Meta Question

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

When did Lucille hit 10K?

Asked by Captain_Fantasy (11452points) March 14th, 2010

… and what’s with the spatula thing?

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69 Answers

davidbetterman's avatar

About 1 minute ago!!!! Congrats lucillelucillelucille.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Congratulations!Congratulations!Congratulations!, @lucillelucillelucille

That was quick!

Vunessuh's avatar

Yay! My buddy hit 10k!
I’m so happy for you!
The spatulas are happy for you too.

Keep us laughing with your hilarious answers.
You’re an amazing contributor to the site (obviously. You got to 10k in under 4 months) , a great friend and all around awe-inspiring.

I admire your strength and independence.
You’re wonderful. I love you, Banana!

rangerr's avatar

Holy 10k, Batman. You just got here!

filmfann's avatar

oops, just posted another congrats question for her.
Congrats! Well done! and Great Googlie Wooglie WTG!

chyna's avatar

@lucillelucllelucille Congratscongratscongrats! Welcome to the mansion.

cyn's avatar

really, i admire your responses. They are funny and interesting.

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Who cares when—but it’s about time. Congratulations. Again and again.

Likeradar's avatar

Congrats, Ms. Speedy!

aprilsimnel's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille, so happy that one of the funny ladies has arrived! Woohoo! Congrats on 10K!

J0E's avatar

Lucille, you’ve got some splainin’ to do!

Good Job!

jackm's avatar


Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Congrats – I love laughing at your funny answers.

jonsblond's avatar

Congrats to one funny Jelly! :)

faye's avatar

Congrats- love your posts!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@davidbetterman -Thank you for the hot dog hat! It looks great and I will be the envy of all the ladies at wrestling practice! :)

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities -Thank you for the 1932 Cord You are awesome!:)
@rangerr -Thank you for the Peruvian Paso horse! I won’t drink and ride:)

@filmfann-Thank you for the poster of Robert Shaw! ;)
@chyna -Thank you for the vacuum!Is the mansion big?? lol
@cyndihugs-Thank you for sending Howie Long to my doorstep.I will treasure him always and keep him safely locked in my basement :)
@CyanoticWasp-Thank you for the Gramma.I really needed one as I ran out years ago—she’s alittle crabby ,but I think I can snap her out of it—:))

@Likeradar-Thank you for the Englebert Humperdink cd!How did you know??:)

@aprilismnel-Thank you for the swimming pool! I’ve always wanted one on the roof of my car! :))
@Freedom Issues-Thank you for taking my mother-in-law on a trip around the world!:))
@JOE-Thank you for the shotgun shells!I promise to not hit anything but barns! :)
@jackm-Thank you for the cookbook! I shall use it as a weapon! ;)

@Simone De Beauvoir-Thank you for the Giant sequoia! It’s so much better than a dozen roses! :)

@jonsblond-Thank you for the herd of water buffalo!I’ll never have to mow the lawn again!:)
@faye-Thank you for the angle grinder,now I can give pedicures to all my friends!:)

shego's avatar

Another 10K party!
This is a monumentous day!
Congrats to you @lucillelucillelucille

whatthefluther's avatar

Congratulations. That was quick, but not surprising…..your posts are always clever and fun while relevant and thought-provoking.
See ya….Gary/wtf

CMaz's avatar

Weeeeeee!!! HAPPY 10K!

You are one crazy MoFo!

I like that. ;-)

Pseudonym's avatar

Congratulations! Hip hip hooray!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@shego -Thank you for the ham sandwich! I will treasure it for about 4.7 minutes :))
@whatthefluther -Thank you for the pancake shaped like Montana!It’s going on my wall! :)
@ChazMaz-Thank you for the sleeveless straight jacket!It is sharp! ;))
@Pseudonym -Thank you for the clowns!—I am working on my fear—;)

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Vunessuh -THANK YOU FOR THE SEATLESS UNICYCLE! HOW DID YOU KNOW??LOL! You’re the best !:)Love you too !

Captain_Fantasy's avatar

We anxiously await the next ten thousand.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Captain_Fantasy -Thank you for the anti-aging cream,for it will take 700 years to reach that :))

TLRobinson's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille-I so enjoy your answers, humor and wit!

IBERnineD's avatar

Yay Congrats!!!

syz's avatar

Wow, parteeeee!! Congratulations!!

wilma's avatar

YAY!!! Congratulations!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@TLRobinson -Thank you for the rollerblades with the square wheels!I promise to slow down.;)
@syz-Thank you for the two left shoes.I’m sure my dancing will improve tremendously!:)
@wilma-Thank you for the magic golf clubs! I will kick some ass!;)

Violet's avatar

Congratulations! on reaching 10K and surviving Answerbag

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Violet-Thank you for the spatula! lol :)

casheroo's avatar

yay, congrats!

liminal's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I am thinking you are only granted a 10k gold gun case in the new digs…better to keep going… I look forward to watching as you do!

