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jazmina88's avatar

What do you do when you cant sleep at night?

Asked by jazmina88 (11657points) March 15th, 2010

I have tons of pain, a wondering mind, and out on disability. I have watched TV Land, play games on FB, dont feel well enough to clean. What to do you to pass away the time?? Do you toss and turn?? Take sleep aids? entertain me.

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25 Answers

rangerr's avatar

I stare at the darkness until I eventually just fall asleep.

Jude's avatar

It’s four in the a.m. here. I no tired.

Apparently, I Fluther when I can’t sleep.

I probably should go and snuggle with my fur kids and maybe watch a movie?

squidcake's avatar

There’s just those certain types of movies that relax you, and those are the ones you gotta watch.

Old Disney movies do this for me.
And thrift stores are goldmines for oddball VHS tapes that just kinda put you in a sleepy trance.

I found an old tape at a thrift store, called “The Malady Lingers On,” featuring one of my favorite singers, Morrissey. The video was just 29 minutes of footage of him walking around, singing songs. Despite my love for him, I was nodding off by the end.

Or reading a book works.

Just make sure it’s an activity that just involves you observing something, not interacting, because at least for me playing games or thinking through things keeps me awake.

faye's avatar

I also find tv will sometimes do it. I read an article that said carbs will make you sleepy. Or you could get an audio book. I downloaded a sci-fi book. The voice of the man reading it lulls me to sleep. I’ve been at it for 6 weeks.

delam's avatar

I go online and look at the Louis Vuitton website! lol. Terrible I know.

sccrowell's avatar

I read!! Love to read! I need to learn at least one thing new each day… My husband @whatthefluther purchased a Kindle II because TOO many books not enough space in our home! Read ! It’s fun, it can be exciting, it can make you laugh or cry, Books can make you smart! You’re never alone when you have a good book!!

bob_'s avatar

I stay awake, duh!

Berserker's avatar

I come on here…like right now. Ugh.

margot23annie's avatar

Listen to some of the great songs playing in my head, think about walking around some place I’ve never been, making up the details, or give up and just do stuff.

Pandora's avatar

Window shop on line, do puzzles, play computer games, get on fluther, research stupid facts, research airfares to places I’ll probably never go to, repeat the cycle till my head spins and I fall asleep. But mostly watch boring shows till they knock me out.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Disrupt everybody else’s sleep by flitting about aimlessly ;)

Cruiser's avatar

Practice my River Dancing then take a Looooong Hot Shower! ;)

J0E's avatar


wtfrickinfrack's avatar

my grandma used to make me hold my eyes open for as long as I could until the idea of going to sleep was appealing….
....but she was a bitter old meanie :/ Maybe the principle could help though?

CMaz's avatar

Take the dog for a walk.

tranquilsea's avatar

I read. I was a chronic sleepless person for years and tried just about everything. Reading was by far and away the best thing to do, besides popping sleeping pills (which I had to do out of desperation).

nebule's avatar

I generally lie there wishing I was asleep for hours…
or wishing I’d gotten up to make hot chocolate and read a good book

wundayatta's avatar

fluther. listen to music. watch TV. read a book. count my breath. it all depends on whether I want to sleep or not.

OpryLeigh's avatar

It depends on what I have to do the next day. If I have to get up early for something then I will just continue to try to sleep or take a sleeping pill (I try not to make a habit of that!). However, if I have a fairly easy day the next day then I will either watch some TV, read and I’ve even been known to get up and clean something!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Count the cars I hear going by, works better than sheep!

Pandora's avatar

Ah, I forgot one. A long hot bath. Just make sure you don’t fall asleep in it.

SmileBeautiful's avatar

Usually I talk to friends that are able to calm me down, and pull the stressors off my mind. I usually talk to someone thats down to earth, and mellow, so he puts me right to sleep.

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