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malevolentbutticklish's avatar

At what URL can I order canned Jalapeno slices which are not pickled?

Asked by malevolentbutticklish (2190points) March 15th, 2010

Everything I can find online is pickled.

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13 Answers

nope's avatar

@lynfromnm That’s a great website for sure (I shop there sometimes), but I’m pretty sure all their canned offerings are pickled…do you know differently?

@malevolentbutticklish I’m a little confused by the question…why would you be looking for canned jalapenos that are not pickled? Fresh jalapenos are so readily available these days, I’m not sure why you’d want them in a can, unless you have some specific purpose in mind…care to share more info?

john65pennington's avatar

If you have a Krogers store near you, these peppers are in a can. they are from Mexico. beware. QFC stores are also owned by Krogers.

lynfromnm's avatar

Only one of the products I saw on the first page indicated it was pickled, but I’m not certain. Here in New Mexico we either grow our own or get fresh jalapenos and green chiles at the farmers’ markets.

jaytkay's avatar

Only one of the products I saw on the first page indicated it was pickled, but I’m not certain

I clicked through and they’re all pickled. I wonder why?

malevolentbutticklish's avatar

@lynfromnm: Which particular jalapeño product did you see that was not picked? I agree with @jeytkay. They are all pickled as far as I can tell.

malevolentbutticklish's avatar

@john65pennington: Which product in particular is not pickled?

john65pennington's avatar

Do not know the brand name, but they are in a 5 qt. big can, in the mexican food section. they also may be on the shelves near the huge pickle jar displays. each store is different.

Again, beware of the water.

lynfromnm's avatar

I am terribly sorry, I was indeed mistaken and they are all pickled. It helped to put my glasses on!

Erase, erase, erase.

malevolentbutticklish's avatar

@john65pennington: If you could please let us know after you next visit the grocery store. I am beginning to think this product may not exist.

malevolentbutticklish's avatar

@lynfromnm: no problem. I am still happy to know about

MLZ's avatar

We use Trappy’s in our chili though Google takes me to

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