents different risks and challenges, but in the end resistance is futile.
No one.How can you replace William Shatner? I hate remakes of past shows.
I completely agree that there should be a new star trek series, possibly one that applies some more modern trends in television. I think what made Star Trek stale was a style of storytelling that remained relatively unchanged since the original series (which aired in the 60s!). By this I mean a relatively small group of main characters and a majority of episodes whose story lines began and ended with each 45 minute installment (I am not addressing Enterprise here for obvious reasons lol). What seems to be a popular trend now in television is a large cast of main characters (of course there is typically a core group on which the show will tend to gravitate around primarily) and I believe that this could breathe some new life into the franchise. For instance, a show which focuses not only on a single earth vessel, but perhaps a romulan and klingon one as well, where their stories crosss and intertwine periodically; this would allow for a larger cast without too much repetition.
As for who should play captain? I think that best captains were actors that weren’t very mainstream at the time. My two favorites (Picard and Sisko) were both huge into theatre and didn’t do much film and television prior to their tours on Star Trek. So I would vote for them to continue this trend of finding great actors instead of big names.
in response to “HungryGuy“s post which went up as I write this, I like the temporal idea, but if you saw any of Enterprise you’d see how confusing that made the plots with all the temporal paradoxes everywhere. So they would have to be very careful not to turn peoples brains into pretzels.
I’d love to see a new series. Maybe stick with the continuity reboot that the new movie gave us, and focus on some ship that’s not the Enterprise.
The Iranian Ambassador to the UN had just finished giving a
speech and walked out into the lobby where he met President Obama.
They shook hands, and as they walked the Iranian said, “You know, I
have just one question about what I have seen in America .”
President Obama said, “Well, anything I can do to help you, I will”
The Iranian whispered, “My son watches this show ‘Star Trek’ and in
it there is Chekhov who is Russian, Scotty who is Scottish, Uhura who
is Black and Sulu who is Japanese, but no Muslims.
My son is very upset and doesn’t understand why there aren’t any Iranians, Syrians
or Lebanese on Star Trek.”
President Obama laughed, leaned toward the Iranian ambassador, and
whispered back,
“That’s because it takes place in the future.”
I agree with Freedom that they shouldn’t remake old shows with new actors. But there’s nothing wrong with doing shows about different ships and with different crews, as they did with Voyager and Next Gen.
isn’t Andromedea from Gene Roddenberry in the 30th cent
Personally, I think the new Star Trek movie was just about the best thing ever to have come from the whole Trekkie world… it was awesome!
I think a new Star Treck series should get away from the military side of things & concentrate on say, a trading vessel, or perhaps a bounty hunter, someone a little shadey.
Yep, another prequel series. Like what happened between Archer and Kirk.
Another option would be featuring a non-human culture as protagonists before they meet the Federation. Not the Klingons though. Bajorans perhaps?
@mattbrowne how about how vyger came from the Borg homeworld
How about a follow up TV movie to DS9. I’d like to know what happened to Cisco when he returned from spending time with the wormhole aliens..
I thought that star trek insurrection had hope… then the movie sucked…I want to see a federation civil war…Picard vs Janeway
Maybe they could run a series about the Klingons.
I think we may be on to something. I especially liked @mattbrowne ‘s idea.
@Nullo – Nah! I’m sick of Klingons…
@AstroChuck (are you the real AstroChuck?) – I concur! They should make movies based on some of the other Trek series. They have so much material to draw upon!
What non-human race are you most interested in?
What about a Trek soap opera taking place on the tribble homeworld? Perhaps The Many Troubles of Tribbles.
@AstroChuck the kilngons detroyed the tribble homeword in the 23rd cent in DS9
They could always make it before that happened.
@AstroChuck I’d watch a series about Tribles thats for sure!
@Zen_Again – Considering how fast Tribbles multiply (they’re born pregnant, remember?), I’m sure that if just one survived on some starship (and I’d hazard a guess that they’re actually fairly widespread across the galaxy by then), they’d infest other worlds fairly quickly (like furry cockroaches). You can’t keep a good Tribble down.
How about CSI: Starfleet?
@AstroChuck – Cool! Excellent idea! There should be a lot more crossovers between different shows, IMO…
Seriouly, a Trek-based crime drama would be pretty cool.
@AstroChuck Those are groovy ideas….. although I’d quite like to see a Star Trek:Dexter combo
You know how they did an Aliens vs. Predator movie once? How about a movie where The Enterprise, a Borg Cube, and the Death Star all encounter one another (some space anomoly is responsible of course, or maybe “Q”)?
@HungryGuy I thought of making that video game “the emporer could destroy a Borg Cube a week and treat them as yea yea… Iv’e heard this assimitation before”...I thought of it in 1995
how about Star Trek “nights” baywatch “nights”
How about Star Trek: The Love Boat… It’s the exact same premise as The Love Boat with the same weekly plots, but on board a cruise/starship. There are occasional encounters with anamolies and alien races in space (it wouldn’t be Star Trek if that never happened), but being that the ship doesn’t deviate from well traveled “corridors” it’s not ever exposed to high-level danger like the Enterprise is.
How about a Star Trek Special Forces series. The principles would be members of the Starfleet version of the Navy Seals. I could get into watching that.
Has anyone ever seen Sex Trek the porn movie? I kid you not.
@Zen_Again – I haven’t seen it. Link please? I doubt it’s on YouTube :-/
Sorry – you gotta buy it.
@Zen_Again- Are you talking about Sex Trek: The Next Penetration?
@AstroChuck Yes – it was almost as good as, ahem, Deep Space Nine.
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