Why do people cut themselves?
i have a friend that cuts herself. my boyfriend does it too. Neither one of them has told me why they do it. any ideas as to why they do it?
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8 Answers
” Cutting is a way some people try to cope with the pain of strong emotions, intense pressure, or upsetting relationship problems. They may be dealing with feelings that seem too difficult to bear, or bad situations they think can’t change.
Some people cut because they feel desperate for relief from bad feelings. People who cut may not know better ways to get relief from emotional pain or pressure. Some people cut to express strong feelings of rage, sorrow, rejection, desperation, longing, or emptiness.” Source
In your profile you say that you are “emo and a cutter;” and you list your interests and hobbies as “books, music, love, cutting.” That indicates you are familiar with this behavior, which sounds very powerful as well as self-destructive.
@marinelife has given you a clear and cogent definition and some reasons that trigger the need to cut. Surely there are groups, forums and professional support to help you all thru this.
As a former cutter, I can tell you why I use to cut but not why your boyfriend or your friend cut.
I use to cut because I wanted to feel something other than my miserable life. I hated myself. I was sick of everything and everybody. I was sick of the empty feeling that I had inside. The pain of the razor blade made me feel something.
I got help because I often had suicidal thoughts and I knew that I was meant to be more than a statistic.
@vbabe96 that’s the same reason why I used to do it
I am guessing since you said used to that you stopped. Congratulations on that. I know that it was super hard for me to stop because I generally thought the world was out to get me.
Have you talked to your friend and boyfriend about this and told them that you are worried about their safety?
@vbabe96: I’ve done it so many times I’ve lost count. Some days I just want to give up on them but then when I think about it I decide not to b/c I <3 both to death!
They both are lucky to have you then because you won’t give up on them. Cutters need that stability.
yep i just wish my parents would’ve noticed so that they would’ve helped me. i didn’t have any help. all i had were my psycho emo poems that helped me get through them.
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