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MrItty's avatar

Which Dr. Who is "your" Doctor?

Asked by MrItty (17431points) March 15th, 2010

I started watching series revival about 2 years after it premiered (on Netflix), so for me, the 9th Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) was my Doctor. I was really annoyed when I suddenly had to get used to David Tennant. But now three years later, he IS the Doctor in my mind. I wonder how long it will take me to get used to Matt Smith.

How about you? Those of you who grew up during the original series? Which Doctor is “the” Doctor for you? And how long does/did it take for you to get used to a new one?

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39 Answers

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Dr House.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Sorry, I didn’t read the question properly, it was not meant to be ironic!

rangerr's avatar

David Tennant.
There will be no better doctor.

AstroChuck's avatar

I really liked David Tennant but Tom Baker will always be the Doctor in my mind.

Sarcasm's avatar

Another vote for mister Tennant.
I legitimately feel bad for Matt Smith, he has some VERY big shoes to fill.

Eccleston wasn’t bad, but he didn’t really woo me. He was kind of doofy.

I wasn’t raised on the classic Doctor Who stuff though. I’ve been meaning to get around to watching some of the older series, at least Tom Baker’s (I’ve heard time and time again that he is THE Doctor.). But it isn’t all easily available.

The first few episodes I saw were with David Tennant. I was in love after 2 or 3 episodes, and went out to watch from the beginning of the reboot.

MrItty's avatar

@Sarcasm I’ve been watching a bunch of stuff that’s available for instant play on Netflix. There’s a lot there. Not everything, of course, but at least a few stories from each of the first 7. I particularly enjoy the multi-doctor stories (The Three Doctors and The Five Doctors).

iphigeneia's avatar

Of course it has to be David Tennant: he’s the first doctor I really watched. My parents did show me some older Doctor Who episodes when I was younger, but I found them very scary! By the time I decided I was old enough to give it another go, it was Ten’s turn.

One day I should go back and watch the older seasons again.

keobooks's avatar

Whenever someone says Dr. Who, I always picture Tom Baker. He’s the one that was on when I was a kid and my dad watched it. To me, he is “the” Doctor.

filmfann's avatar

Tom Baker is the peoples choice

vbabe96's avatar

I love David Tennant! He will always be my Doctor along with Christopher Eccleston because I love him as well. I am willing to give Matt Smith a shot and then he can share the Doctor spot with David Tennant and Christopher Eccleston.

gemiwing's avatar

Another one for Tennant, here. I will say I’m open to the new doctor though. waiting is terrible for me-mama needs her fix!

vbabe96's avatar

@gemiwing I really need my fix too

Sarcasm's avatar

One more month until The Doctor returns. April 17th. At least, here in the US. I’m all antsy in the pantsy.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Tom Baker. I grew up with him.

My top three are Tom Baker, David Tennant and Patrick Troughton.

davidbetterman's avatar

Dr. Meredith Grey

Bugabear's avatar

David Tennant. Love the way he dresses and talks.

Buttonstc's avatar

I like Dr. Drew. Very sensible and empathetic.

talljasperman's avatar

uri geller or Tom Baker (Fourth Doctor) the one with the red scarf

Milk's avatar

David Tennant will always be my doctor. ♥

Shae's avatar

Tom Baker and David Tennant are my Doctors. The new doctor is just too young. Dont WANT!

Jeruba's avatar

Only Tom Baker for me. With hat and scarf.

AstroChuck's avatar

These are the two best.. Jon Pertwee is my number three. I just loved the way the dapper Doc would say “Sarah Jane”.

And to those of you who are trashing Matt Smith, at least give him a chance. I wasn’t real thrilled with the choice of him playing Doctor #11, but I plan on reserving judgement until after I’ve seen him in action a few times. I can’t wait until April for the new series!

talljasperman's avatar

I stopped watching when they had the body fat alien babies….and I didn’t need to see the preview of “The waters of Mars”

JeffVader's avatar

I’ve been watching Dr Who since the 80’s…. I really liked David Tennants portrayal, he really was an excellent, probably the best Dr ever. However, my favourite Dr was Christopher Ecclestone. I’m not sure what he brought to the role that no-one else has been able to, perhaps it was the threatening edge, or perhaps it was just screen presence, but he was my favourite Dr Who.

downtide's avatar

Tom Baker will always be my Doctor. David Tennant a close second.

AstroChuck's avatar

Just finished watching the first Matt Smith episode, “The Eleventh Hour” and I must say I was pleasantly surprised. I think he’s going to be a fun Doctor.

MrItty's avatar

@AstroChuck…. did you find a bootleg copy online? Or has it already started in whichever country you’re in? It doesn’t debut on BBC America for another two weeks? :-(

AstroChuck's avatar

@MrItty- Aw, the miracle that is YouTube. It aired yesterday in the UK. Here you can find it by heading to YouTube and putting “Doctor Who Eleventh Hour part 1 HQ” in search. There are 7 parts over all.

MrItty's avatar

@AstroChuck hehe. I took the approach of signing up with a UK proxy and going to :-P

downtide's avatar

I think I like this new doctor. I definitely like his new assistant. A gorgeous (and just a little crazy) redhead. :-D

AstroChuck's avatar

And the TARDIS is all shiny and new again, just as it was when William Hartnell was cruising the cosmos.

MrItty's avatar

I like the new companion. I’m sure the new TARDIS will grow on me. I’m still undecided about the 11th Doctor himself. But, it took a few episodes for the 10th to grow on me too.

AstroChuck's avatar

I was referring to the outside of the TARDIS (you can see the “St. John Ambulance” logo again), but the inside looks pretty cool as well. The interior has changed often over the years. And it’ll change again.

MrItty's avatar

@AstroChuck right but it didn’t change between the 9th and 10th, so this is the first updated TARDIS interior I’ve seen. Yes, I’ve gone back and watched various eps from the original series and seen some of the old interiors, but this is the first change since I’ve been watching regularly.

martianspringtime's avatar

I’m answering this very, very late (over a year!)
I tend to consider Eccleston ‘my Doctor’ because he was my first Doctor and I just absolutely adore him. I really wish he’d stayed on for another season at least. David Tennant is just as good (if not better) though and if it weren’t for Eccelston being ‘first’ I think he might be it. I do like Matt Smith quite a lot – he’s a very good actor and I think he plays the part very well – but I think I preferred the previous seasons (of the new series) so I’m slightly less keen on Eleven.
I hope to catch up on some of the original series soon though so I have more Doctors to compare to.

Mr_Paradox's avatar

David Tennent is THE Doctor. He was excellent. And he was the doctor when I realy started watching. Plus he wasn’t an arms dealer in a G.I. Joe movie (Christopher Eccleson I’m looking at you). I must say the eposode “Midnight” realy was one of his best performances. Matt Smith is also great and runs a close second. Matt Smith is crazy, witty, brilliant, and totaly unpredictable and I love the whole Doctor, River, Amy, and Rory dynamic. Although they did forget that Rory is a nestine dupliate…..

Petrichor's avatar

Tom Baker is definitely my favorite. He automatically comes to mind whenever I hear the word ‘Doctor’. I’ve got a smaller version of his scarf, and it’s absolutely fantastic. Tennant and Eccleston are both brilliant as well, and I’m beginning to warm up to Smith. But Tom Baker will always be my Doctor!

AstroChuck's avatar

Since becoming an avid Big Finish listener, I feel the need to elevate Paul McGann (Doctor #8) to the number two slot. Tom Baker still reigns at number one.

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