My neck cracks at least 20 times a day, and that is without me doing any forceful stretch, just looking slightly to the side can make it crack, and it is one hell of a loud crack also.
I would be very aware of going to a chiropractor, very aware..
I used to be an Athelete, a lot of excersize, and muscles joints and all in good shape. one day i had been working for many hours straight learning over a table looking at TV screens for defects. I got home this day, went to wash my face with some jucy cold water, tried to stand back up and could not. went to doc, he told me 3 weeks in bed (NOT and option) but he told me that he can not advise me to see a chiropractor, but I shod consider it lol.
So off I went to the chiropractor. I had never in my life had a cracking joint, not any!!. well this chiropractor crasked every bone in my body i think, some that i never even knew existed, even my ears ?? HOW do ears crack ?, anyhow he cured me, but the next morning, i wake up, every part of me hurts like hell, so so tight, I help my fingers togeather and they cracked, I moved head to left it cracked so bad I yelped.
Today, every joint that the chiropractor cracked, cracks, and yes even the ears. if i do not crack them, especially the sole of my foot, toes and most painful ankles, I suffer so much pain that I can not even walk until I have. once I have I am totally relieved for a few hours. This was 10 years ago i saw that chiropractor. Today I am on more pain than I can wish for, and doctors say it is not Arthritis, they say i just crack now.
so beware of these “so called” chiropractors, maybe this is why medicine does not recognize them as genuine care yet. I very much regret visiting one, and I guess I will for the rest of my life!
be careful!