What tasks have you performed, that you probably should not be doing while driving?
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njnyjobs (
March 15th, 2010
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54 Answers
Picking something up off the floor of the car.
Making a sandwich. Getting blow jobs… And, I actually got it on while driving.
I have a feeling that she was not just shaving!!
Eating a burrito. I strongly recommend not trying this. So messy.
I avoid driving, don’t have a car. But sometimes I do text and walk – though I can handle that with the speed I’m going. Wouldn’t multi task at high speeds, one second is everything in that timeline.
I like offroad driving, where the driving is fun – and one can be completely focused on it. City driving becomes routine, and because it’s routine people ignore the risks – because they think nothing will happen to them. Which may be why most accidents happen near where a person lives – the area they’re most used to. And the one they pay the least attention to.
How the fuck do you maintain a hard on and focus on driving at the same time?
@holden Since when does maintaining a hard on require focus or mental effort?
@holden – In the question was.. “probably should not be doing”
And, I am the man! Don’t do at home. I am a trained professional. ;-)
Texting. IM ing. Jailbreaking an iPhone. FTPing. Watching The Office. God I love my iPhone
@Snarp I don’t know, I’ve never had one. I’d think it would be really distracting to have someone orally imbibe your penis while you tried to drive, though.
He was driving, I went down on him – often. In many different states. It was a road trip.
Changing into shorts after work. That’s the best I’ve got.
My first job was in banking, back when they let us do our own appraisals for real estate mortgages for farms. I used to fill out the appraisal forms while driving around the property looking at boundries, buildings, soil types, etc. I was usually alone, but one day I was with another loan officer and I started doing this and he whacks out and asked me if I was fucking nuts. It was a four page form.
@holden Well, yes, if they’re doing it right. But it’s not the hard on that’s the problem.
Lol! I am dying to say…but I can’t.;)
Attempting to silence the wife, bloody back seat drivers.Shouldn’t be really, she shall have her say.
Changing the oil.
I was eating a taco. ;-)
That also brings back memories of a coworker and my former golf partner. He could leave the bank in a suit and tie and change into his golf attire while driving to the course. Never stopped driving at any time.
Change clothes, receive pleasure, finish an essay, bombard an enemy car with glass bottles, I know I’ll think of more…
I have friends who changed drivers without stopping. In a Volkswagen Karmann Ghia.
holding a pit bull puppy that’s in the process of excreting out of every orifice of it’s havoc wreaking little devil-body
Texting, doing my make-up, watched a movie. All in my more dangerous years. Texting has got to be one of the WORST things you can do while driving. Join the revolution of not texting while driving!
Anybody throw beer bottles at mailboxes?
Smoke a pipe with matches with all the windows down on the highway…On the way to meet our friend at his college while driving his car there. That was tough.
@Snarp I’ve done that. It’s not easy to do.
Driving with a bunch of pre-teen boys in the car is something I do not suggest doing!
@wtfrickinfrack Ahahahahahahaha!
I’ve always been to nervous to try and get a road job. What if I hit a pothole? Ouch, no thanks. I’ll just park for awhile.
Great responses!!!
But is there anything that actually got you in trouble with?
Shaving is about the only thing I haven’t done while driving! Everything is so much better behind the wheel!
I’m definitely not going to be on the road when all you guys are! Wow!
@lucillelucillelucille – Did you poop in your car while driving?
Down here in the south some people shoot at signs while driving.
@ChazMaz , we used to have a place in southern Michigan. All of the stop signs there were full of .22 holes. Once in a while, you’d see something bigger.
Every time I drive across the state of Florida or just end up on some secluded road.
It is so funny to see all the signs with holes in them.
I actually changed clothes and shoes while driving when I was a younger, dumber man. And this was before cruise control, so I’d speed up, yank off a shoe, speed up, tie on a different shoe, etc.
I am ashamed to say that I have talked on the phone and texted while driving until I had a scare where I nearly crashed. That made me realise that there is a law against using a handheld phone for a reason. I have also eaten and picked something up off of the car floor. I gave my fella a blowjob whilst he was driving on many occassions!
Oh, and I’ve barfed while driving. Couldn’t pull over in time!
Eating, drinking, smoking and even rolling the cigarettes on the wheel (when I smoked), talking to passengers, talking on the phone, sending sms (yes, that one can be a little tricky), taking pictures and videos (but not looking through the camera), using the computer while it’s on the passenger seat, reading a book (on the steering wheel) and writing notes. And yes, oral sex too, which was the most dangerous of all, and I stopped the car so we could do it properly (it’s the worst because you lose concentration, whereas with all the others you can still keep one eye on the road).
My list is short and boring. Aside from a few phone calls, one search on Google Maps from my mobile phone, and searching through coupons at red lights while on the way to the grocery, I don’t do much.
My eyesight issues (bad periphery, not-so-good depth perception) make me a pretty nervous driver anyway. Best not push the envelope.
I used to look at maps but don’t drive outside of town any more. Now it’s just planning my day and arriving at work with no memory of the journey
I rolled a cigarette while driving stick shift during rush hour. Always was pretty proud of that.
Oh, and I was really high at the time.
@cockswain I used to roll cigarettes while driving a motorbike, but don’t tell anyone. ;)
That just put me to shame, depending how high you were.
I never take drugs, I was referring to regular tobacco cigarettes. But I was addicted to smoking at the time. So much that I wouldn’t even wait until I got to my destination. Trick with the bike (due to the wind) is not to try and roll with two hands on the handlebar – that would be impossible. I rolled it inside my left pocket with one hand while driving with the other. Just brought it out to lick the paper.
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