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jkainz's avatar

how do you stop an iPhone from constantly freezing??

Asked by jkainz (115points) March 6th, 2008 from iPhone
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6 Answers

Riser's avatar

Restart it using iTunes, make sure everything is backed up first, also purge your safari browser of cookies, cache and history, you can do that through your preferences in “Safari.”

And, if you could, try to send these questions toward Apple Discussion forums.

Thanks and hope that helps,

Daniel Riser

trooman's avatar

Check for updates for your iPhone through iTunes. Worked for me :)

LuckVIII's avatar

update your iPhone to 1.1.4. I’d you hacked your iPhone remove all you added software and reload all your programs one by one until your iPhone freezes again. Unistall that program and then It should be fine

bigwei's avatar

Mine used to freeze literally 10–20 times a day. I went through all the troubleshooting like resets, restores, etc. I called up my local Apple store, made an appt. with the Genius Bar, told them about my problem, and they gave me a new iPhone right then and there.

LuckVIII's avatar

sorry in my previous comment I meant ‘if’ not ‘I’d’ hack your iPhone

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