KatawaGrey's avatar

Yay! @lucillelucillelucille, we can take all the tours together! I’d like to have you around in case zombies ever attack the 10k mansion. :)

CyanoticWasp's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities switched the tags on our gifts… the 1932 Cord was from me; he put his Gramma in the trunk. I’m just sayin’ is all.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@casheroo -Thank you for the Monopoly money.I will use it to pay my taxes.:))
@liminal -Thank you for the cannon! I will use it wisely ;)
@SeventhSense -Thank you for the ferris wheelIt looks great in my kitchen! :)
@CyanoticWasp -Lol!Isn’t that where Grammas come from??

Fred931's avatar

Next time, don’t post the party without 10k as a topic so that I don’t post a duplicate!


Fred931's avatar

R A T S ! ! !

Fred931's avatar

I believe that’s the first time the text formatting hasn’t gone awry when I did that… 0.o

tinyfaery's avatar

It was quite a feat getting to this thread.

Congrats @lucillelucillelucille! The one-liners are great.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@tinyfaery -Thank you for the feet! lol! :) I will Riverdance often!

arnbev959's avatar

Congratulations, Lucille (Lucille Lucille)!

chyna's avatar

@Cruiser Did you just lick Lucille? Where were you at my 10K party??

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@petethepothead -Thanks for the grow lights!Will I get any taller?;)
lol! ;)
Oh de do da day!

Buttonstc's avatar

Wow that was really quick.

Good for you. Congrats

Tenpinmaster's avatar


Likeradar's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Errr…. who doesn’t want an Engelbert Humperdink CD?

phillis's avatar

YAY for you! Yer officially a clown now! Props, baby! What size tricycle do you drive now?

Jude's avatar

Late to the partay.

You’re like the female AstroChuck (equally funny/less hairy)! Congrats!!!

augustlan's avatar


lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@phillis -Thank you for the trike!Why does it only have one wheel?Did V give that to you?
@jjmah -Thank you for the AstroChuck tattoo.I shall treasure it always…cuz I have to?;))
@augustlan -Thank you for the box of Lucky Charms!Theu’re magically delicious! :)
@tenpinmaster-Thank you for the bowling alley!It fits right in the hallway! ;)

Vunessuh's avatar

Phillis and I jacked the wheels off of Pennington’s cop car and gave them to you.
because we love you.

phillis's avatar

It ain’t really love until you’ve commited a crime for them. That’s normal. Right?

mangeons's avatar

Congrats Lucille! You’re an awesome person, that’s for sure. (: It seems like it was just the other day I was congratulating you on 5k! Congratulations again! (:

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Congrats lucille^3! You’re kind, caring, and very funny! :D

Cupcake's avatar

Woo hoo! Congrats and cupcakes for you!! :)

forestGeek's avatar

Congratulations and cheers to you @lucillelucillelucille! A very well done 10k!!

Jeruba's avatar

Almost missed this one! Congratulations x3, lucille x3. It’s fun to have you here.

marinelife's avatar

I am not surprised by how quickly you reached this milestone! Congratulations!

SeventhSense's avatar

I still can’t figure out what this ferris wheel was I supposedly sent….
Now the shoes I left I’m sure are in the back room

Dog's avatar


Your suite is ready- it is a giant spatula-filled kitchen will full staff. You also have a bay and city view and a large balcony to enjoy the starry nights and the sunrises. :)


Val123's avatar

Wow! Congrats to one of the best! :) You go!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@mangeons -Thank you for the bucket/shot glass! cheers! ;)
@toomuchcoffee911 -Thank you for the coffee mug with the hole in it!Do I really need to cut down??;))
@Cupcake -Thank you for the pie! Very unusual gift from you! :))
@forestGeek -Thanks for the chainsaw!!Now I can carve my own toothpicks! ;)
@Jeruba -Thanks for sending me Kate’s clothes!How did you get them??:))
@marinelife -Thank you for the tuna melt! :))
@Dog -Thank you for the Van Gogh! I love it!!:))
@Val123 -Thank you for the weed whacker! Now I can cut my own hair!! :))

forestGeek's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille – remember, 1 tree = 1 toothpick. It’s all about widdling!! Oh, and don’t try cutting anyone’s hair with it, trust me it doesn’t work.

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